
The Akrikash Soldier

A man consumed with the idea of fighting gets recruited by a mage and goes on an epic adventure throughout the world. *I do not own the cover art*

Kogatsu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 6

As I continued through the forest, I was getting bored since nothing had come to attack any of us yet. Smith was highly alert and turned in any direction when he heard a sound. Lopdow on the other hand was just like me and looked quite bored since the entire purpose of him following us to the forbidden lands was to see just what my skills had to offer. If there was nothing to fight, he did not know if I could be entirely trusted or not. All the sudden, the sound of a tree falling in the forest was heard. Birds started to fly away from where the sound came from and all the weak creatures began to run away. Smiling once again, this was the one chance to experience a truly hard fight. Even the stronger mystical beasts ran away from where it is that the tree fell. Slowly, more trees started to fall from where the first tree fell, moving towards us. The bloodlust that I generated was slowly increasing as the expectation for what this beast was grew. Activating my sixth sense, I saw what it was that the beast looked like. Laughter started to bubble up my throat. This beast was truly something magnificent and would entirely be worth the risk of dying. It was a bigger deer with crystals covering the entirety of it body. When it stepped on the Earth, it was like the grass turned into the same crystals that covered this deer. Activating most of my powers, I charged towards the magnificent beast with a smile of insanity on my face. I broke into a clearing that the beast itself had created and looked it dead into the eyes. Getting down on all fours, I unleashed the entirety of my beastly power and created an immense aura that would frighten anything within its effective radius. But as per expected, the mystical beast was not affected at all and looked at me with cool eyes. Charging forward, I swiped at the beast with Tiger's Claw, a beastly power that made it so that it was like I had a giant claw. I blinked in astonishment as the strike passed through the beast and into some of the trees behind them, knocking them down. I wondered how it dodged my strike, but before the question even fully formed in my mind, the beast took one step forward and I was knocked backwards towards where Lopdow and Smith were running to. I landed into a tree, leaving a large indent in it before falling to the ground. When I looked up, I noticed Smith was trying to yell something at me and he was also pointing at the beast, but the ringing in my head did not stop after the impact. It felt like I had a hole inside of my stomach. Coughing up blood, I looked at the beast with a look of anger. 'What had it done? What should I do to counter it? What is that thing?' Were all questions that I asked myself before standing up again. The beast had a look in its eyes that taunted me, bringing me forward. I knew that there were beings that were stronger than me but none of them were stronger than me in terms of physical strength. Anger boiled its way up inside of me. I was a bomb that was soon to go off. Charging forward once again with anger driving me, I suddenly chose to remember some important lesson. Stopping dead in my tracks, I used Quell Rage and made myself calm when in front of this beast. The ringing did not stop but I was still able to think clearly. If I were going to win against this beast, I would need it to step out of its comfort zone and into mine. Somehow, someway, this beast had dodged my attack and made one of its own that broke a few of my ribs. Looking around my surroundings using my increased senses, I finally noticed something strange. This animal had a sort of shield around it. It was connected to the surrounding trees that had remained standing. Also, there was nothing inside of that shield except for the beast itself. Taking this as a hint, I went to one of the trees to where one end of the 'shield' was connected and severed the connection point. The beast screamed out in pain when I did this and looked at me with murder in its eyes. The first connection point that I severed did not connect to another tree when I severed it which meant that this 'shield' of this beast was limited to a certain radius. I continued in a circle around the beast severing it from every single of the trees that it connected its 'shield' to. Every single time I severed a point, it screamed out in pain. On the very last connection point, when I severed it, the magical beast charged full force towards me and it tried to spread its 'shield' to connect to other trees. Compared to how it attacked and dodged before, this was nothing. I sped myself up and met this beast head on before it could connect its 'shield' to other trees. Since the beast's special technique was no longer in affect, this beast had no chance of dodging another Tiger's Claw. It took the force of my attack head on and when the dust from strike finally settled, I noticed the beast was neatly cut into three pieces. Crystals formed when its blood touched the ground, making a magnificent sight for a death. Smiling to myself, I had taken down the beautiful and powerful beast. Then, I remembered that I had used the lesson that Smith had taught me to kill this beast. I was annoyed, but the joy of killing this prey was exhilarating. With the beast dead, I deactivated my increased senses. This was a clear mistake since the injuries that I had gained from its first attack still existed. It was like my chest was on fire and it was impossible for me to stand. Blood started to leak from my mouth as I fell to the ground. The pain was unbearable enough that I blacked out with Smith crouched in front of me with a smile on his face.