
The Age of Heroes (ASOIAFxGOT TimeTravel)

The realm of men has fallen, and he and his wolf alone stand. With the final battle approaching, Jon Snow can finally reunite with his family. That is until he meets a stranger who refuses him, and instead, Jon is given a second chance. His mission: save the world from destruction or die fighting in this new age of heroes. (Jon Snow time-travel) Disclaimer: I do not own any of GRRM's fantastic world of ASOIAF & GOT. Images belong to the amazing creators I found on g**gle. If you're the owner and wish for me to take it down, inform me, and I'll happily do so. Please review and let me know what you enjoyed about the story, what you didn't, and what you would like to see more of. I want as much advice as possible to make my story better. I'll post as fast as I can. Thank you! AWWOOOOOO

DirewolfCrusade · TV
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About the Author

My social media accounts: I'll be creating a patr30n and d15c0rd this week to better interact with my audience and set up polls for all my stories.

About the Author: I love reading books and fanfiction whenever I can, but unfortunately, my younger brother is the only person I know who shares my interest. In my group of friends, I'm the nerd…but that won't stop me.

I've finally decided to delve into my many stories and release them regardless of what others think, though only part-time for now. My greatest wish is to become a published author and share a world of my own creation with the people who love the same things I do.

I plan on typing everything I have down during every moment of spare time I can muster without affecting my job. I promise I'll be diligent and improve as time passes. I am new at this, but I want all the constructive advice I can get from my audience, who love the same worlds as I do.

Only recently, when it was finally time for me to work in the family business, I realized this is not what I want to do forever… I want to create. I want to write. I want to read for the rest of my life.

It was always the plan from when I was young. I was never really given a second option. It was the only thing I worked toward that was ever positively reinforced, and I was okay with that. Not anymore.

The 'Arts' isn't something my family considers 'prestigious' and something I never thought possible for myself.

But for years and years now, I've had plot bunnies, from originals to fanfiction, bouncing around my head that I didn't know what to do with, but I've always longed to share them.

It isn't until we get older and more experienced that we realize the really important stuff and dare to go for it—some a lot sooner than others. (I'm being real, not cheesy). The people around us, not just family, will most likely affect the choices we make.

But I want to try—take a chance at some happiness.

Current Goal: To write all the stories I have stockpiled to become a better writer through fanfiction and one day write the original novel I've had in my head since '09. (Which I only just began writing down a few months ago.)

I also want to prove to my family that writing isn't just a hobby but a career that can support me. I'll need all the help I can get for that one.

Likes: I have been reading fanfiction since 2017 and quickly fell in love with it. The long and well-written stories have gotten me through some of the worst times in my life, including a small hospitalization.

Grammar is a big deal to me: It makes or breaks the entire story. A great idea doesn't mean much if it can't be executed properly. I might make errors, but I also enjoy fixing and editing them so their better and easier to read.

Future Stories: The Age Of Heroes is my Jon Snow time-travel fic and my first venture into fanfiction. It's the first story I began writing because there were so few of them compared to HP, and though they were good, they never satisfied my imagination. It's also the story I think about constantly whenever I'm driving or daydreaming. I also have a few GOT/HP crossovers in mind that I plan on writing next.

ASOIAF/GOT: I love GRRM work and the world he built. I feel the genre has just started to increase on fanfic sites, and I want to add to that. Alperez, Longclaw, PriestessOfGroove are just some of the authors who got me in love with it.

Harry Potter: HP, like many on this site, was my favorite series growing up, and it's where I started my journey. There are so many good Harry fics out there, but TheBlack'sResurgence, aka Lee McCusker, is by far my favorite fanfic writer, followed by RaggingSmurf. They both write very well, and their dialogue flows naturally enough to immerse you in their stories. Including the GOT/HP crossovers, I just began writing down some HP time-travel fics that I'm really excited about.

Grimm: is one of my favorite tv-shows in the fantasy genre, and since I started rewatching it, I've had this story idea for a Nick Burkhart SI.

Gamer Fictions: There are few, and almost all are sadly incomplete. The only Gamer fic I have planned is an 'Attack on Titans' semi-gamer SI fic.

-These are just the stories I've begun writing down, but I hope to write a One Piece, Naruto, and Spiderman-MCU story in the future.

Pairings: I don't mind the Harry/Ginny, Harry/Hermione, or Harry/Fleur pairings, but I've read many of them and too frequently to write something with them as the main love interest.

I love the more inexplicable and non-canon pairings.

Harry/Daphne- is probably my favorite if the story takes place in the book world. A Gryffindor with a Slytherin brings so much drama that it becomes interesting.

Harry/Susan- is my second favorite. They both have a lot in common, and it could have helped Harry during his life if he had a Hufflepuff and an Auror on his side.

Harry/Bella- I love this pairing, though only when Harry time travels. Wind Shear, Delenda Est, and Stepping Back are still my favorite stories with this pairing. I never knew it was possible for the two to get together, but it made sense when Harry was involved.

Harry/Narcissa- I enjoy it as much as I do Harry/Bella, and I wish there were more. Whispers of a Raven, Laughing All the Way to London, and Narcissa's Chance are great stories that got me into it.

Harry/Amelia- There aren't many, but I think it's a fascinating pairing when combined with time travel.

Charlus/Dorea- When their names became known, I thought Charlus and Dorea were Harry's grandparents. You can imagine my disappointment when I found out it was Fleamont and Euphemia. Either way, I prefer them because it expands the world and shows Harry's connection to other characters, including the Blacks.

Jon/Dany- Like many of you, the last season or two of GOT was unbearable, but I still think Jon and Dany made a good pair, though they both had issues.

Jon/Sansa- I've come to accept this pairing, especially since the books and novellas have hinted that it is a genuine possibility when the last two books finally come out.


Overly gross plot armor: I have a distaste for fics that have the MC steamrolling through all his problems without even a little tension or work from the character. They just happen or are gifted with extreme power, and they can even be too OP for the world they're in. Though some wish-fulling stories can be good, they can be better if the MC is at least struggling now and again.

Early Plot Twist Reveals: Plot twists are some of the best parts of a novel, but when a time-traveling MC or SI reveals everything they've learned from previous knowledge, the fic is sometimes ruined. There's nowhere else to go, and there won't be as much for the readers to look forward to.

When Harems start becoming too much: Most of the time, it's just absurd. Love interests start becoming like trading cards, which they are not. There are some, like 'The Spider' by I'mjusttryingtofindmyway, who wrote his harem so well and far enough apart that it still made sense. He had five different pairings for his MC, and even after all these years, it still holds up.

Overuse of Bashing: Whether it's Dumbledore, the Weasleys, or Hermione, overly bashing a character is sometimes unrealistic because the MC is just yelling without the other character saying anything or trying to defend themselves. The dialogue just seems one-sided.

Disliked Pairings:

Harry/Gabriella and Harry/Apolline: None of the Delacours resonate with me much.

Harry/Tonks: Tonks and Remus are basically cemented as a couple in my head.

Inspiration: Fanfiction and novels are my greatest inspiration, followed by my favorite shows and movies. Whenever I read a new chapter or watch a new episode, I get different ideas and plots on how I want the story to be.

Songs: also inspire me greatly to create plots whenever I listen to music that matches the story in my head. Imagine Dragons, Kodaline, Cold Play, and others have been instrumental in stirring up my creative side, including lesser-known artists like Miracleofsound, NerdOut, and TryHardNinja. Even J Cole's songs make me imagine an SI 'Straight Outta Compton' fic.

Illustrations: give me a solid visual on which to build a foundation. I cannot draw to save my life, but I admire those who can, and anyone is more than welcome to draw anything for my fic and send it to me. I'll definitely respond and take a look at it.

Thank you all for reading this, and shout out to all the authors who came before me and created this path I now tread on. I am honored by the fact that you all took time out of your day to read what I have made. Without all of your support, I wouldn't be able to do what I love!