
The Akashic Record Entry 1: Ascension

The Akashic Record, the record of all things, begins with the story of a man, A man on a long and arduous journey, a journey to surpass himself, To become more than what he was, to attain what he could be, A journey full of pain, suffering, adversity, and sacrifice. Marked with loss and regret, Slava strives forward, To reach where no one has ever reached before. Despite not always having a destination, Despite facing failure after failure, He persists and struggles, To find his purpose. I am Akash, The Keeper and Recorder. As Observer, it is my duty to document, To write this story and the world which sprouted from it. Let me show you what I have witnessed, Slava’s heart-wrenching story, The world it brought Through The Akashic Record Cover art by Rae https://www.instagram.com/cherrae.insta/ https://cherryava.artstation.com/

RecorderAkash · Sci-fi
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72 Chs

Chapter 26: Plan and Execute

  Slava had been working on this for weeks. Kolya's provocation hadn't stopped him. On the contrary, it had instigated him to go further. How hypocritical was that guy? If that fucker didn't want to tell him everything, then fine. If he wanted to give up on himself, that was fine too. He could go die in a hole for all he cared. But he certainly wouldn't give up and he wouldn't let a dying man tell him how to live his life.

  "Alright, I think I'm good," said a familiar voice, interrupting his thoughts. Arranging his glasses, he stood up. Looking past the holographic structure in front of him, his eyes crossed Sasha's.

  "Are you sure? You're not gonna teleport us into a wall are you?" Slava had a serious look on his face and with the dim lighting in the room, it looked ominous.

  "Listen, with how much we've practiced, I think I'll be alright." Slava couldn't quite see her expression, because of the mask covering the lower half of her face.

  Kolya had been right about one thing though, some things were better done with the help of others. For some reason, the place had become almost impenetrable these past few days. Slava was getting restless. When he saw that a few days ago, he instantly called on Sasha's help.

  "Remember, we were never here or there," he said, pointing to the hologram. "We are ghosts." As he waved his hand above his head, the structure disappeared. The device which looked like a gapped pillar dimmed. He then unhesitatingly walked towards the door. Not hearing Sasha follow, he turned around. When their eyes met, she spoke:

  "Are you sure about this? If the security is so high it must mean something is going on. And what about the AITF? There's no way they won't detect us." Meeting her concerned gaze, he quickly answered.

  "You're confident in your ability to get us in and out no matter what, right?" Seeing her nod slightly, he continued. "Then there's no reason to worry, we'll just see what's up and then we'll leave." Noticing her still pensive frown, he turned around, walking through the doorway as it opened before him. "It's too late to back off now. Come on, let's go."

  After leaving the room Slava put a cap on while his facial features slightly changed. Having his suit embedded in his skin sure was convenient. Walking over to the lobby, he slid a semi-transparent card onto the counter.

  "Thank you very much," he smiled. His voice was not his but slightly deeper and rougher.

  "No problem," replied the lovely lady in front of him. "Thank you for signing up for our free trial, I hope you enjoyed your stay. We hope to see you again soon." The android in front of him looked astounding, no flaws or blemishes on her skin. She looked like she'd just come out of a comic book,. Sure people in this era were gorgeous, but she just looked angelic. Being careful not to gaze too long into her eyes, he turned around. With Sasha following him, her head down, they left the building melding into the crowds.

  "So this is it huh?" Sasha finally sighed. They now stood before massive gates blocking their path. "How old is this place anyways, it looks ancient." The National Psychiatric Institute. It was actually quite close to the place he had gone to with Kolya. They were both part of the inner city, the elevated part that overlooked the rest of the metropolis.

  "Alright let's go," Slava said, turning around. Crossing the street, he stepped in between two buildings before turning a corner.

  "Remember," he said, putting his hand on her shoulder. "There is a closet in every room, you just have to bring us to the right one." Seeing her nod while rolling her eyes, he embraced her, both of their suits appearing to cover them. Before Sasha's exosuit could completely cover her face, her eyes and back flashed purple and in the next moment, they were gone.