
The Affinity For Darkness

Jason Yeager who is summoned to another world along with his classmates learned that he wields the affinity for darkness, betrayed by his lover, abused and abandoned by his classmates.He gets send to the bottom of a Dungeon where he meets Indura the Black Dragon of Darkness who took him as his son, reconstituted him into a Dragonoid and gave him the name Lucifer. Now Lucifer is on a journey to find a way back to his world, hold deep vengeance for anyone who gets in his way of doing so and along the way he meets Monster Women who becomes his wives.

KevinWalters · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 69 : Attack on Falmiere (Part 1)

2 hours ago.

The Kingdom of Falmiere is one of the greatest Kingdom on the continent second only to the Holy City Of Nerotopia with a population of 20 million civilians.

"Your majesty lady Rosario is still missing."

The king of Falmiere Salvatore Enrald Windo Falmiert sits on his throne listening to the words of his minister, it's been more than 24 hours and Rosario still has yet to return. The news about a demon being seen with Excalibur has caused great panic in the kingdom.

"Double all your efforts, We have to find her or rather Excalibur. That sword is a treasure of the Kingdom passed down from generation to generation."

"As you wish."

As the minister walked towards the door and opened it, for a second there he was surprised then suddenly his vision suddenly rotated clockwise and it didn't take him long to see that he was beheaded. Blood gushed from his neck, his body wobbled back and forth before it collapsed like a stringless puppet. The king was surprised, then his knights ran to protect him. The door opened wider, Misreld, Spooky, King And Bruce walked in.

"It's been far too long your majesty, I see you're still in good health," Misreld greeted.

"Misreld, you dare show your face again after I exiled you from my kingdom," The king fumed, trying his best to remain composed and hiding his fretfulness.

"Yes, I'm here to return the debt," Misreld replied nonchalantly.

"It doesn't matter who you are we won't allow you to pass,"

A knight declared.

"...I think otherwise."

Misreld tapped his staff on the ground, sending out a purple wave of energy. Suddenly skeletons crawled out of the Knight's own shadow and started pulling the knight down into the murky black puddle beneath their feet. The knights cut them off with their swords and stab with their spears but no matter how many they killed the skeleton just kept coming.

"No, I don't want to die here."

"Someone save us."

The knight called out as their bravery immediately turned to wails of despair.

Abruptly, there was a blinding light emanating out of a book that turned the skeletons into ashes. The light slowly disappeared and there were four people standing between the king and Misreld.

A blue haired woman with a large hammer resting on her shoulder, A boy with grey hair carrying a bow and arrow, a large muscular man with two large gauntlets and a purple haired, purple eyed woman dressed as a wizard with two magic Grimoire floating behind her. These four People were dressed in white and they all wore the same emblem on their coats.

"The four Paladin, so nice of you to join us," Misreld expressed.

"Make it easy on yourself and surrender misreld, you're out matched and out number," the king ordered.

"Hehehehehe hahahahahaha!" Misreld laughed and raised his staff in the air.

Suddenly the orb in the staff started to glow bright. On the outside many holes over the Kingdom open in space and many low level demons started pouring through the thousands. The civilians started to run and scream as they saw the incoming demons.

'This stupid old man, why did he have to go and jinx everything?' Archibald the Archer thought to himself.

"What were you saying about outnumbered?" Misreld queried.

The witch took a good luck at the staff in Misreld's hand, She activated her 「Appraisal 」skill and found a massive amount of dark energy swimming inside the staff.

"We have to take away that staff, it's the source of all his power," she suggested.

"That can be arranged,"

The girl Diane with the hammer dashed straight at Misreld and swung her hammer at him. Suddenly King stepped forward and blocked her attack.

"Move aside "

Diane pressed a button on the handle and a part of the hammer turned into a rocket that ignited and gave a boost to Diane's swing. She managed to push King away then she took another swing at Misreld who casually grabbed her by the face.

'I can't move.'

Diane found her limbs frozen from a single touch. Suddenly She found her energy being sucked out of her body until she was nothing but a shrivelled corpse and her companion gazed at the corpse's expression of anguish and agony.


Archibald got angry and fired off an arrow at Misreld. Spooky stepped in front of him and used a black scythe to slice the arrow in two.

"Thanks to the power of darkness my rise to power is infinite, Destroying this kingdom will be nothing short of child's play," Misreld stated.

"Archibald come with me and let's go protect the civilians," Fhe Wizard suggested.

"What about me? Are you just going to leave your king behind, I demand you stay and protect me," Salvatore commanded.

The wizard looked at the king with a cold stare in her eyes. "Be quiet or I'll take care of you myself," she threatened.

The king shuddered as he felt her killing intent. She teleported out of the castle along with Archibald.

"Now that I'm outside, I can let loose," Archibald grinned.

"Just be careful not to harm any civilians."


Archibald drew his bow string and fired off an arrow. Suddenly the arrow split into eight different arrows and killed eight different demons. The wizard Miranda skipped through the pages of her Grimoire to a spell. A snowy wind flowed out of the book and spread all around Miranda. Each demon the wind passes over gets turned into a block of ice.

In the meantime.

Drock stood firm and knocked his two fists together.

"I swear on my honour as a paladin you shall not pass," He declared.

Bruce cracked his neck and stepped forward with an arrogant smile on his face. "We'll see about the big guy."

He launched himself straight at Drock and gave him an uppercut to the abdomen. Drock coughed out a little blood before falling to his knees and Bruce rest his foot on Drock's face

"Is that all you got?" Bruce wondered in an arrogant grinned string across his face.


Drock's released a large amount of energy pushing Bruce away. Drock stood tall over him with bulging muscles and then punched him straight in the face. Bruce only slightly turned his head from the punch then smiled.

In the meantime.

Miranda cast lightning magic that fried the demons. She suddenly sensed something behind her and turned her around. Miranda got punched in the face that sent her flying down to the streets. Luckily she had a barrier around herself to protect her and she looked up to see King the white Knight walking to her. He was suddenly attacked by knights from all sides and with one wide swing of his swords he sliced their bodies in two.

"Looks like you're going to be my opponent white Knight," Miranda stated.

In the meantime.

Archibald fired Gatling of arrows at the demons that turned to dust after dying. He stopped shooting when he saw Spooky walking towards him. Her long hair was in her face so he couldn't see her face properly but he could tell how creepy she looked.

"Are you going to fight me, then I won't hold back against you monster?"

Archibald fired a powerful arrow at Spooky and she dodged it and ran towards him. She was inches away from his face and when she raised her head to him, Archibald was shocked when he saw her fleshless face.

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