
New Era

-Elementary school-

"After all mankind was put to sleep in the year 2040, we woke up with our whole world completely changed. There were now only four continents, which form circle around the Sea of Monsters as it's now called. We had lost our technology and all of the buildings. Basically, we woke up with nothing. As time went on, we discovered monsters. At first we were helpless against them and over half of the worlds population perished. Luckily the magi came out of the shadows and humankind started to build once again."

"But teacher, why haven't we built all the things we lost?"

"That's because laws of the world changed and we didn't have resources to rebuild."

"Damn, I would've love to play video games that my father told me about."

"I bet. Now where was I...Oh right, the magi then later discovered that Gaia and Alaya didn't control the world anymore. A few years later the Wizard Marshall discovered a fifth continent, smaller than the rest, in the center of the Sea of Monsters. On that continent resides the Tower of Babel. We don't know were he got the information from, but he told us that people who have been baptized with the rocks of origin can level up their stats and get powers beyond magecraft. Those of you who are reincarnated Heroic Spirits will inherit your past lives memories and skills."

"Wouldn't they be too strong compared to the rest of us?"

"No, because they have to level up to unlock the strength and Noble Phantasms."

"Teacher! Teacher! Why do people try to climb the Tower Babel?"

"That's because if you reach the top you can become a God. Thou farthest anyone has reached is 15. floor as of yet."

"When can we climb the tower?"

"Hahaha, after you have turned 13 and been baptized will you get the chance. But before that you have to sail to central continent or as it's been called continent of Heroes."


"Aa, look at the time. Lets continue this tomorrow, class dismissed."

All students began to leave but one boy stayed. The boy had tan skin, white hair and steel grey eyes, which glowed in determination.

-Northern Continent, Town of Hansa-

Near the docks, in a blacksmith's workshop

"Mum, Dad, I'm home!"

"Welcome home Shirou", says a womans voice.

"What took you so long kiddo? I could use your help with these swords that the mayors office ordered", a booming male voice says in between hammering.

"Okay, dad."

"I knew we shouldn't have named him after your grandfather, Daichi, now he's allways helping everyone without rest", sighed the woman.

"What's so bad about helping, Anna, that's how met when you got lost here on your vacation", says Daichi with smirk.

"Hmph, I just don't want to see my son collapsing at the door of our house again", says Anna walking to the kitchen.

When looking at Shirou's parents one can see where he got his looks. His father, Emiya Daichi, tall, muscular, handsome, tanned, japanese man, and his mother Anna von Einzbern, beautiful, caucasian woman with white hair.

The year is 10 after the incident and mankind is starting their next adventure...

If you like the premise, I will continue this story

Nardenkocreators' thoughts