
chapter 12

Just InCommunityForumMoreThe All Devouring Slayer's Flame by nobodi in particular Anime » Fairy Tail Rated: M, English, Drama & Fantasy, Natsu D., Words: 112k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Sep 18, 2016 Updated: Apr 26, 2018618Chapter 12

Hello everybody and welcome back to A Slayer's Flame!

Getting to the point, exams are shit... They are terrible. . Getting off that point, I have a few things to say regarding the latest chapter spoilers and of some other stuff.

So I read the Fairy Tail manga (you should if you don't already cause it is good, Chapter 513 should be coming out tomorrow) and every Friday it has spoilers come out. Now, I always read these spoilers as they only show a few pages and not every page in that chapter but this chapters spoilers revealed something... interesting. Now previously, I said that I had no problem with Irene... Yea, I sort of do. I... just can't do Mother-Daughter dating the same guy kind of stuff... Yep. It just sort of weirds me out and I have tried to write some of it before, as a sort of test and trust me I can't write that for shit! Anyway, why am I saying this? Well in that chapter spoilers Irene says that she is Erza's mother... It was sort of obvious but in my mind it could have been her sister or her shadow self or something so that is why I accepted Irene at the time but now... Now I am unsure about it. Yes, I know! I'M A SHITTY PERSON! I get it and I feel like I am seriously letting you down if I make the decision to take her out but I just... I won't be able to write that kind of stuff, I just can't. However, we don't know the whole story yet so I will just put it out there for now; if anything comes up I will tell you and I will make my decision then. Once again, I am so sorry form the bottom of my heart for having to say this kind of stuff after so many of you asked for her... I just... I can't... I just can't write that stuff. Once again, I am so sorry for even having to bring this up but I wanted to warn you incase something does happen and I do have to take her out. Once again, again, I am so fucking sorry to all of you who wanted this, so damn sorry. But hey, you never know... It could be like an adoptive... thing? Who am I kindling... I still feel like shit. Don't worry, if I take out Irene she will be replaced by someone else that isn't Wendy so it will still be the same amount of people.

Speaking of Wendy... Wendy looks like she is going the harem. So many people put up their vote for her to be in that I had to so welcome Wendy! Now don't worry, due to the time-skip she will be aged up and she is a little older then in cannon anyway in my my story so that is avoided and all that. But we'll see that when it comes.

Now onto reviews.

TreyAlexander63917: Perhaps but remember that the rest of Fairy Tail has been training over those 2 years so they may have already achieved those limits but he will still give 'em tips and things. And yes, I will include little in between chapters and things.

Talonsen: Sort of... you'll see.

Robert: I explain it in the chapter but END isn't evil, like how Demons aren't evil but they all feast and draw in their power from negative emotions. You'll see more of what I mean in the chapter.

Guest: Well if you think about it, Natsu was technically made to kill... Don't worry, he won't be a killing machine but he isn't so completely against the idea anymore.

Now onto the chapter! (I still feel like shit)

It was a sick concoction of sick satisfaction and jaded horror that caused that demented smile to emerged over Natsu's face.

In one smile, every evil and deplorable emotion leaked out into the earth through the seemingly invisible gaps in his teeth as the smirk only grew until it threatened to tear his very cheeks from their seams on his face. Alongside the horrid grin sat his cold, empty eyes that held absolutely nothing but a rich red crimson colour that could pass for the very blood passing before his skull but with its glowing and still presence went against that idea; every time his head moved, his eyes were followed by a thin trail of red, smoke-like neon that seemed several shades lighter and brighter than his eyes, giving off an impression of constant movement.

Quickly sweeping the interior of his chamber, Natsu huffed as the dark thoughts in his mind along with the coiled up, burning energy that was being emitted from his body took over.

"This place is too fucking cramped."

His tone was darker, more aggressive and vicious while still holding onto the remnants of Natsu's carefree voice… It was a strange thing, no doubt about that. Grunting out as he felt his back pop with his sudden movement, the pinkette threw his hand up to his face to rip off the face mask that had been covering his mouth, letting it become divided from his body with a small thread of crimson following it before both took off into the bottom of the tank. After watching it helplessly fall, Natsu began to pluck and tear through the remaining wires and tubes that held his body, the one that was suction planted to the base of his spine hurting the most as he haphazardly threw it away from himself and saw t float around his form. Now surrounded by wires and rubber and steel, Natsu used his hands to push himself down onto the bottom of the tank, with his from ending up in a standing up position. Then with his eyes narrowed and his fist tightened, he swiftly pushed his hand to the pane, even through the solution which was slowing him down, with immense force and power. A few seconds past. And then the glass fell away from the panel, the pink water following soon after in waves around Natsu's stationary position.

Rubbing his hand against his knuckle, Natsu just continued to smirk as he set himself down from his prison and began walking to the exit. As he walked, he felt that built up burning passion and build-up of energy from the tank come back with force yet the Slayer didn't fight it… No, he let it completely consume him. With it came a flood of memories; of him and his brother during his memory wipe, of him teaching him about his own Demon heritage and body and what it allowed him to do compared to his old human body, of him and his brother practicing fighting during training and how he felt using Curses and using magic, of him and his brother meeting people around the world… about the abuse his brother faced and how every time he had protected Natsu from those people. Tightening his hold on his pal, Natsu just completely let his Etherious form take over; embrace the END… Heh, good line.

Without missing a single stride, Natsu's skin started to harden and change. It became pure bleach white and as hard as his Dragon Force scales yet it didn't show any signs of such features; it was just a bleach white coat that covered his hole form. Feeling another feeling pass over his face, Natsu turned his head to the left to see a shiny metallic surface that reflected his facial change. As the white sheen covered his face, his nose began to shrink and jut inwards until it became snout-like and more like that of a Dragon's, while his lips and teeth vanished instead becoming two jagged lines of sharpness that jutted out from the sides of his face, with the top jaw featuring very sharp white spikes that represented his new jaw with the two at the very edge becoming like two sharp fangs while his bottom jaw began longer and more spread out until it became like a Dragon's also, boasting a large surface area with thin line on the side leading down to his sharp chin. He only had a few words to describe this transformation, his completely red eyes still counting, and they were monstrous, draconic… primitive. Letting out as much of a smirk as his new jaw could dish out, he felt other changes occur further down his body too. Sweeping his eyes over his naked form, he watched in awe as the white coat covered his hands before they started to shift and becoming large and black with the white ending at a similar diamond junction to the way that Jackal's skin separated itself from his own claws. Along with this, his forearm had become enlarged and at the elbow it split off into two paths, with one shooting past in a jagged and sharp fin-like protrusion yet it wasn't a smooth cut; it was rugged and had clear edges as it made its way up to about the height of his shoulder with an impressive girth, Hell when he stood with his arms by his side the newly grown blades slotted in perfectly with his shoulders. Examining the rest of his body, the white coat had made his feet turn more spiked and demonic but not to some extreme point and his back had grown sharper and more spike like but he was without a tail or any wings… which he was actual fortunate about.

Huffing, Natsu let out a shallow curse.

"Nice job Zeref; model me after the thing that killed me… Thanks brother."

As he was walking out, his eyes caught sight of his clothes yet from an early analysis, only his shorts would seem to fit. Snagging them as he went out, he manoeuvred them past his newly clawed feet before securing it onto his waist with a silly smirk on his face. Shaking his head, his eyes seemed to glow that little bit brighter as he let out another chuckle.

"Now let's see what I can do, might be a bit rusty though."

Clicking his clawed fingers, he watched in glee as his entire form was surrounded by wisps and snakes of crimson fire. However, there was something new that arose when he used his flame; symbols, lines, tribal looking markings all began to emerge all over his body, burning themselves deeply into his skin like an etching. They ranged from swirls and dragged on whirls like Acnologia had all over his body to lines and sharp juts out of long shapes like Jellal's eye tattoo, except these marking was all a deep red and covered his entire body going from his head, to under his eye to his chin to his neck and pecs to his arm and blades to his legs. They looked strange, intriguing… and intimidating.

Feeling that shoot and boost of power that had escaped the room, Natsu looked round to see the walls almost ready to collapse and fall and the floor cracked to splinters. Chuckling, Natsu made his way to the exit and began searching for his targets through a veil of scarlet with his nose helping his find his way around the underground portion of the Tartaros Guild Hall.

While he made his venture, he began to think about the information that his brain had uncovered from that tank. Being in there, being surrounded by the liquid seemed like second nature to him, it being the place where he slept and rested during his time with Zeref so when he got in there, instead of the burning sensation that people would usually feel he just felt this overlaying sense of nostalgia and comfort. He had even managed to open his eyes once but when he did, he just kept getting flashes back to his first encounter with Zeref and the present time, interchanging and swapping back and forth constantly so he just shut his eyes.

From what he uncovered, he was the very first Etherious, created by his brother after he was cursed for playing with life and death by the God Ankhseram and while he supressed his Demonic presence and powers naturally, it didn't mean that END was a separate entity or another person inside of him. No, in fact END was just the manifestation and embodiment of his more negative and darker emotions that he always felt and the overdrive that he felt with these emotions once they were put in place over his more forward and positive emotions. So basically, END was still Natsu; he still thought he same, FOUGHT the same, talked the same, felt the same but just with a bit of darker outlook on life… and Demon powers.

His current form was only one representation of END and this was in the form of an Etherious form. This bleach white representation of himself WAS his Etherious form. When a Demon, even those who looked significantly more human than others such as Sayla compared to Ezel go into their Etherious forms, they lose more of their human-like qualities in place of more Demonic ones. In Natsu's case, this meant getting hardened skin with swirly markings and an overall Dragonish appearance. Pretty cool along with them Demonic abilities.

Speaking of Demon powers…

When Zeref was teaching Natsu about his abilities as a Demon, he revealed that he created Natsu to be the most powerful of any Demon that he would ever create so whenever he came up with the thoughts and ideas for another Demon, he would always employ and put the idea for that Demons Curse into Natsu first to both test it and to make sure that Natsu was the most powerful Etherious. However, when these Curses became part of Natsu they did not become exactly like the ones that the other Demons would later receive; these Curses would change and shift to fit Natsu and his preference… and they all changed to involve fire in some way. And he even got his own unique Curse to go along with his new Etherious form.

Another thing that made Natsu powerful was what just happened in the tank room; he was an Etherious with Curse power AND magic power. Normally, a Demon could only really use Curse power but due to a high case of favouritism, Natsu got to use both only strengthening his relation to fire.

Deciding to test out one of his Natsu-ified Curses as he was walking, the Pinkette threw his hand to the floor while muttering a Curse; more specifically the Curse that was made and put into use by Mard Geer Tartaros, AKA the Thorn Curse.

"END's Curse Volume 1, Chains."

Suddenly, from around his right arm a black chain laced with fire and burnt by Hell began to materialise, wrapping itself from his palm to the end of his forearm in a tight display. Smiling at the newly materialised weapon, Natsu gripped onto the end tight before flinging it down to the ground. The chain began to uncoil itself and become more like an actual chain before it stroked the ground with a harsh lash of heat and fire, resulting in a burst of flames to shoot out and burn all around the ground, leading up to the walls and reaching the ceiling before continuing in a spiral pattern from several meters before stopping only leaving the remains of the torched corridor behind.

Chuckling at the display, the Slayer flicked his wrist and watched as the chain wrapped itself securely around his arm once more, the black material seemingly staining the brim of his flawless skin that ended before the claws in soot.

"Oh boy have I missed this… for the 5 minutes that I have actually remembered that I had it."

Inside the Core of Hell, the rest of the Etherious were helping their comrades out of their status chambers.

For the time that Natsu had also been unconscious, Lamy had been working hard to make the rest of the Demon Gates functional and able-bodied for the foreseeable future. And to her credit, she had succeeded.

"I always hate the feeling of being in there." Following the sound of water draining along with the sliding of a shutter door, Jackal's voice broke out. The Demon had changed very little despite the need to go into the tank, healing from the numerous wounds that he had received from the mixed Slayer. However, he was wearing new clothes given to him by Lamy per his own request. Now, he had forgone wearing his tank-top, instead deciding to go bare-chested alongside a pair of long white gloves that reach up to the middle of his bicep that are each secured by two light bands and the gloves themselves holding the design of various black diamonds across the whole glove. His bottom half remained almost exactly intact, with the same waist decoration and the same styled pants but now they were rolled up higher to show off his calves. Apart from these, his bandanna had disappeared in the place of a long black scarf.

"Aw, but it's for your own good! When you went in you looked all horrible and beat up but now you look so good~." This time, the voice originated from Lamy, who was fawning over Jackals body like she had done every time she saw the male Etherious. Her shameless attempt at 'flirting' earned her a scoff from the Demon not that that stopped the Bunny-girl though.


"Hehe, you should stop complaining Jackal, it won't do you any good." Ezel and Torafuzar stood off to the side, gazing at the two with a smile while Sayla supported Kyoka and Silver stood further back with Keyes and Franmalth. Aside from a colour change from the red parts of his outfit along with his tattoo's becoming blue, Ezel hadn't gone through that much of a transformation which is also the case with Torafuzar, the Lizardman staying relatively the same. Kyoka also didn't go through that much of a change, with only the strange protrusions on her head vanishing in place of a shorter hair-style that was very reminiscent to her original and now her claws were more human-like. Meanwhile, Keyes and Franmalth didn't go through any changes at all. However, there was someone who did go through a big change.

Tempester was currently resting while Mard Geer talked to him. The Etherious now held the form of a human thanks to Lamy, a big change from his once more beastly form. This new form of Tempester boasted dark skin with long, neck-length olive hair. His whole body type had changed, becoming muscular and lean alongside his new attire which consisted of a black sleeveless, collared shirt with white flame highlights and a short tie, while his lower half was covered by black pants and smart black shoes. Along the back of his hands, small but sharp scales seemed to develop there as some sort of weapon while he kept his biceps bound by tight straps with small bits of velvet trailing behind them.

"Do you understand what Mard Geer has told you?" The black haired Guild Master asked his Guild-Mate, an air of concern to his tone. Every time that Tempester regenerated, he had a severe case of memory loss so the Master was currently running the newly humanoid Demon through their plans once more.

"I-I think so Master, thank you." Standing up shakenly, he followed Mard Geer over to the rest of the Demon Gates. As soon as he entered the conversation, Lamy's eyes lit up.

"Oh, oh! See what I did, you see?!" The shameless little Etherious leapt off of Jackal's arm to praise her own creation.

"Yeah… um why did you make him human-looking this time?" Silver asked, genuinely curious as to why this girl would make such a decision. She was silent for a short while.

"'Cause I thought that he would look hot."

"God dammit Lamy."

"Oi, where's that Scaly guy we fought? He run away or something?" Jackal asked, none of the Demons that had just awoken getting the message about them capturing the boy. Smirking a triumphant smile, Mard Geer presented his form to everyone in a confident manner.

"I, Mard Geer, had ca- "

A sudden blast of explosive, raw power shot through the room and took everyone off of their feet. Tumbling backwards as heat began to absorb and eat at the room, all 10 people present looked on, wide eyed as they saw a figure begin to emerge through the smoke.

"What are you talking about, Kitty-Kat? I'm right here."

Here such a deep and powerful voice rip through the air had everyone frozen, a dust of pink coating the female Demons cheeks as the figure got closer, his appearance becoming more Demonic and estranged with the closing proximity.

"Wha- Wait, Scales?" Confusion wracked his body at first, but soon Jackal understood as he looked onto the newly donned Etherious form of Natsu Dragneel. Emerging through the smoke and allowing everyone to see his new form, Demons jaws dropped.

He looked so powerful, so deadly, so dangerous… so irresistible. Well, to Sayla at least. She was intrigued by him before, drawn to his human body but now it was revealed that he had turned into a Demon, he was simply divine. Licking her lips as she gazed at his tone figure mixed in with the hard white shell and distinct markings that stained his skin, his morphed face that looked equally Demonic and Dragonish at the same time and his sharp arm protrusions that reminded her of her own legs in her Etherious form. Just… divine.

Meanwhile, Lamy was quietly muttering to herself. Even if her solution was at its strongest, transforming a human into a Demon took time so to be able to do it in this short a time frame was… impossible.

"How…" Nobody saw the smirk that rested atop of Silver's mug.

Smirking at their reaction, Natsu watched eagerly as Mard Geer stood up, dusted himself off before he began walking towards the stationary Etherious.

"Why welcome to our group, of great Slayer Natsu. You will be a great help in Mard Geers revival of END."

Suddenly, Natsu's form seemed to stop and everyone watched him with curious eyes. Then, out of nowhere, he burst into a loud fit of laughter.

"W-What are you doing?! How dare you mock Master Mard Geer, disgraceful Demon!" Said Guild Master rose his hand at the laughing Demon and began uttering his Curse but unfortunately, someone was quicker.

"END's Curse Volume 1, Chains."

A huge burst of heat and fire shot out from the wall directly behind Mard Geer as well as from the floor as about 4 sets of dark, black chains that were stained in soot and set alight in a warm orange glow. And they lashed out and target the Master. In an instant, they were around his prone form, draping his arms tightly in two sets, his legs in another single set that sent him to his knees and the final set were tied tightly around his neck in a vice like grip. The whole Guild was stunned at the display, and Lamy was just able to get out her thoughts.

"B-But he shouldn't have a Curse… H-He shouldn't and w-why is it so much like- "

"Like the Thorn Curse?"

Surprising everyone once again, Natsu could only darkly chuckle as the searing chains got tighter and the one of his arm let out a bright orange glow like brimstone.

"How do I know that? Well, I am the prototype for all your Curses… I am your predecessor and your successor all in one… I am the beginning of the Etherious…"

He paused, before turning to the gates with such fire and intensity in his empty eyes that it could cause the earth to boil over and die. So much rage, so much anger… so much enjoyment. And with a loud laugh and a harsh tone, Natsu looked them all dead in the eye and screamed.


HEHEHEHEHH! I saw a few of you berate me for a cliff-hanger ending so... HERE'S ANOTHER CLIFF HANGER ENDING! Anyway I just want to say thank you for reading and that, yes, I still feel like shit. Next chapter, something interesting happens between Natsu and the Demon Gates... Stay tunned. And *sigh* here's the current harem listings...





Irene (maybe, thinking about it, feels like shit for putting this)






So... uh... see ya next time.

P.S If you wanna see a shitty picture of Natsu in his Etherious form just go to DeviantArt and type in Aniimeziing (exactly like that) into the search bar and it should come up, its called 'Drawing.' Don't mind the shitty quality or the actual quality of the art, its a sketch. Yea... um... see ya.


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