
Chapter one

I've never been scared of war. not till today. I stare out at the army my stomach twists and my heart pounds like a drum.

"We have about three hours before they're at our doors," Edward says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I will go get the kind and queen of the ice and forest stay here. get everyone ready I will be back in A few minutes." I grab his arm and hold him tightly. he looks at me and nods. I slowly let go of him and back up. he runs out faster than a lightning bolt.

I get everyone ready making armor and weapons. I can hear them getting closer then Edward runs in and smiles at me with confidence.

"come see." Edward grabs my arm and pulls me down the halls. I look at the cracks in the dark halls and smile softly. I know this is the last time I will see it like this. I walk into the main dining room it is full of an army two times bigger than the army outside.

My heart stops pounding. My eyes light up and I throw my arms around Edward.

"I don't how you did this but I don't care!" I kiss him then run into the crowd of warriors looking at each of them. For a moment I forgot about everything. but I was quickly brought back to reality when I hear a loud BOOM! My heart pounds and I run back to Edward and look into his eyes.

"You get hurt out there and I take your money," I say trying to lighten the mood he puts his hand on my cheek then we all walk out to see cannons loading. I hear the boom again and make a huge wall of water. The queen of ice freezes it. A large metal orb hits the wall hard but not a crack is sean the large ord shoots back at them destroying the cannon.

We all run at them. I pick up lots of them and drown them in my water. Edward gets his fill of blood and keeps killing. the queens and kings of sun and ice blind and kill. we think they are all gone I jump up and we all cheer. I hear Edward yell in pain. My heart drops and I run to him. A half-dead soldier has stabbed him through his chest.

My eyes widen and I cover my mouth in shock. I kill the soldier and grab Edward. My eyes fill with tears and my tears drip on his face. He weakly touches my cheek and smiles at me. I feel something come over me. I scream as loud as I can. A beam of light shoots down onto me.

My eyes glow not blue but yellow. big angel wings come out of my back and a halo appears above my head. I close my eyes tightly and yell louder not in pain but in anger and love. I see lights flash on the inside of my eyes. I slowly open my eyes and all the soldiers are gone. Edward stands up with no wound. I look at my hands and realize I'm glowing and hovering above everyone.

"Woah.." Edward says in complete shock. I float down and my wings and halo disappear. I turn and look at every one. it's silent for a moment then everyone cheers and runs to me hugging me and shaking me.

I smile widely and look at every one. we won...but this....this is only the beginning.