
The Aetheris Chronicles

In the mystical world of Veridan Haven, "The Aetheris Chronicles" introduces readers to Elian Aetheris, a transmigrated soul thrust into a realm pulsating with ancient magic and family secrets. As Elian assumes his role within the revered Aetheris family, practitioners of the elusive Aether magic, the narrative takes an unexpected twist, steering him away from the path of a traditional hero and towards an unforeseen journey of darkness. The plot unfolds against the backdrop of a city that seamlessly melds medieval and modern elements, revealing the Aetheris family's magical heritage. Elian's siblings, Elara and Cole, find themselves entangled in the threads of ancient prophecies and the mystical forces shaping Veridan Haven. Themes of power, destiny, and the consequences of choice weave a complex tapestry as Elian grapples with internal struggles, ultimately transforming into an enigmatic villain. The secrets of the Aetheris family unravel, exploring the delicate balance between familial bonds and the weight of a magical destiny that transcends the ordinary. Note: Elian doesn't become a Villain initially after a lot of chapters he moves towards the dark side. This is also my entry for the 2024 writing contest for villain. Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/7HJPY3kX

Mubarak_Zen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
178 Chs


Res had been waiting anxiously for Elian to come out of his room. He'd been in there for hours and hadn't come out yet. And it was high noon, this wasn't like Elian at all and her worry deepened. Something wasn't right. She made her way to his room asking servants if they had seen Elian and they all responded that they hadn't. She got to his front door and knocked lightly on the door, hoping for a response. When none came, she knocked again and it was dead silence. With a final knock and no response,she pushed the door open quietly and stepped inside.

She saw Elian sitting at his desk.

"Hey Elian are you ok" she asked.

He didn't respond.

She walked over to him and her heart sank at the sight before her. Elian sat at his desk his jottings on Elemental Fusion infront of him. His head tilted back, staring blankly at the ceiling. But it was his eyes that sent a shiver down her spine—they were completely black, devoid of any trace of his usual vibrant blue. Her heart beat quickened and her pulse was hammering in her hand.

"Elian?" Res called out, her voice trembling with fear. She reached out to shake him gently, but he remained unresponsive, lost in whatever darkness had consumed him.

Panic rising in her chest, Res hurriedly ran from his room to the throne room where his parents sat.

Elians father raised his eyebrow as he saw Res running towards them.

"Res, what happened" he asked

She stopped infront of the throne and she recounted what she had found. "Something's wrong with Elian," she said, her voice quivering. "I don't know what to do."

Elian's parents followed Res to Elians room, their faces full of concern and confusion. They rushed to their son's side, examining him closely as they tried to make sense of the situation.

"What's happened to him?" his mother asked, her voice full with fear.

Res shook her head, her eyes welling with tears. "I don't know," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper.

Elian's father frowned deeply, his brow furrowed with worry. "This looks like... demonic possession," he said slowly, his words heavy with dread.

Res's blood ran cold at the revelation. Demonic possession? It sounded like something out of a nightmare, something she had only read about in books.

"But how?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear. "What do we do?"

His parents exchanged worried glances at each other before turning back to Res. "We'll need to call a priest," Elian's father said grimly. "Someone who can perform an exorcism."

Res nodded, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty. She had never imagined something like this could happen to Elian, to someone she loved so dearly. But now, as she watched him slip further into the grip of darkness, she knew they had no choice but to fight back with everything they had.

Priests House on the outskirts of Eristia.

Father Michael had just settled in for a quiet afternoon at home, enjoying the warmth of the hearth and the comforting solitude of his home. Ever since Eristia's Eristia's founding, he had been one of the first immigrants to come here. He was originally a priest at the Shadowed Peaks Principality, but due to unrest and barbarism he emigrated as soon as he had the chance. Now he was relaxing in the comfort of his modest cottage trying to forget about the horrors if the work he was into.

As he was enjoying his own company, a sharp knock at the door shattered the peaceful silence. Frowning in confusion, he rose from his chair and made his way to the door, wondering who could possibly be here. He wasn't expecting anybody so he was confused.

He opened the door and he was greeted by the sight of a servant from the nearby castle, his face pale with urgency. "Father Michael," the servant gasped, his breath coming in short, panicked bursts. "The king needs you. His son... he needs an exorcism."

Father Michael's heart skipped a beat at the news, his mind racing with a thousand questions. "An exorcism?" he echoed, his voice barely above a whisper. "What's happened?"

The servant shook his head, his eyes wide with fear. "I don't know the details, Father," he admitted. "But it's urgent. Please, come with me."

Without a moment's hesitation, Father Michael hurried back into his home, his mind already racing ahead to the task that lay before him.

He was on break and if it was anyone else he would have politely sent them away, but the kings son allowed him into this kingdom and he was grateful so this was his way if showing gratitude. He ran to his modest study and he grabbed his grimoire from its place on the shelf, his fingers trembling slightly as he flipped through its weathered pages, searching for the rites of exorcism.

Once he had gathered his grimoire and a goblet of holy water, he prepared himself mentally for the task ahead, he followed the servant out into the cold winter, the chill air biting at his skin and his breath visible in the air.

As they approached the magnificent castle, Father Michael couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled in his stomach. Whatever darkness had taken over of the king's son, it would be his duty to cast it out, to banish it back to the depths from whence it came.

With a silent prayer for strength and guidance to the gods, Father Michael squared his shoulders and followed the servant into the castle.

The servant led him through the corridors of the castle, his footsteps echoing off the stone walls as they made their way to where the prince was.

It wasn't long before they encountered a familiar figure waiting in the hallway – a young girl with mermaid-colored hair, her expression one of fear,dread and concern. Father Michael recognized her as the prince's best friend, Res Aqua, and he felt sympathy for her as he approached.

"Res," he said softly, his voice gentle yet firm.

She looked up at him and responded

"You must be the priest, let me take you to where he is"

Res led Father Michael down another corridor and to big wooden doors. With a slight smile of thanks, Father Michael stepped inside.

The queen was sitting next to a bed that the prince was probably on and the king was pacing back and forth completely unaware that he was here. He went on a knee and greeted the king and queen. Then they noticed him.

The king came and shook his hand and led him to the bed and what he was a chilling one – the prince lying on his bed, his eyes as black as a Stygian Panthera's fur, his features twisted into a mask of torment. Father Michael knew at once that this kind of possession was dangerous, and he wasted no time in preparing himself for the task ahead.

He walked towards the window and closed the windows to shut out any outside influences, Father Michael lit candles in strategic places around the room and drew a magic circle on the floor, inscribing runes at its center and on the sides. He poured some holy water and the circle began to glow then he stepped into the circle, feeling the power of the ancient magic thrumming beneath his feet.

"Res, Your Majesty, Your Highness," he said, addressing the prince's loved ones who had gathered in the room. "Please stand back. The exorcism is about to begin."

As they retreated to a safe distance, Father Michael closed his eyes and began to recite the sacred incantations for Adhara's hope.

"Hope of Adhara, as bright as the sun

Grant me your luck for the battles won".

Then a golden light enveloped him.