
The Aetheris Chronicles

In the mystical world of Veridan Haven, "The Aetheris Chronicles" introduces readers to Elian Aetheris, a transmigrated soul thrust into a realm pulsating with ancient magic and family secrets. As Elian assumes his role within the revered Aetheris family, practitioners of the elusive Aether magic, the narrative takes an unexpected twist, steering him away from the path of a traditional hero and towards an unforeseen journey of darkness. The plot unfolds against the backdrop of a city that seamlessly melds medieval and modern elements, revealing the Aetheris family's magical heritage. Elian's siblings, Elara and Cole, find themselves entangled in the threads of ancient prophecies and the mystical forces shaping Veridan Haven. Themes of power, destiny, and the consequences of choice weave a complex tapestry as Elian grapples with internal struggles, ultimately transforming into an enigmatic villain. The secrets of the Aetheris family unravel, exploring the delicate balance between familial bonds and the weight of a magical destiny that transcends the ordinary. Note: Elian doesn't become a Villain initially after a lot of chapters he moves towards the dark side. This is also my entry for the 2024 writing contest for villain. Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/7HJPY3kX

_Zennn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
178 Chs

Round of 16(1)

The sand of the coliseum floor squelched uncomfortably between Draven's toes as he appraised his opponent across the vast expanse. Asher of the Ironclad Duchy stood resolute, her hair, the color of an approaching storm cloud, whipping in a nonexistent breeze. Her eyes, the swirling gray of a brewing tempest, held a glint of steely resolve. Draven, clad in his usual raven-feathered robes, tightened the worn leather strap securing his silver raven pendant – a silent prayer for his patron deity perched against his chest.

The cacophony of cheers and roars from the bloodthirsty crowd abruptly quieted as the gong echoed through the arena. Its reverberations seemed to vibrate the very ground beneath their feet. Asher raised a hand, her brow furrowed in intense concentration. Draven, in response, closed his eyes, feeling the now-familiar pull of connection with the ravens circling overhead. They were his eyes, his ears, his early warning system.

A sharp tug on his mental tether jolted Draven back to reality. A raven shrieked a frantic warning as a surge of unseen energy slammed into him, sending a jolt of pain spiking through his head that momentarily blurred his vision. He stumbled back, a guttural groan escaping his lips as he gritted his teeth against the sudden psychic assault.

"Not bad, Draven," Asher called across the arena, a hint of amusement lacing her voice. "But a little more than a telekinetic shove won't win you this fight, will it?"

Draven straightened, a flicker of anger igniting his obsidian eyes. "We'll see about that," he growled, the sound a low rumble that resonated in the pit of his stomach and sent shivers down the spines of some of the closer audience members.

With a measured movement, he raised his right hand, the silver raven pendant glowing faintly with a soft, magical hum. A flock of ravens, drawn by the magical call, cawed in response, diving towards him. As they reached his outstretched palm, they dissolved into a swirling vortex of black feathers, coalescing around his arm, forming a shimmering gauntlet that resembled an obsidian wing, complete with sharpened tips and a raven-like curve.

Asher's eyes widened a fraction, a flicker of surprise flitting across her stormy gaze. "Raven magic," she muttered, a hint of respect replacing the amusement. "Interesting choice."

The gong boomed again, signaling the official start of the fight. Draven wasted no time. With a powerful thrust of his raven-winged arm, he launched himself towards Asher. She reacted with lightning speed, throwing up her hands to form an invisible barrier just as Draven slammed into it mere inches from her face. The impact sent a shockwave rippling through the sand, but Asher stood firm, her stance unwavering.

"Predictable," Asher said, a smirk playing on her lips. Another wave of psychic energy washed over Draven, this time targeting his legs in an attempt to trip him. But Draven, anticipating the move, felt the telekinetic pull just in time. Reacting with the agility of a predator, he propelled himself upwards with a powerful leap, the raven wings on his arm providing unexpected lift that sent him soaring over the invisible attack.

He landed with a crouch behind Asher, the obsidian gauntlet crackling with a faint, dark energy. Before she could react to his unexpected maneuver, Draven unleashed a swift attack. The raven wings on his arm morphed into a wickedly sharp beak that sliced through the air, aimed at her back. Asher spun around with surprising grace, barely dodging the deadly blow. The only testament to the near miss was the sound of tearing fabric as the tip of the beak snagged her cloak, leaving a ragged tear.

Asher whirled around, her eyes blazing with fury. "You little-" she began, but was cut off as Draven surged forward again. This time, however, he didn't rely solely on brute force. He danced around her in a mesmerizing pattern with his raven-winged arm, mimicking the flight of a raven. Asher's eyes darted back and forth, trying to track his movements, her telekinetic defenses faltering under the barrage of unpredictable maneuvers.

Finally, Draven saw his opening. He feinted left, then right, throwing Asher off balance before unleashing a swift kick aimed at her knee. Asher, caught off guard by the sudden shift in tactics, managed to deflect the blow with a telekinetic shield, but the force sent her staggering back a few steps.

The crowd roared, the tide of the fight seemingly shifting in Draven's favor. But Asher was a seasoned fighter. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, they had a newfound intensity, a storm brewing within their depths.

"Enough playing around," she declared, her voice ringing with a newfound power. She ...raised her hands, and a storm cloud materialized above the arena with a low rumble. It wasn't a flashy display, but a chillingly efficient gathering of power, the air thickening with an oppressive energy. The cloud, an ominous mirror of Asher's stormy hair, cast the entire battlefield in an unsettling shadow.

Lightning crackled within the cloud, each flash momentarily illuminating Asher's determined face. Draven felt a surge of raw power emanating from it, a power that prickled at his skin and made the hairs on his arms stand on end. He knew what was coming. Psychic lightning. A devastating attack that could cripple even the most powerful mage if it landed.

Panic gnawed at him, but Draven forced it down. He couldn't dodge it. The cloud was too vast, the lightning too unpredictable. He had to block it. But how? His raven magic, powerful as it was, wasn't designed to withstand such a concentrated form of psychic energy.

Desperate, he closed his eyes, focusing on the connection with his ravens. He could feel them circling above the storm cloud, their presence a beacon in the darkness. He wasn't just their master, they were also his eyes in the sky. Through them, he saw a flicker of movement within the churning storm – a gap in the concentrated psychic energy.

A desperate plan formed in his mind. He whispered a plea to his patron deity, channeling every ounce of his magic into his raven gauntlet. The black feathers shimmered, the obsidian wings spreading wide as if to embrace the oncoming storm.

A blinding flash of psychic lightning erupted from the cloud, a crackling spear of pure energy aimed directly at Draven. Time seemed to slow down. With a desperate surge of will, Draven thrust his raven-winged arm towards the oncoming attack, aiming for the gap he'd seen through his ravens' eyes.

The impact was deafening, a thunderclap that shook the very foundations of the arena. The psychic lightning struck the raven gauntlet, an unholy collision of magic and psychic energy. The black feathers crackled with an unnatural luminescence, smoke rising from the point of contact.

Draven screamed, the raw power coursing through the gauntlet threatening to tear him apart. He gritted his teeth, holding his ground despite the overwhelming sensation. The sand beneath his feet melted into glass, a testament to the ferocious heat generated by the clash.

But Draven persevered. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, the psychic lightning began to dissipate. The black feathers of the gauntlet absorbed the brunt of the attack, channeling the energy away from him. The smoke cleared, revealing the raven wings singed but still intact.

Silence descended upon the arena, broken only by Draven's ragged gasps. The storm cloud above them had dissipated, leaving behind a clear blue sky. Asher stood frozen, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Draven, his body trembling with exertion, lowered his arm. The raven gauntlet, its power spent, dissolved back into a swirling vortex of feathers that rejoined the ravens circling overhead. He stared at Asher, his obsidian eyes burning with a newfound intensity.

"Your move," he rasped, his voice hoarse but laced with a steely resolve.

Asher faltered. The surprise attack, the sheer audacity of using raven magic to absorb a psychic attack – it had thrown her off balance. The crowd, initially stunned into silence, erupted in a cacophony of cheers and boos, the tide of the fight turning decisively in Draven's favor.

Asher, however, was a veteran. With a deep breath, she composed herself. But a flicker of doubt, a chink in her armor, had been revealed. And Draven, a predator circling his wounded prey, wouldn't let this opportunity slip away.

The battle continued, a whirlwind of telekinetic attacks and counter-attacks fueled by raven magic. Asher fought valiantly, her psychic abilities formidable. But Draven, emboldened by his success against the lightning attack, fought with renewed confidence. He anticipated her moves, using his ravens to predict her attacks and his agility to evade them.

The fight raged on until Asher, exhausted and frustrated, made a critical mistake. She telekinetically hurled a massive rock at Draven, a desperate attempt to end the fight. Draven, however, saw the attack coming. With a well-timed leap and a coordinated dive of his ravens, he managed to deflect the rock at the last moment.

The rock slammed into the barrier protecting the audience seats, sending a shower of sparks and debris flying. The crowd erupted in a mixture of fear and excitement. But for Asher, it was the final blow.

Draven seized his opportunity. He channeled his remaining magic into a concentrated blast of raven energy, a dark counterpart to Asher's psychic power. With a guttural roar, he unleashed the attack at Asher.

The blast struck her like a raven diving from a storm cloud, a condensed bolt of inky darkness slamming into her chest. Asher gasped, the air knocked from her lungs. She stumbled back, a look of disbelief etched on her face, the storm of emotions in her eyes finally breaking into a flicker of fear.

Draven didn't relent. He surged forward, fueled by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He closed the distance between them in a blur of motion, his fist, still crackling with residual raven magic, aimed for a decisive blow.

But Asher, a fighter to the very core, wasn't finished yet. With a desperate surge of will, she summoned the last vestiges of her psychic power. A shimmering telekinetic shield materialized around her, deflecting Draven's fist at the last second.

The impact sent a shockwave through the arena floor, kicking up a sandstorm that momentarily obscured the combatants from view. When the dust settled, Draven stood panting, his fist throbbing from the impact. Asher, one knee on the ground, looked up at him, her face pale but her eyes burning with defiance.

The crowd held its breath, the silence thick with anticipation. Had Draven delivered the final blow, or had Asher managed to weather the storm?

Just then, a tremor ran through Asher's body. Her eyes widened in surprise, and a gasp escaped her lips. The telekinetic shield around her flickered and died. Draven, seizing the opportunity, lunged forward once more.

This time, there was no shield to protect her. Draven's fist connected with Asher's jaw with a sickening thud. The force of the blow sent her flying through the air, her body crumpling limply onto the sand as she landed several meters away.

Silence descended upon the arena once more, broken only by the ragged gasps of the two fighters. The referee, frozen in shock for a moment, finally snapped out of it and rushed towards Asher. He knelt beside her, checking for a pulse.

A tense moment stretched into an eternity. Then, the referee let out a sigh of relief. "She's unconscious," he announced to the stunned crowd. "But she's alive."

The crowd erupted in a cacophony of cheers and boos, the tide of the fight finally settled. Draven stood there, chest heaving, the taste of victory a bitter mix of relief and exhaustion. He looked down at his hand, the raven magic having completely dissipated.

He had won. But the victory felt hollow. He had faced a formidable opponent, and respect for Asher's fighting spirit warred with the primal satisfaction of winning within him.

As medics rushed onto the arena floor to tend to Asher, Draven raised his gaze to the sky. The ravens, his loyal companions, cawed in victory above him. But their cawing sounded strangely mournful to his ears, a somber echo of the battle that had just ended.