
The Alchemist Hero : Alchemo

Generic Self-insert into My Hero Academia universe. If you haven't figured it out by now the fic is going to be about Fullmetal Alchemist alchemy in MHA. Main pairings would be Toshixinko, IzuxOchako, OCxMomo, ShinsoxJiro. Pairings may be changeable. The author is a lazy guy and a serial dropper but is still horrified by the lack of this fic so he is writing it. Please be careful. My discord link https://discord.gg/3GDnU3Y.

Daonexus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Playing Chance games is hardcore

A 20-year-old young man was seen running on the road in the thunderstorm carrying a plastic bag full of groceries whean he slipped on the pavement in front of an electronics shop. In the background, the News on the T.V was talking about the mysterious phenomena occurring throughout the planet as there was suddenly a planet-wide thunderstorm taking place.

"Ah Crap, I should have waited till tomorrow to get the groceries"

As he tried to stand-up using the street pole as support there was a sudden lightning strike to the pole and he was electrocuted and blasted away, as he slowly died he cursed his bad luck for coming out on this freakish day. It hurt so much that while he was fighting for his life he slowly let go of his struggle to sleep as he was tired.

'*Gasp* Huh, Where am I?' he thought as he looked around it looked like a great natural reserve, with a stream flowing nearby, fresh grass and trees.

"Hello, there young one, how did you get here? Let me see" Suddenly before he could react a man who looked suspiciously like Morgan Freeman with his voice put his hand on his head and suddenly he saw his entire life from birth to death.

'He must be a R.O.B', Right as this thought went through his mind, he replied, "Yes, I am, young man."

It was weird whatever language this guy was speaking was definitely not English yet he could understand Perfectly.

"Hmm, I have heard my fellow beings doing some of those self-inserts, I always thought it was fun but maybe I should try. What do you say?"

He was excited, he was going to be self inserted, maybe he can ask for some OP wishes?

"Hmm, sorry young one I am not going to let you make a choice, it will all be based on chance but don't worry I will select only the worlds you recognize and give you three abilities" and then he materialized a buzzer and Spinning wheel with an arrow attached

That was a bucket of cold water on him, now he was dreading because he knew some fucked up universe where life would be hell like Attack on titan etc, he gulped loudly and pressed and held down the buzzer with shaking hands as the wheel started rotating he was aiming for one of the harmless Universes like Nisekoi, or Danshi Kokesei no Nichijou and Released the button when he thought the wheel would stop on Nisekoi.

The wheel slowly was coming to a stop at Nisekoi, he was scared because before Nisekoi was Attack on Titan, but luckily it passed it but just when he thought it would stop at Nisekoi it moved forward and landed on My hero academia.

He released a shaky breath of relief that even though MHA was dangerous, it wasn't on the scale of Naruto, One piece or worst-case scenario Attack on Titan.

"Good luck, young man, Now let's see if you can keep up your luck and go on to the Abilities" and then change the wheel for powers, there where pretty overpowered powers like speedforce conduit, Chakra, Avatar bending, and then there were also useless ones like always lands on two feet like how the fuck would that help.

Still, he prayed to the goddess of luck, held down the buzzer and aimed for a speedforce conduit, but he slightly missed the timing and was now sweating bullets as he waited for it to stop as it slowly hovered over smells nice, and he felt miserable like how would a power like that help in a world with superheroes and villains.

But luckily it crossed over and landed on the next one which was Mind Arts. He thanked his lucky stars better mind arts rather than just always smelling nice. He even thought it was highly beneficial as if he did not get a Hero worthy ability in the next two tries he would at least be able to work in a mind intensive job.

The ROB saw the result, he nodded and snapped his fingers and the names on the wheel changed again, this time it had powers like telepathy, pyrokinesis, high regeneration etc and the moment he saw it he knew he had to aim for high regeneration because then at least he could survive.

As he held down the buzzer and aimed for higher regeneration and release he missed out on higher regeneration and was slowly stopping at Size Control or its next item, Ryozanpaku's knowledge, he released a sigh of relief again. Thus the needle stopped on Ryozanpaku Knowledge.

He fist pumped and jumped into the air, with Ryozanpaku's knowledge alone he would live a happy life in the MHA universe. Even if he decided to never go Pro-Hero he could always open a dojo and use all the medical knowledge to set up a clinic.

"Oh Ho, young man, it looks like you have very good luck. Then let's do the final round"

Even though he had a safe life he was still eager to get a final ability and immediately overpowered abilities like Kryptonian physique, Full Counter, Dragon Slayer, Spider Physiology etc came up this time there wasn't a single useless item but they had one thing in common there was a prefix to all of them that was Quirk

"Hey ROB, so this round is for my quirk huh?"


"But what if I get a quirk for which I require specific knowledge?"

"Hmmm, I didn't think of that then okay if you get a quirk that requires specific knowledge you can make a request"


"Now go on, spin the wheel"

Once again he was aiming for a Kryptonian physique because why not? If you can be overpowered, there's no reason not to aim for it. As the wheel slowly stopped on Alchemist he was confused.

"Hey, ROB which Alchemy, Like from Harry Potter?"

"No, From Fullmetal Alchemist"

"So now can I ask a request because you said I could make one before"


"So, can you give me all the knowledge from the gate of truth"

"It is still going to be a game of chance, as a dice throw,3 and less than 3 means no higher than it is yes"

So as ROB gave the dice he rolled it but it came out a 2.

"Damn, guess my luck ran out. Okay then maybe I can get Van Hohenheim's Knowledge?"

Then he rolled again but this time also came a 1.

"F***, Maybe I want all the Elric brothers' knowledge."

Then he rolled again, this time it was a massive success as he rolled a 6.

"Yes," he fist-pumped in excitement.

"Now that we have completed chance games, you can customize your body before you are reincarnated."

Immediately a floating screen came up with a Sims-like customisation menu. After thinking about it he decided he would look like one of his favourite characters in anime Ichigo Kurosaki and since he didn't have a Japanese name before dying he decided he might as well use Ichigo's name.

"Hey ROB, Why can't I remember my name, or my parents or my friends, it's like I remember them all but their faces are scrubbed"

"Hmm, that must be because you have escaped the general scrubbing process that happens when you die somehow. I could return them to you if you like but I think it would be better if you don't have them as you would get attached to people that you could never meet and it wouldn't be good for your mental health"

"Oh thanks, I guess. I will follow your suggestions. I have a request, can you still send me my favourite manga and anime episodes on my phone in MHA world?"

"Hmmm, sure. Are you done customizing?"

"Ah, yes"

"Ok then Bye, don't forget to show me a good show. If I find you too boring I will take my gifts so don't try to be a normal citizen and your consciousness will be locked till you are 4 years old. When you are 4 years old you will unlock your Mind arts knowledge and quirk but you will not be able to get other knowledge till your mind arts are proficient enough to handle that load." He snapped his fingers.

"Wait I have a question-, Ahhhhh"

Time Skip 4 years - Age:4

"Ahhhhhh *Gasp*" as Ichigo sat up on his bed he immediately got 2 years worth of memories as Ichigo Kurosaki and the mind arts knowledge from ROB. From Ichigo's memories, he found out that his parents had died in a random villain attack and he was now in an orphanage and he was shocked to see that the orphanage matron was Lily Aquaria from black clover but then he searched in his memories for knowing any boy named Asta or Yuno but didn't find one.

He released a sigh of relief it wasn't a crossover universe, then was puzzled why Lily Aquaria was the only one different then and immediately realized the answer. It must be the work of ROB to prevent him from having a shitty childhood. How nice of him. Just then Lily came into the room.

"Ichigo, what happened, why are you screaming?" she asked worriedly.

"Ah, Sorry Sister, I had a nightmare about falling from a high place," Ichigo said guiltily.

"Ah, then are you okay now Ichigo-kun," she asked relieved

"Yes, Thank you, sister but sister, what is this weird feeling near my stomach?"

"Oh my, Looks like you have awakened your quirk Ichigo kun"

"Wow, Really"

"Yes, Why don't you try to use your quirk"

"But how?"

"Just try to do what feels right to you"

"Like should I hug you?" Ichigo asked cutely inwardly smirking

"No, No Ichigo kun with your quirk"

"Oh, ok then"

Ichigo then concentrated with his hand clasped together and focused the energy towards his hands and then placed it on the wooden stick and slowly imagined deconstructing the wood and reconstructing it into a wooden sparrow.

Slowly the wood began to decompose and transform into a wooden bird. But it wasn't as detailed as he imagined and was also not perfectly reconstructed as lots of waste wood was there.

"So cool, Sister, it is like Alchemy from fantasy stories. I transmooted it"Ichigo said cutely

"The word you are looking for is transmuted Ichigo Kun and Alchemy is a wonderful name for your quirk as tomorrow is Sunday we can go get your quirk registered"

"Now, see you are already tired, sleep and wake up tomorrow"

"*Yawn* Okay sister, Goodnight"

"Good night Ichigo-Kun"

As he laid down on his bed and closed his eyes, Ichigo recalled his knowledge of mind art and apparently, the first part was meditation, and Ichigo groaned because he sucked at meditation.

Time skip 1 year - Age:5

It has been a year since my consciousness has returned. Over the year all I did was to practice mind arts, it took over 4 months alone for me to get meditate down at the required proficiency. But he consoled himself that meditation was the same for martial arts and he didn't need to relearn it. He cursed other self-inserts for making meditation look easy for reincarnated people because it was not.

But ultimately it benefited him a lot that now he had a lot more control over his emotional outbursts and whenever he meditated he found out that he could introspect himself and his decisions in his life. That alone was a great help to completely accept the fact that he wasn't just in a fictional setting and that it was all real.

But after completing the meditation he slowly started organizing memories from both his lives in chronological order. Maybe it was due to quirk energy but all the memories were crystal clear, it was shocking too because apparently, the energy negated the Mandela effect.

Then as he completed sorting the memories, he started Automate Memory sorting by creating mental avatars of himself in his mind. He didn't bother with mind walls yet because he wasn't in danger of being mind read yet and there weren't any attacks yet.

Today he finally completely automated the memory and knowledge sorting mechanism and immediately a huge influx of knowledge came to him suddenly, like medicine, literature, philosophy, psychology, sociology, history, art history, anthropology, linguistics, music, Strategy and tactics, calligraphy, painting, pottery, sculpting, Animal communication, Photography, Cooking, Housekeeping, Ninja techniques, Blacksmithing, Teaching, Disguising, Computer Programming, Botanical, Anatomy manipulation, All types of martial arts knowledge and styles, Alchemical knowledge, Chemistry.

For a period of half an hour as he meditated all the knowledge was sorted and assimilated because he didn't actively use his brain so that it could speed up assimilation.

After Everything was assimilated he was first shocked at all the different knowledge there but then understood that Ryozanpaku knowledge meant that it was all the knowledge of Ryozanpaku residents and the majority of the different knowledge came from Akisame. He also got knowledge from Akisame on how he became so intelligent by linking knowledge and making interdisciplinary connections in knowledge.

But then he came to the alchemical knowledge of Elric brothers and immersed himself in it for half an hour. By the time he came out he was cursing out a storm.

This was because he found there were fundamental universal differences between MHA world and Fullmetal Alchemist world, but at least he was lucky enough that they knew underlying principles, but now he had to create and research all alchemical knowledge.

*Sigh* He had a lot of work laid out from him.

Here it is guys so somedays back I was searching for FMA crossovers with MHA and none were satisfactory so I wrote one for me myself.

About the MC I had a hard time deciding between him being born as a twin of Momo and him being an orphan, in the end, I decided that it was a better option being an orphan, cause it was easier to write.

If you are questioning why I wanted him to be the twin of Momo was that I thought it would be poetic in a way that one could create Matter and the other could manipulate. Now I decided to pair them up instead.

Creation is hard, cheer me up with some stones!

If there are any Illustrations they are in comments or at Discord

My discord link- https://discord.gg/3GDnU3Y

Daonexuscreators' thoughts