
The All-Encompassing Douluo

Ye Guiying, born in a small village awakens dual Spirits, became the greatest genius of his village. From there, his journey to become a Titled Duoluo, and eventually ascend to Godhood begins.

Life_of_Meat · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Little Root Academy Part 1

In the vast and boundless skies of the Douluo Continent, three young children of 6 years of age were sitting atop a large sheet of paper. The sheet of paper was a Rank 2 Flight Talisman, allowing them to take flight in the air. A young man of around 26 was in front of them, bringing them to the Academy which was a two-day journey from their previous location.

On the Talisman, while the other two children were looking around from the sky, seeing vast lands that they had never seen before since they were stuck in the small village; Ye Guiying had his eyes closed, bringing him into his little world and arriving in front of his Tree Spirit.

As he got close, the Ancient Tree was still very lifeless, the golden-green hue couldn't be seen anywhere. Ye Guiying gently placed his hand on the tree trunk, as he closed his eyes within his own little world.

As if responding to him, the Ancient Tree moved. A bright golden light enshrouded him, as the lifeless tree was suddenly full of Nature Energy and brimming with life. From the branches, countless golden-green leaves bloomed in an instant.

While the tree bloomed, Ye Guiying felt as though he was having a connection to it. Slowly, he was as if he could communicate with the tree if he stayed with it long enough. While this was happening, outside, the Spirit Hall representative noticed Ye Guiying.

"This boy is not only talented, but also diligent. It's a pity he wasn't born with a strong Spirit." he thought. He then looked at Guo Yin and the other child who was still looking down from the sky and enjoying the view, shaking his head.

Soon, time passed by quickly as they arrived at their destination. In the sky above Little Root City, they could see a large building, which was the biggest in the entire city. Just the building alone was bigger than the entire village that the children lived in all their lives, including the farmland.

Around the large building, were many smaller buildings where people lived, as well as various kinds of shops. The largest building in Little Root City was the Academy, otherwise known as Little Root Academy. There, many young children attended the academy for five years before graduating.

Once they graduated, they would either return home and cultivate on their own, or join another academy that only accepted students that have graduated from academies such as Little Root Academy. Soon, they landed and the Talisman was consumed as it disappeared. Talismans had many uses but were consumable items that would break after being used, even then, they were still expensive.

Following the Spirit Hall representative, Ye Guiying and the other two children looked around at the academy. It was the first time they have seen such fancy architecture after all. They made sure to keep up, as they entered the school gates and walked inside a large hallway.

Inside the hallway, was a long red carpet that extended to the very end of the hallway. There were also a few corners that lead to a different place, but none of it had anything to do with Ye Guiying's group.

On the way in, there weren't many people around, since the school term hadn't begun yet, it was pointless for many people to be there. Of course, for students such as Ye Guiying who moved to the Little Root Academy, which was far away from home, they would be able to live in the dorms before the other students that commuted to school from home once the school term began.

There, the Spirit Hall representative arrived at the desk and passed his written notes that he had written onto a sheet of paper. The person behind the desk was a middle-aged man with black hair. He didn't have any facial hair and his appearance was ordinary, but his eyes were a little bit different. They seemed a little lifeless, while his pupils were entirely black.

The middle-aged man took the paper and read the information, before taking a quick glance at the children. He was quite surprised when he saw that one of the children was born with Innate Full Spirit Power, but he too felt that it was a pity that the boy only had a Tree Spirit.

Afterward, the middle-aged man took out a stamp and stamped the paper, before keeping it under his desk. "You three can pick your dorms, male and female students are in separate dorms since none of them are taken, you can take any of them. Once you are done, come back here and get your new uniforms." the middle-aged man told them.

Soon, a young man appeared from out the back, moving the curtains as he brought the children to pick their dorm rooms. "I'll be going now kids, remember to work hard and make your parents proud, if destiny wills so, we will meet again." the Spirit Hall representative said, waving to the kids as he left.

Ye Guiying followed the young man to one of the dorms. Since Ye Guiying was the only male of the three, he went inside ahead with the keys, while the young man brought the other two girls to the female dorms.

Inside the dorm building, Ye Guiying seemed to be the only one there. Of course, since he was one of the very few students who would stay in the dorms without going home for all five years within the Academy, this was a normal occurrence.

The dorm building was very large, and both the interior and exterior were exquisite. The dorm building seemed to have seventy rooms, just for the new students. The upperclassmen would live in a separate dorm to the new students.

After walking around, Ye Guiying decided that he would pick the third room, Dormroom 3. Since he was young, he quite liked the number three, and he didn't know why. Opening the door, he entered the room and saw two large beds on each side of the room. The room was large, and fit a large coffee table and four chairs around it. There was also a sofa that could fit three people on it.

There was a thin wall that separated the two beds so that the children sharing the dorm rooms could have some privacy. Even though he was the first one in this room, he didn't mind which bed he would take. Looking around, he opened the closet which had hooks for clothes, as well as opened the door that leads to the bath, as well as the toilet which was separate. Just in case, the bath also had a toilet, so even if both students ate something bad, they wouldn't need to fight for the toilet bowl.

After looking around, Ye Guiying was still a little puzzled about the fancy furniture and things in the dorm room. Though he could figure out how to use them after looking at them a bit, he was extremely satisfied. The money his parents and himself had worked hard for, was put to good use, not only for their education but also in the facilities. He felt every cent he worked hard for in the past two years was extremely worth it, in fact, he felt that maybe he didn't work hard enough yet.

Nodding his little head in satisfaction, Ye Guiying closed the door and closet, as he left the dorm room and locked the door. On the way out, he walked past a boy his age, who was very strange. The boy didn't have black hair, but his hair was white, as well as his eyebrows. His pupils were also of a strange color, they were pale blue, and became pitch-black for a brief moment.

The two boys walked past each other in the corridor without any greetings, only a moment later, Ye Guiying paused and turned around to look at the white-haired boy, before leaving the dorms. As he left, he didn't realize that the white-haired boy also turned around to glance at him for a moment, before entering one of the dorm rooms.


Back in the main lobby, Ye Guiying returned the key and received a copy of Room 3's key. He also received a brand new uniform which was already done in his size. It seemed like the middle-aged man already knew his size after taking a quick glance at him.

The Little Root Academy uniform was quite nice. There was a choice between short-sleeve and long-sleeve, in which Ye Guiying chose the former. The uniform looked the same, only that one had long sleeves. The uniform was gray, with small dark lining around the edges. There was also an area on the chest that read, 'Little Root' with a small weed underneath the name.

The pants were of a darker color, while the inside of the pockets was red. Ye Guiying held onto the uniform and key, as he bowed and gave his thanks, before heading back to his dorm room to change.

As he arrived in front of his room, he pushed the key in to unlock the door, only to find that it was unlocked. "Huh, I locked it and checked three times to make sure, did someone come to inspect the rooms before we students lived in them, or could it be that white-haired guy?" Ye Guiying thought.

Pushing the door open, he entered the room and saw the back of a little boy his age with white hair. The door behind him closed, as a white figure suddenly dashed in his direction, slamming him into the door.


Ye Guiying was slammed into the door, while an elbow was placed on his neck, trapping him in place. "So you are my dorm mate?" the white-haired boy asked, his expression was stern and serious.

In front of him, Ye Guiying looked at the white-haired boy. The boy had large monolid eyes, while his skin was very pale. His cheeks didn't have much baby fat left in them, but one could still see it. The white-haired boy would most likely be handsome in the future, only, he was very stern and cold looking based on his actions and demeanor.

Ye Guiying had a little bit of trouble speaking since his neck was being held in place, "That's right, I just came back from the reception.". The white-haired boy saw the uniform and key in his hands and let go immediately.

The white-haired boy had already changed into his uniform, while his clothes were seen on the bed that was closest to the toilet. He turned around and didn't speak for a brief moment, "Sorry, I'm not used to strangers." he apologized.

It seemed like this white-haired boy wasn't a bad person, since he apologized immediately. Normally, other people with similar personalities would never admit their mistakes, or would only apologize when the person on the receiving end had long forgotten about it.

Ye Guiying smiled, "Ye Guiying, it's a pleasure to be your roommate for the next five years." he introduced himself. He also read on the walls of the reception that once a person chose a room, they wouldn't be able to change for the next five years, unless there was an absolute necessity, such as bullying. Even when they moved up a grade, they would still share the same room, with the exact same room number.

The white-haired boy turned around and shook Ye Guiying's hand. Though he didn't smile, his expression was clearly different to before, it may be because of Ye Guiying's smile that was as bright as the stars, or for another reason that only he himself knew. "Xia Jingyi."

On that day, both Ye Guiying and Xia Jingyi shook hands for the first time. They didn't know what the future would bring them, but they would be together for the next five years. Of course, this would only literally be true, if they were both assigned to the same class.