

"Master, the seal has been broken!"

As soon as he heard Liam's words, Charlie looked straight into the warp hole with a frenzied look.

Who would be capable of breaking the seal? Why would the seal break? What's going to happen?

Although Charlie had long desired to go out of the space, the unknown still terrified him. He tried to fight the suction power of the warp hole and looked back, trying to stretch out his hands toward Liam who was running toward him.


Liam's voice sounded so far away as Charlie's body was sucked into the hole. He felt like he was traveling inside a dead zone, with no sense of bearing. He can't grasp the direction nor can he determine whether he is standing or upside down.

Charlie closed his eyes and tried to hold back the nausea he's feeling.

In his head, he worried about Liam. He worried about what would happen once he reaches the end of the warp hole or if ever there's an end to it. His master had never told him what would happen when the seal breaks. His master didn't go through a warp hole whenever he comes in or goes out of the space.

With such messy thoughts, Charlie finally felt his surrounding calming down.

Feeling a solid hard surface underneath his body, he reluctantly opened his eyes, only to see a slab of earth in front of him. He clutched a lump and the rough texture fully awakened him from his stupor.

"Ugh!" Charlie grunted in pain as he tried to get up from lying face down on the ground. His whole body was aching, as if he just did a very laborious thing.

When he successfully pulled himself up to a sitting position, it was then that he noticed his surroundings.

The first thing he noticed was that he was sitting on an elevated slab of earth.

Right next to it were ruins of rocks, glass, steel, and other materials he was unable to determine. He was amazed to see trees a distance away as well as clouds in the sky. It must be known that there are no clouds in the space. There was only white ceiling that darkens or lightens according to the time of the day.

"Where is this place?" he asked himself.


A familiar voice rang inside of his head.

Charlie looked around to see where the voice came from. However, he can't see any living being around him.


"Liam!" Charlie called out when he realized that the voice was that of his companion's. "Where are you?!"

[Master, I am still inside the space. I am still trying to find out what happened to the seal. Are you okay?]

"Yeah, I-," Charlie gasped. He felt dizzy all of a sudden. "I just felt a little dizzy. Perhaps, due to traveling on the warp hole?"

Charlie didn't receive a response from him. "Liam?"

[Master, how's the density of mana there?]

"Now that you asked…," Charlie carefully felt his surrounding and was shocked to feel no mana around.

He then tried to circulate the mana inside of him, but a wave of dizziness soon hit him again. After that, he felt a force so strong trying to get out his body.

"Agh!!" Charlie screamed helplessly, bending over as if that would stop the force from ripping his body apart.

[Master! Your mana is going out of control! Return to the space at once!]

"I can return?" Charlie breathed hard. The force was becoming stronger and stronger.

[Yes! Just remember the space and you should be able to get back!]

'But can I get out again if I return?' he thought to himself and hesitated. What if the seal repairs itself while he is inside? What if he can't get out again?

In that moment of hesitation, a dense mana burst out of every pore of his body, causing him to scream of pain at the top of his lungs.


At the critical moment though, there seemed to be a sucking force below him that sucked away all of the mana that burst out of Charlie. Not only the excess mana exuding out of his body, the force seemed to suck out the mana inside of him as well.

When Charlie felt that his reservoir is almost sucked dry, he felt the suction force slowly becoming weaker. At the moment when the force stopped, his body was too weak to even keep his consciousness. Liam's panicked voice was the last thing he heard before he passed out.