
Planet Kamastra. The birth of the Silver Dragon.

When the egg cracked, a Silver Dragon came out. That egg was in a forest on the Kamastra Planet which should have been the Darcus Planet. When the king came, he told everyone about the Dragon. In that moment the Silver Dragon knew about the world, that there is someone, that he is not alone. At first he was good, he had a human friend, called Marc. When the Dragon wanted to go out of the forest and go to the people Marc said:

-When the people will see you they will fear you, they’ll kill.

-Don’t fear that, the Dragon said. When they will see that I’m your friend they will know that I’m not evil. They won’t be in danger.

-Good, responded Marc.

They went out of the forest. When people saw the dragon they began to fear him. The Dragon saw that they were scared and told them:

-Don’t fear me, people. I am good, I want to be your friend.

The people didn’t want to be friends with the Dragon. When the Dragon saw this he ran into the forest. From that moment the Silver Dragon was evil. The Dragon came out of the forest again and ate all of the people. From that moment his friend didn’t want to be his friend. The Dragon remained alone, with no friends.

Part 2. Year 2905 CE