
The Age Of Arogance

The devastated territory of Pervaz, after a long war and its new Lord who must raise Pervaz, Asha Pervaz. She approached the Emperor in hopes of receiving rewards for her victory, but what she received was a greeting with ridicule as the ‘barbarian princess’ and an absurd proposal to give her the choice of a marriage partner as a reward for victory.Asha had to make the best choice in this situation. “Then…… Duke Carlyle Haven.” She points to the 1st prince, who is ranked 1st in the nobility list and who was recently stripped of his crown prince status due to a huge scandal. She thought that if he got angry and refused, she would demand compensation for it, but unexpectedly, Carlyle accepted her choice.Promising enormous support for the reconstruction of Pervaz. “What do you want from me?” “Don’t care what I do in Pervaz. Don’t expect to be treated as a wife, and don’t even think about siding with me. And when I ask you to, just sign the divorce papers without complaining.” It was a deal that Asha could not be disappointed with.She took the hand of this arrogant man who even ridiculed his father, the emperor. A charming smile spread across his lips. “I’ll be looking forward to work with you from now on, wife.”

DaoistEV1Fq6 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

The magnificent and shining door opened that seemed like even a god could be sitting on the other side. But Carlyle knew well that the human sitting there was a cowardly, petty, and foolish coward.

Emperor Kendrick Evaristo, who was sitting next to the Empress on the wide platform, frowned slightly at Carlyle's rude entrance, but Carlyle didn't care at all.

"Are y'all disappointed that I came back alive? Why are you so cold?"

The Emperor glanced at the courtiers and nobles standing around him at Carlyle's sarcastic joke and forced a smile.

"Of course not. Welcome back, Carlyle!"

The Emperor tried to act generous and magnanimous, trying not to lose his authority. Carlyle hated even that look of his father.

Sparse graying blond hair, skin as pale as a stone, a body that had gained so much weight that it was impossible to imagine that he had once been a swordsman…

'I'm scared to death every time I think that's my father.'

Carlyle often felt horrified that he would become like that if he became emperor and lived in the palace. Maybe that's why he hated his father even more.

Of course, it wasn't just because of such feelings that he hated him.

"So, what did you get from Albania as war reparations?"

This is why.

Look at the level of the first question the emperor, who rules the empire, asks his son who has returned victorious.

He does not first discuss the extent of the damage in the Canatak region and what is needed to repair it, nor does he check to see if his son who has returned from war is really safe, nor does he worry about the casualties of the allied forces…

'He only opens his eyes wide at the few pennies that will come into his hands…!'

His father was too small for the position of emperor. Because of that he was so jealous and envious of those who were better than him that countless talented people were lost during his father's reign.

'It would be the greatest favor my father could do for this country if he would hurry up and go to the side of the god of death, Himero.'

Even as he thought he wished his father would die soon, Carlyle felt no guilt at all.

"In Albania, They agreed to pay 12 crowns of gold, 300 war horses, 30kg of dragon incense, 1 crown each of sapphire and ruby, and not to impose taxes on imports from the Chad Empire for the next 20 years."

"Oh! You've worked hard, Carlyle. Indeed, you are a child blessed by the god of war! If you look through the history of our empire, there is no prince as brave and outstanding as you."

The emperor congratulated Carlyle, but his voice was strangely sarcastic.

A quick-witted and humble person would have immediately put the emperor in a superior position and shown deference, but Carlyle did not follow his father's wishes.

"Thank you."

A short answer, a sudden silence, and a gloomy atmosphere.

The emperor's eyes turned cold, and Carlyle's expression remained brazen.

Just when I thought that the innocent underlings would be caught in the crossfire, the empress, who had been wearing a kind smile next to the emperor, stepped forward.

"By the way, I don't see Sir Raphelt. Did something bad happen in the war?"

The Giles Raphelt that the empress asked for was a genius who had monopolized the top spot at the academy with unprecedented achievements and had taught Carlyle for 15 years.

After Carlyle became an adult, Giles served as his aide. Thanks to him, Carlyle had survived life-threatening situations more than once.

'She hopes he's dead.'

To the empress's worried question, Carlyle inwardly ridiculed her and answered indifferently.

"On my way back from the war, he received news of the death of the late madame and went to his hometown to hold a funeral. He will be back soon."

"Oh, I see. Sir Raphelt must be heartbroken. Please convey our condolences even if it's from the imperial family."

"Well, if you wish."

Despite her disappointment, the Empress did not show it on her face. She maintained a gentle smile and delivered even more delightful news.

"And to celebrate the victory and to honor those who fought bravely on the battlefield, there will be a month-long victory banquet starting tonight. Eat and drink to your heart's content and let go of your fatigue. You have truly suffered a lot, Carlyle."

To anyone who saw them, it would have been easy to mistake the Empress for the real mother and the Emperor for the adoptive father. However, Carlyle's gaze as he looked at the Empress was colder than when he looked at his own father.

"It is only a minor disturbance caused by a small country, and yet you are holding a month-long banquet for us. I am rather ashamed."

"In the fifth book of Verdi's West, it is written, 'Do not mistreat a truly loyal subject. Reward him with thirty days of food and thirty nights of music.'"

It was an unexpected reference to scripture, but everyone present nodded as if they were familiar with it. Except for Carlyle, who frowned slightly.

Even though she must have seen his irritated expression, the Empress spoke gently with an unperturbed face.

"How much trouble has the barbaric king of Albania caused our empire over the years? You have returned after uprooting His Majesty's long-standing concern, so you deserve to be rewarded accordingly."

Carlyle smirked.

His stepmother was definitely up to something.

When he returned from exterminating the monsters on the Pyrenean Peninsula last time, he had almost died, yet the banquet only lasted a week. The war with the Kingdom of Albania had caused much less damage than that. And yet, she was holding a month-long banquet to celebrate their victory in that war?

It seemed a bit excessive, even though the war had been long.

"I am sure the knights who fought hard will be pleased. Thank you for your generous consideration."

Carlyle expressed his gratitude in a voice that betrayed no gratitude at all.

The nobles and knights standing around were nervous, expecting a stern rebuke from the Emperor at any moment, but Carlyle was unfazed.

He knew very well that his father could not get angry with him. After all, he had sent him to fight even the wars that the Emperor should have fought himself, using the excuse of 'the Crown Prince's duty'. There was nothing he could say, even if he had two mouths.

"Ehem. Yes, you must be tired. Go back and rest."

As expected, the emperor had a displeased expression on his face, but he could not bring himself to reprimand Carlyle's attitude.

Not wanting to stay in front of him any longer, Carlyle simply nodded his head and turned to leave.

"Impudent brat… ."


After Carlyle left and the emperor was left alone in the hall, he spat out a low curse at him. Beatrice frowned and smiled awkwardly.

"He's still young and full of blood. He's only twenty-five. He's at the age where he's drunk on his own self-importance. Give him some more time and he'll surely realize how respectable Your Majesty is."

Even after hearing Beatrice's comforting words, the emperor's frown did not disappear.

"He should be mature at twenty-five! Just because he knows how to use a sword, he dares to belittle even his father?"

Beatrice sighed softly and muttered to herself as she watched the emperor's eyes, which were stained with anger and inferiority.

"He's born and raised as a crown prince, there's hardly anything to fear. No matter what mistakes he makes, he'll become the emperor. What a joke."

"Pft! That's amusing talk!"

The emperor scoffed.

"The prince's position is in the emperor's hands, and I am the emperor now! For now, I'll turn a blind eye, considering he's going through hardships on the battlefield. But if he dares to crawl up to my throne…!"

"What then?"

Beatrice's voice carried a subtle smirk. It further provoked the emperor's pride.

"Of course, he should be stripped of his position as the Crown Prince!"

At those words, Beatrice gently whispered while caressing his shoulders.

"Well, there needs to be a sharp reprimand for the mistakes made. Although Carlyle won't make a mistake big enough to be stripped from his title as a crown prince…"

"I hope not."

The emperor sighed, and behind him, Beatrice flashed a meaningful smile.


Under the zelkova tree on a quiet country road, five dark figures sat around chewing on something.

"This is… really tough."

"Just shut up and eat."

The cautious complaint quickly subsided, and the surroundings were once again filled with the sound of chewing.

However, after chewing for a long time, Asha finally sighed and apologized.

"I'm sorry. I bought the cheapest jerky…"

"What are you talking about? It's delicious. The more you chew it, the sweeter it gets."

"…At this rate, my jaw will fall off."

Asha rubbed her frozen jaw with her hand.

The group, on their way to Zyro to demand compensation from the emperor, was saving everything they could.

From Pervaz to the nearest fiefdom, Elsir, they ate black bread that they had brought from the fiefdom. Once they were able to exchange gold for supplies in Elsir, they filled their bags with only the cheapest items.

One of them was the horse jerky they were eating now. It was so hard and chewy that it was impossible to describe.

"I wonder if we can boil it in water for dinner. That way, the jerky will soften and we can make soup with the broth."

"That's a good idea, Luka."

Thanks to the fact that the young lord, Asha, agreed first, everyone reluctantly threw the jerky they were eating back into their bags.

Not to mention, if they had to keep eating that jerky, their jaws would have fallen off by the time they reached Zyro.