
Author's Note

<<<<<<<<<<Harry Potter>>>>>>>>>

I have always wanted to write a fanfic that was relatively canon compliant until Book 7 and yet, Harry doesn't end up with Ginny. I wanted to make it a one-shot but finally decided on two chapters. Yes, Teddy was born much later in canon, but I tweaked the story of how Remus and Tonks got together. From what I've read, while Teddy didn't face too much backlash because of his status as Harry's godson, Rita Skeeter did take a punch at him several times because of him being the son of a werewolf. Besides, I wanted Harry to raise a child early. Teddy was an integral part of Harry and Daphne's relationship. That's how they bonded.

I also don't like how the entire Slytherin House was targeted in Book 7. Come on, let's be realistic! One-fourth of the population were ex-Slytherin students. Not all of them were Death Eaters! It's ridiculous! Also, If you think it was quite simple for Harry to figure things out, remember that it was by chance that Harry figured out that the Resurrection Stone was inside the snitch and about the cup in the vault and about the diadem in the Room of Requirement in Book 7. If he can get brainwaves like that in canon, why not here?

I believe I have correctly portrayed Ron and Hermione's behaviour and how Harry's relationship with them would have been affected if some of the key events in Book 7 hadn't taken place after Ron left. Some might disagree with me, though. You have to remember that this Hermione didn't listen to Harry's rant about Dumbledore, nor did she get tortured by Bellatrix. Ron didn't come back seeking forgiveness either, and without that, there was no chance for him to grow or redeem himself to Harry.

And yes, Harry's grandparents here were Charlus and Dorea. I won't be changing it. Sorry JKR and to anyone else who is unfortunate enough to be named Fleamont; I don't like it, so I won't be using it.

This fic was revised in November 2019. A note to anyone who returned to re-read it. Thanks for the reviews, everyone!