
The Age of Lords: A Scholar's Journey

In a world on the brink of collapse, Ethan is thrust into the "Age of Lords," where survival is dictated by mastering territories and harnessing magic. With only basic skills and minimal advantages, he must navigate this perilous new reality to secure his place and thrive. Ethan's exceptional learning ability becomes his greatest asset in this challenging environment. As he adapts and acquires crucial knowledge, he begins to turn the tide in his favor, striving to build a strong foundation for success in the demanding "Age of Lords."

Infinity_Snake · Fantasy
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26 Chs

A New Dawn for the Mage: Ethan’s Resolve

The sky gradually darkened as Ethan returned to the territory with six spirit monsters. The mage tower loomed over him, its broken silhouette casting long shadows across the land.

Ethan glanced at the farmland outside the tower but chose to ignore it. Construction was one thing, but to make it functional, he needed seeds. Without them, food couldn't be produced out of thin air.

Today's harvest had been modest. He had collected fifteen units of minerals, seven units of wood, and twenty-one units of food. The most promising find was a single unit of gems, a rare and valuable resource. Despite this, his mood was less than buoyant. He had tried to fight monsters but had not succeeded even once.

Ethan had used the temporary primary reconnaissance technique to assess the wild monsters in the area. To his dismay, every wild monster he encountered was superior to his spirit monsters in terms of attributes. The last group he had examined was skeleton soldiers. These creatures had 2 attack power and 1 defense power. Despite their low attributes, they still posed a threat to Ethan's spirits.

The spirit monsters were not just weak; they were remarkably so. Their only advantage seemed to be their skills. The primary reconnaissance technique revealed that they had a few luxury skills, but their basic attributes—attack power and defense—were both zero. Without the bonus from their magical physique skill, their defense would be non-existent.

Ethan had contemplated arming the spirits with sticks and stones, but quickly realized that such makeshift weapons were insufficient. Wooden sticks were too heavy for the spirits to wield effectively, and throwing stones lacked range and impact.

The wild monsters in this world were not ordinary; they were akin to fantasy creatures, like the wolf Ethan had previously encountered, whose size was comparable to a calf.

Upon returning to the mage tower, Ethan distributed the food he had gathered. Each spirit consumed about three units of bread daily, amounting to thirty units a day for the ten spirits. Water was less of a concern, as the mage tower was surrounded by rivers.

Today, the spirits had gone without food due to their excursion with Ethan. Fortunately, with the twenty-one units of food he had collected, they would be able to eat for the next two days. Without it, they would have faced starvation by the following day.

Ethan took a moment to check on the spirit monster that had only 1 HP left. It was resting on the first floor of the mage tower. Its condition was grave, and it had not yet recovered any health. The other spirit that had only lost 1 HP had managed to recover after eating some white bread and drinking water.

Sitting on the broken third floor of the mage tower, Ethan gazed at the moonlit sky. As he contemplated the situation, a sudden realization struck him. The spirits and his own abilities were balanced in a way that made their survival challenging. Despite the spirits' impressive skills, their attributes were woefully inadequate.

Ethan recognized that the game "The Age of Lords" was designed with balance in mind. The spirits, despite their skills, were not overpowered compared to the wild monsters.

Their attributes—low health, zero attack power, and minimal defense—meant they could not compete effectively against stronger creatures.

Realizing this, Ethan understood that the world he was in was not just a game but a real environment with its own rules. The balance he was facing was not arbitrary; it was part of the world's design.

The resources available to him were not uniform or guaranteed. He had to navigate this world with the resources he had, rather than relying on the game's balance.

This insight led Ethan to a crucial decision. If he could not rely on brute force or conventional methods, he needed to leverage his talents and skills differently.

Ethan pulled out the skill book titled "Elementary Magic" and began to read. The book, which had previously been incomprehensible due to its use of ancient script, was now translated into terms he could understand. The title, "Elementary Meditation," suggested a method for mages to harness and convert the elements in the world into magic power.

Ethan realized that the key to his survival might lie in understanding and mastering this new form of magic. The meditation technique described in the book involved absorbing ambient elements and converting them into magical energy. This method was essential for mages to grow stronger and more capable in this world.

As the night deepened, Ethan continued to study "Elementary Meditation" by the light of the moon. The book's teachings provided him with a new perspective on how to approach his situation.

Ethan understood that talent and skills could not merely be assessed by their apparent attributes or effects. Instead, their true potential lay in how they could be used creatively to overcome challenges.

The learning ability granted to him as a lord was a significant advantage. It allowed him to absorb information quickly and efficiently, far beyond what would be possible for an average person. This ability was crucial for mastering new skills and adapting to the world's demands.

With this new understanding, Ethan recognized that his spirits, despite their current limitations, had significant potential.

Their skills were not just minor perks but essential elements that could be leveraged effectively in the right circumstances. For instance, the skills of garden luck, magical physique, and magical intelligence were valuable, especially when applied strategically.

Ethan's thoughts turned to the concept of morale and loyalty. He pondered the implications of having troops with unwavering loyalty and morale.

If morale were to drop, it could lead to disastrous consequences, including possible rebellion. This realization underscored the importance of maintaining good relations with his troops and ensuring their well-being.

Despite the challenges he faced, Ethan remained determined. He knew that if he wanted to succeed in "The Age of Lords," he needed to adapt and find creative solutions to the problems he encountered.

The world he was in was not forgiving, and relying solely on traditional methods or the game's balance would not suffice.

As he prepared to continue his journey, Ethan felt a renewed sense of purpose. He understood that the key to overcoming his current predicament lay in utilizing his talents and skills in innovative ways.

By mastering the meditation technique and making the most of his spirits' abilities, he hoped to turn the tide in his favor.

With this new resolve, Ethan set aside his doubts and focused on the path ahead. He was ready to face the challenges of the world, armed with his newfound knowledge and determination.