
The Age of The Terrans

Johnson has found himself back 10,000,000 years in time because of a failed slip space jump in a damaged warship with nobody left to accompany him but the ships AI that contains all the information and most abilities to create a new colony. Johnson instead finds a earth were humanity has just entered the year 2022. Follow Johnson as he becomes the emperor of a new nation in space starting from the tiny rock we call home will he survive along the way or will his future empire crumble before it even begins.

TheHighElite · Sci-fi
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3 Chs



*Yes captain?*

ETA for the planet you said it was suits for human habitation correct?

*Affirmative Captain, the planet is suitable for human life. ETA is 10 minutes Captain.*

Okay Jonna have you scanned the planet for any signals or evidence of Intelligent life?

*Captain I have detected many radio signals coming off the planet and signs of light pollution are visible it's a 99.99% chance of Intelligent life living on the planet I also detect many primitive satellites and a small primitive space station.*

Alright Jonna start Protocol B78-A *Affirm Captain initiating protocol B78-A lowering speeds engaging weapons and shields now captain Eta 10 seconds until ready*

The White House 12:05 AM /RING RING RING/ Eric Adams as the 46th president of the United states was a very busy job and he already got so few hours of sleep when he was awoken by a phone call in the middle of the night he was pissed to say the least so when he picked it up he yelled "Why did you wake me up so late it better be for a good reason!"

Mr president it's me Derek the director of NASA I have critical news I must tell you an unknown object is currently heading to earth at 300,000 kilometers a second and rapidly approaching, we know its around 5km long 400 meters in height and with a width of 600 meters and a unknown density and composition. our telescopes can't 100% make out just what the object is but we do know its most likely from outside our solar system.

What the hell we need to ready national guard do we know where is the most likely impact point?

Mr president it is most likely near or in texas as for 100% exact impact zone we cant tell.

What is the estimated time of impact?!

Mr president it is 30 minutes.

May god save us all. I need to call national guard and start preparing for what's to come next.

Jonna ETA on reaching the planet?

*Captain if we maintain our current speed while not decelerating it would be 29 minutes however it would be more realistic to say 45 to 50 minutes to safely reach the planet and land*

Alright Jonna I forgot to ask but have you intercepted the signals coming from the primitive satellites?

*No captain I haven't started yet would you like me to?*

Yes Jonna.

*Alright captain starting now (3 seconds later) captain I have finished would you like to have a brief rundown of what to expect?*

Yes Jonna.

*Affrim captain we should expect a planet dominated by humans with no other intelligent species on the planet they have reached the information age while just barely going to space yet they have never gotten past their moon so far at least physically they have however had a probe almost exit their solar system, yet it probably would break down or stop working completely before they could get to the nearest solar system.*

So no real fleets in space or any true threat besides some simple missiles correct Jonna?

*Yes captain they're "long range missiles" can maybe hit us if we didn't let our weapons shoot it down but no real damage besides maybe some dents and paint scraped off. That is unless we have our shields up we will be completely invulnerable here.*

/sigh/ Jonna why couldn't you just say that we are near invulnerable instead of all that?

*I was just answering the question asked captain.*


(30 minutes later)

/RING RING RING/ Mr president we must inform you the unidentified object has been decelerating as it gets closer!

What that's great news!

Umm Mr president it shouldn't decelerate so rapidly, and its landing location has drastically changed from somewhere in or near northern texas to Washington DC or at least near it. The only explanation is that the unidentified object is man made and extra terrestrial in origin...