
The Affinity For Darkness

Jason Yeager who is summoned to another world along with his classmates learned that he wields the affinity for darkness, betrayed by his lover, abused and abandoned by his classmates.He gets send to the bottom of a Dungeon where he meets Indura the Black Dragon of Darkness who took him as his son, reconstituted him into a Dragonoid and gave him the name Lucifer. Now Lucifer is on a journey to find a way back to his world, hold deep vengeance for anyone who gets in his way of doing so and along the way he meets Monster Women who becomes his wives.

KevinWalters · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 35 : The Fate of The Lizardmen 

Lucifer and the others stood before the tribe of 70,000 lizardmen and they all prostrated before him. Latra wives were in front of them all and since they were closer to Lucifer they tremble with fear. 

" All of you listen well, My husband will decide your eternal fates " Lelania shouts.

" First and foremost I would like to say that in the war of the 80,000 lizardmen who went into battle none survived...Many of you lost lovers, fathers, children, grandchildren and even a King but I honestly don't care about the sorrow you're feeling. I warned you about this war and you didn't heed my warning and because of it you're in this predicament.. You can despise me all you want but you brought this mess on yourselves.. Do you mind explaining the rest? "

" Yes master " Eve stepped forward to speak on his behalf. 

" My master is completely in his rights to obliterate your entire species but he has chosen a different for all of you.. 

First, all previous aggressions will be forgiven if you coexist with the Lamias as their new ally and There will no war, No grudges and Hatred between either species and last but not least Lamia and Lizardmen will both serve under one ruler lord Lucifer "

" What ?!" Lucifer was surprised to hear his name called. 

- I didn't tell her to say that, why is she putting me on the spotlight-

" Since your my husband it automatically makes you the king of the Lamias " Lelania said. 

" I.... " Lucifer was about to say something until….

" I object !" Shouts a lizardman amongst the captives. He stood to his feet and looked at Lucifer with hatred in his eyes. 

" There is no way I would serve under someone who isn't a lizardman from our tribe and the man who killed king Lartra. He was a great leader better than we could ask for and you killed him ! "

The lizardman shouts and within seconds his head was sliced off his body and his blood dripped off the edge of Eve's sword. Her eyes was cold and filled with murderous intent 

" Low life lizard, how dare you speak to my master in such a tone ?" She said, 

" I see now, This is about your pride, You're belief that your the descendants of dragons "

The air around Lucifer turned dark as night because of the aura being released from his body. Nobody moved a muscle as in the shadows of the darkness then could see a black dragon standing behind him. 

- This aura of such dread and pure evil !  -

Fenrir smiled as she was excited as she tried to withstand the pressure being released from his body. 

" Your so-called pride means nothing to me so get that through your head " Lucifer said then retract his aura and walk away. 

Even after he felt all of the lizardmen still trembled on the ground. Lelania watched Lucifer walk away and then turned to the two albino female lizardmen. 

" You too raise your heads "

" Eeeek.. Y-yes "

They raised their heads and looked at Lelania. 

" From now on you two will be in charge of the lizardmen and you'll do everything I command is that clear " She asks as she looks at them sternly. 

" Yes my queen we are your to command "

Later that day 

Fenrir swings her claws vertically and slices down ten trees. The Lamias was in awe by her magnificent skills. 

" You're amazing lady fenrir "

" Yeah " 

" It's nothing " Fenrir puffed out her chest confidence. She heard a slashing sound and 11 trees fell to the ground. Eve sheaths her sword again and sensed Fenrir's gaze on her. She looks at Fenrir who was looking at her with jealousy in her eyes. 

" Is something the matter? " Eve asked. 

" Nothing, "  Fenrir responded.

Huts was built to accommodate the lizardmen with the help of Fenrir, Eve and the male lizardmen. The female lizardmen and Lamia would work together to provide food for them. Fenrir and Eve watched from a distance as the two species who worked together.

" Looks like everything is going as planned " Eve said.

" You're still calling him master even though you're now one of his wives ? " Fenrir asks.

" Even thought him his wife, I'm still his servants and as his servants I must address him as master " Eve replied while blushing. 

" Where is Lucifer anyways? "

" Back at the hut "

Inside the hut. 

" Come on husband open wide "

Lelania held a grape to Lucifer's mouth while he was reading a book. He opens his mouth and allows her to feed him the grape. As he ate she couldn't stop admiring him, she looked at his girlish face and the way his mouth moved when he chewed his food. 

- So adorable -

She thought to herself. Fenrir walked unto the hut while they were in the middle of something. 

" Hey Lucifer, can I speak to you for a moment? " She asked

She hinted to Lelania that she wanted to speak to him in private. 

" I'll go and see the progress of the work so far, I'll be back husband " Lelania slithers away and stand close to Fenrir. 

" Don't take all of the fun for yourself "

" I won't " 

After Lelania left Fenrir sat beside Lucifer. 

" So what do you want to talk about? " Lucifer asks. 

" Oh, Just wanted to tell you that the work is going smoothly so far "

" I see, that's good then "

There was an awkward silence between the two of them. Fenrir blushed a little as she took a glimpse at Lucifer as he continued to read his book. 

" So have you finished my ring yet? " Fenrir asked. 

" Not yet but I'll give up to you very soon "

" Okay, so do you want my help with anything? "

" No, I'm good... Actually there is one thing I've been curious about " Lucifer said.

" What's that ? "

" There is something that I've been meaning to try out but it might bring you discomfort "

" I can handle anything, just tell me what you need me to do " She responded proudly.

Moments later Fenrir blushes and she shakes nervously. Lucifer was behind her on the bed. 

" How does it feel ?" He asked. 

" It tickles a bit but I can't handle it "

" Let me know when your feeling any discomfort "

Lucifer was behind her on the bed feeling her fox ears. Fenrir shakes and she feels his fingers running through the fur in her ear. 

- This feeling, it's back again -

Fenrir squirms as she tries her best not to make any sounds. Lucifer is trying to figure out if werewolves have the same genetic structure as dogs. 

" Now for the next part "

Lucifer grabbed Fenrir's tail and at that moment she felt an electricity running through her body.

" Eeeep~" Fenrir let out a little moan and quickly covered her mouth.

She look at Lucifer and noticed that he didn't find out anything about that little girly sound she made. He continued to the feel her tail while Fenrir covered her mouth trying her best not to make that sound again. Her body was getting hot all over and she couldn't stop squirming. 

" I think that's enough " Lucifer said. 

" Did you find anything? "

" Yeah, The difference between monsters and demihuman is that monsters can't survive without magicles but I have a feeling that werewolves are more demihuman than monsters" Lucifer said. 

" Good "

Fenrir grabbed Lucifer by his tie and pulled him in to give him a long hard kiss. Lucifer was surprised that he opened his eyes. She released him and smiled arrogantly. 

" That's my payment for touching me inappropriately... I'm going to take a shower "

She walked away and went into the bathroom. Lucifer remained dumbfounded and touched his lips. 

" That was my first kiss, " He said. 

After Fenrie walks into the bathroom, close the door and fall to her knees behind the door. She started to breathe heavily as she was getting hotter and hotter. She was still suffering the effect of what happened to her and she touched her lips remembering the kiss she gave him. 

- I kissed him, I didn't mean to it just happened -

" I don't know how long I can take this, Why is Lucifer making me feel this? " She asked herself.

Thank you readers for all your support and please continue supporting my novel.

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