
After 11 years

One evening when I was going to home . After 11 years I felt something bad . The Same feeling which I got when I was 8 years old. Suddenly my friend came there to accompany me . She started the conversation.

"Hey, why you look so dull and sad ?"

" I don't know "

"Is everything is ok?"

" I don't think so . Something is going to happen . But I don't know what is that."

Suddenly I saw the same fire balls falling from the sky

"Celby,run away?"

We both hided in a big steel box which was kept alone in one corner of the road. Everyone in the surrounding , started to shout running here and there . Everyone was busy in protecting themselves and their family. Those fire balls are made up of meteorite rocks .Nobody did not notice what is happening around them. The whole city got smashed . Everyone escaped from that place . The city was left in complete silence . Me and my friend slept inside the box till night .

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