
The Alexius Chronicles

In a world full of Might and Magic, Empires rose, and Kingdoms fell. The Strong shall grow weak and the Weak shall grow strong. One Man will Triumph... (Hiatus)

Alleviate · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Lotus Flower  

A group of five men came, all of them were drunk, violent and was already causing a ruckus on the streets. They surrounded a beautiful woman and harassed her.

"Hey guys! Look at the incredibly beautiful woman I found" A ragged foreigner shouted.

The beautiful woman has black hair that is being held by a simple hairpin, her skin was fair and smooth, her jade colored eyes were sharp, and she wears a simple white robe with a hint of emerald colored designs. Her posture is perfect and she holds a simple looking fan on her hand.

"I feel like I'm in heaven right now seeing an angel like you up close ehhh! Ha-Ha-Ha" One of the drunk men said. "You should come with us and we'll show you a good time"

"Such disgusting men" the beautiful lady calmly said.

"What'd you say? If you won't come with us, we'll take you with us." The ragged foreigner said

"Drag her if you have to men, we'll take her with us"

As Alexius and the foreigner sees what was happening, the foreigner held one of his swords to aid the beautiful woman but Alexius stops him before he could even draw one of his blades from the sheath.

"Why are you stopping me? She clearly needs help?"

"Can't you feel it? She doesn't need any"

In an instant, the beautiful woman suddenly changed. Everyone could feel it. Even though she's just standing there, everyone was on edge. She was as calm as the river on the outside, but her eyes painted a different scene, like a violent storm in the middle of the sea ready to devour any ship that comes across.

Feeling the presence, the foreigner stopped and locked his eyes on the fight that is going to unfold before them.

Due to the influence of alcohol, they were oblivious to the murderous intent of the beautiful woman. To their eyes she was like a beautiful and defenseless lone flower waiting to be plucked.

As one of the drunk men tried to grab her hand forcefully, he was met by a powerful palm strike in the chest instantly knocking him out. Surprised by this, the drunk men put up their guard and grabbed their knives and shivs.

Looking at her fair hand that was sullied by the dirty drunkard, she was disgusted and irritated. She didn't want to fight such dirty men with her bare hands. She was thinking of using her fan to defend but the same problem arises, she doesn't want her fan to get dirtied either.

Seeing her dilemma, Alexius grabs a fan from one of the stalls and threw it to her. Surprising the foreigner.

"The man with me is gonna pay for that fan mister"

The foreigner scratches his head in confusion and proceeds to pay for the fan that Alexius took.

"Think of that money you spent on the fan as a gift to her" Alexius said as he winks at him.

"A gift? I am confused right now"

Catching the fan that was thrown at her, she catches it gracefully and looks at the crowd to find who gave her the fan. Alexius spoke loudly about the foreigner buying the fan to give it to her. The beautiful woman gives the foreigner a warm smile and a nod of thanks.

"Whoever you are, I appreciate this little act of kindness" the beautiful woman thought to herself.

Confused on what was going on, the foreigner just smiles back and continues to watch them.

As the woman hides her own fan in her robes, she readies herself for battle and takes up a stance holding the fan.

The remaining drunkards attacked her at the same time. With the knives and shivs in hand, they were targeting her legs and arms clearly trying to immobilize her as they still had the intention of taking her with them.

It was one attack after another, everyone was surprised that attacks of the drunkards were well coordinated. The beautiful woman was on edge defending herself from their attacks. She parries and redirects every attack but cannot find a window for her offense. Every time she intends to attack, a sudden blade from her blind spot stops her.

"I did not expect such men would have a well-coordinated offense" the foreigner said in disbelief.

The attacks of the knives and shivs continued non-stop but the defense of the beautiful woman proved to be impregnable as all of their attacks never touched her. It was also becoming more and more difficult to attack her even with their amazing coordination. The drunkards stopped their attacks and took a step back.

"What in the hell is that fan made of? There ain't even a damn scratch on it" The ragged drunkard said.

"Tired already? Then it is my turn now" The beautiful woman said as she closes the fan and dashes towards one of the drunkards.

She was as fast as lightning; the drunkard was hit by the fan and fell on the ground before he could even utter a single word. Everyone was surprised by this attack. The remaining drunkards finally knew the magnitude of trouble they are in.

"Call him" the ragged drunkard ordered on of his men.

Seeing one of the drunkards flee, the crowd was cheering loudly for the beautiful woman as if she had already won.

"Running already? In the end you're all just a bunch of cowards" the beautiful woman said.

"You're gonna regret this woman!" the ragged drunkard shouted as he lunged towards her.

He was different this time, he was quicker and more violent this time. He unleashed a non-stop barrage of attacks on her. Seeing an opportunity, he uses a leg sweep to trip her but this proved futile as she stopped the sweep by stomping on it.

Immobilized by it, he was open to an attack, but this was a trap. As soon as she attacks him, the other drunkard attacks her from her blind spot.

"You're finished! Ha-Ha-Ha" The ragged drunkard said as he laughs loudly.

The beautiful woman smiles as she stops her attack and spins gracefully as she simply redirects the knife of the other drunkard to him.

Instead of hearing a scream, the sound of metal hitting another metal resonates throughout the area. A man with a scimitar stopped the attack at the last second. He looked different from the others as he looked well off. He has white long wavy hair and a lean body. He wears a long red leather jacket with a white shirt inside, black pants, and leather boots.

"Captain, you made it on time" The ragged drunkard said.

"You're lucky that I was near. Now who is this beautiful woman that my eyes sets upon?" The captain said maliciously.

"We planned to give her to you, but we were no match for her"

"Beautiful and strong ei? What a rare specimen you've found. Well done Iago!"

"I don't deserve the praise captain" Iago said.

Looking at the rare specimen that he found, he had already thought of the countless things that he could do with her. He raises his scimitar towards her and acts like he has her in the palm of his hands.

"The Captain seems to be stronger than the other four combined. How do you think the match will" the foreigner said.

"It won't even be called a match" Alexius replied calmly. "Men like him is what she hates the most"

Seeing the expression on the Captain's face, the beautiful woman already knew what he was thinking. She was incredibly angry and disgusted. Out of all the people out there, men like him are the ones she immensely despises. Men who look down and treat women as their playthings and slaves.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid my little puta?" The Captain said arrogantly "If you won't come to me, I'll come to you and give you my warm embrace"

With his scimitar, he quickly dashed to the woman and used all his strength and speed but when he slashed, the scimitar hit nothing. His instincts acted up instantly and was telling him to run as far as he can but it was futile. His whole body froze, he felt as if death was whispering to him.

"You're finished!" The beautiful woman calmly said with hints of rage in the tone of her voice.

Using all of her might, the woman grabs the back of her head and smashes his head on the wall near them. She smashed the captain's head so hard that his head got embedded on the wall.

It suddenly went quiet in the area; people were processing the events that just unfolded before them. Even the foreigner and Alexius had their eyes and mouth wide open. Moments after, a loud cheer from the crowd was heard.

The woman walks towards the foreigner and gives back the fan that Alexius threw.

"I appreciate your kindness, thank you" the woman said calmly accompanied with a smile that will melt the hearts of men.

"Is she really the woman who smashed a person's head on a wall earlier?" The foreigner thought to himself "You can keep it, use it if the same situation arises"

"Thank you!" The woman said gracefully "I shall take my leave now"

As the woman leaves, Alexius bumps his elbow towards the foreigner with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"What do you think of her?" Alexius said playfully "The woman that you have been looking for?"

"I think she is amazing, but she is not the woman I was looking for"

"Ehh?" Alexius said with a shocked face "Aren't you one of her suitors from another country?"

"Suitors? No. I'm just someone who's looking for my sister"

"Then all my efforts earlier have been in vain" Alexius said in a depressed tone.

"Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared, do you know someone who maybe has information on her?"

"Hmm, go to the Cross Ant Tavern and ask for Cross. Say that you're Alexius' friend and that you'll pay a meal for me, and he'll give you something" Alexius said with a still depressed tone.

"You have been a great help for me today, Alexius. I'll make sure to pay a week's worth of your meal."

Hearing the words "Weeks' worth" lifted up Alexius spirit. He then taught the directions to the tavern and bid each other goodbye. Before they went on their separate ways, the foreigner stopped for a moment and asked something.

"Alexius, by the way what's the name of the woman earlier?"

"So, you are interested!" Alexius said with a smirk painted on his face. "A face unmatched by any other in the Jinrive Empire, Helen, The Lotus Flower"