
The Aetheric Path

The tale of the Sovereign of Darkness... Vincent, who was once feared as The Grim Reaper in the criminal underworld, has finally been slain. While he sought only rest, he reincarnated into Inar – a world reminiscent of the Victorian era – as the noble Cassius Aramdale. Denied his eternal peace... he is forced once more to walk the tragic path of blood and death. UPDATES THRICE A WEEK* The world of Inar is on the brink of a global conflict, where colonial powers fight for control and native populations fight for independence or reformation. As tensions begin to rise between colonizers and the colonized, nations against nations, and the fate of Inar hanging in the balance... an ancient threat awakens. Will humanity cease to exist or will it survive? DISCLAIMER: If you are looking for a light-hearted novel, I am obliged to warn you that this story may not be for you – a story that attempts to explore the many facets of humanity and society. Welcome to Inar.

AACross · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Cassius Aramdale (Beginning of the 'A New Life Arc')

Season One | Tears of Woe

A New Life Arc

07 | Cassius Aramdale

"I TOLD YOU TO watch your language, Theo!" Isabella said before throwing a pillow at him. Theodore did not dare to dodge, allowing it to hit his face rather than earn his wife's fury.

  Vincent laughed at his father. 'Allow me the pleasure of your suffering,' he thought.

  Theodore let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, Isa. It's just that I'm really happy," he said, his voice tinged with pride and delight.

  Isabella's expression softened, and she reached to place a hand on his arm. "It's okay." Then she asked, looking back to Vincent. "What should we name him?"

  Theodore's eyes were misty when he looked at Vincent in Isabella's arms. "I was thinking, Cassius," he said as if to reminisce of the past. "Cassius Aramdale."

  Isabella's face lit up with a smile, "Cassius," she repeated, her voice filled with adoration. "I love it, Theodore," she said, kissing him gently on the cheek. It was the name of Theodore's ancestor who saved the House of Aramdale from its downfall.

  'Edgy... Mouthful... I swear if they start calling me Cassy... I'd rather be named Bob,' thought Vincent... or rather... Cassius... as he clicked his tongue. His parents saw this and chuckled, finding it adorable.

  Theodore then smiled, his arms tightening around Isabella and Cassius. "He's our pride and joy, and I know he'll make us proud," he said.

  'Pride and joy? Hopefully, he won't end up like one of those types of parents,' thought Cassius as he rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue. His parents saw this and chuckled. It seemed they found it adorable.

  "I couldn't agree more," said Isabella.

  His new parents sat there momentarily, lost in their thoughts as they looked at him, filling the room with a sense of ease and warmth.

  But that did not last long when Cassius again visibly paled, and he began to choke. 'Oh come on. Give me a break. What the fuck is going on?' he thought.

  Isabella began yelling his name, her face also pale with fear.

  Theodore then looked at the sorcerer. "Lucas, what's going on?!"

  Lucas asked the servants to leave, much to their hesitation and worry. Then he finally addressed Theodore.

  "His soul core is unstable again. You're the only one who can stabilize it, Theo, because you share his blood," said Lucas with calm.

  Theodore nodded before immediately placing a finger on Cassius' chest as aether slowly trickled through.

  "It's not working, Lucas!" said Theodore in agitation. " I can feel his soul core expanding, but no matter what I do, I can't stabilize it!"

  "Remain calm and don't force it. Encase his soul core with your aether to keep his spiritual sea peaceful. Your job is to protect the spiritual sea," Lucas said and narrowed his eyes at Cassius. "Stabilization... is up to your son."

  Theodore and Isabella looked at him in shock.

  "As I said, a peak-rate soul core is both a blessing and a curse," explained Lucas. "This is the curse, and only a few could truly survive it. There are only a known few methods to ensure it. The first is when the soul core stabilizes by itself through sheer instinct by the baby. Or..."

  "Aether transference," said Theodore and gritted his teeth before tightening the clasp of Isabella's hand. His other hand was maintained on Cassius' chest, keeping his spiritual sea peaceful.

  Lucas nodded his head. "But even aether transference has a low chance of succeeding. On the other hand, the sorcerer is fated to die."

  Isabella looked back at him in worry and muttered, "You can do it, baby. You can do it."

  Sweat also began to trickle down Theodore's profile before closing his eyes to focus.

  Cassius watched his parents as he became deaf to their conversation. Then he closed his eyes and drifted asleep. 'If I'm fated to die. Then death it shall be,' he thought.

  Cassius' mind soon began to drift, carrying him back to the past, where he saw himself as Vincent. He was a ten-year-old boy, nestled in his bed as his mother leaned in to tuck him in.

  He could feel the warmth of her embrace, the softness of her touch, and the comforting scent of her perfume. Vincent knew this was not real but did not want to let her go.

  "Goodnight, my love," his mother whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead.

  "Goodnight, mom," Vincent replied, his voice barely a whisper.

  Then the memories of his past life rushed back to him like a flood, overwhelming him with intensity. He remembered the sound of his father's laughter, the taste of his mother's cooking, and the feeling of his sister's hand in his. He remembered the joy of playing with friends, the excitement of learning new things, and the love and warmth of his family.

  But with the flood of happy memories came the pain, the regrets, and the missed opportunities. He felt the tears prickling at the corners of his eyes as he remembered the loss of his loved ones, the pain of being unable to protect them. His chest felt heavy with unbearable weight and the guilt of being the only one who survived.

  He turned to his mother, tears streaming down his face. "Mom, I'm sorry," he choked out. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, Lisa, and dad."

  "Shh, my baby," his mother soothed, wiping away his tears. "It's not your fault. You were just a child. It's not your responsibility to protect us - that's our responsibility." She then smiled and embraced Vincent.

  "But I should have been," Vincent said.

  "No, Vince, no child should have gone through what you did," his mother said firmly, but her voice remained gentle. She has always been like this... gentle but firm. "And if you truly wish to repent for your sins. Then take this opportunity and repent... But promise me to make the most of your life."

  Vincent remembered the last sentence, which was his mother's last sentence to him before she died. But even then, while he promised he would, he soon lived a life filled with blood and death. He was adopted into the Lazarro family, who gave him a chance to seek revenge.

  Rather than live a childhood free of worries, he walked the path of carnage and took many lives. He had become the same monster as those he hunted. At the end of his revenge, only emptiness awaited him. That feeling of emptiness was the most frightening experience of his life.

  There was no salvation, and nothing lay before him.

  Thus, he felt the uncertainty and fear creeping in, making him question whether it was worth living again. He felt lost in a sea of emotions, not knowing which way to turn.

Then, his surroundings changed, and he was suddenly sitting inside a coffee shop in Vancouver. It was cozy and warm, with the smell of fresh coffee and baked pastries wafting through the air.

  He was sitting by a fogged window facing a street outside, looking at the snow falling, illuminated by the streetlights. The sound of the gentle chatter and clinking of coffee cups filled the air, in chorus with the smooth sounds of jazz music being played.

  "Nice weather outside, isn't it?" said a familiar voice. Vincent looked toward the other side of the table and saw himself - the adult version of himself – the Grim Reaper – and his cold, steely blue eyes.

  The Grim Reeaper leaned back in his chair with a hand wrapped around a steaming mug of coffee. He took a sip, savouring the rich, bold flavour before setting it back on the table.

  "Yes, it's beautiful outside," said Vincent, looking back outside.

  "This is where you usually go to think - to relax.," said the Grim Reaper, his gaze focused on the tabletop. He fidgeted with his cup, running his thumb over the lip of the mug.

  Vincent said nothing, his eyes still set upon the beautiful scenery of the snow outside, not affirming or denying the Grim Reaper's words.

  "You don't deserve a second chance, Vincent. Not you," said the Grim Reaper, who took another sip of his coffee and smiled at him. "But to let yourself die when you know that there's a way to survive. That's fuckin' pathetic even for you."

  "Death... it comes when all options run out – when you've done all you can," his older self said "But you're refusing to live because you're uncertain and afraid? You're a fuckin' joke, yeah?"

  "Nothing awaits me in this life," said Vincent. "A life that isn't even my own."

  His older self shrugged in response. "Fuck off with the philosophical bullshit, yeah? You're a fuckin' coward. Born with a silver fuckin' platter and cowering like a little bitch. The baby died, and you didn't kill him," said the Grim Reaper as he turned his gaze at the snow falling outside. "You can die whenever you want. But this is no place to die."

  Then another voice spoke as a blonde-haired teenager walked to their table, dressed in blue denim shorts, a pair of sneakers, and a long pink shirt. "You promised to live your life, Vince. Don't you remember?"

  Vincent looked at the teenager and muttered, "Lisa." It was his older sister. Then, he looked at the Grim Reaper, leaning against his chair and lighting a cigarette. "You're a real piece of shit to bring my sister into this."

  Lisa sighed and took a seat before Vincent.

  The Grim Reaper said, "We're just reflections of your thoughts and feelings. You brought us here. I didn't bring shit."

  "He's right, and I'm a bit offended you only wanted to see me because you want me to what - blame you for what happened? To ease your guilt?" said Lisa as she leaned her arm against the table and propped her chin up with her hand. "But your subconscious knows that'd be quite frankly very rude to my memories with you."

  "What happened wasn't your fault, and actually, it wasn't any of our faults," Lisa said. "So, Vince. Just give it a chance, will you?"

  Vincent could never refuse her sister's request – illusion or not. Perhaps this was why his subconscious brought her here.

  Lisa smiled and said, "Go. And stop moping. I know you want to start anew. But you're letting the past prevent you from moving on."

  "So, please, Vince... move on and let us go," said Lisa.

  The moment was ruined when the Grim Reaper puffed smoke upward.

  "I didn't know I had such a punchable face," said Vincent.

  The Grim Reaper only responded with a middle finger.

  "I also don't recall acting with such sophistication," Vincent sarcastically added before looking at Lisa.

  "Stop it, guys," said Lisa. "And Vince? What are you still doing here? I said go."

  Moving on would not be so easy. But, to die by simply refusing to live would be unbecoming even for him. He still had no goal or motivation to push himself toward, but to die because he refuses to face his guilt and regrets would be pathetic.

  To also die by besmirching the memories of his loved ones from his previous life would only do them an injustice. After all, what kind of family would want their brother or son to die because of them?

  "A chance, huh?" Vincent said with a light chuckle. If he must die, at least it should be in a way where he would not be tied by the chains of his past. "I guess this is farewell, then."

  "Just fuck off," said the Grim Reaper.

  Lisa smiled. "You have a new family now. They also seem really nice. So, give them a chance and take care of them, okay?"

  "I can't promise you anything, Lisa. But I'll do my best," Vincent said with a smile before looking at his Grim Reaper persona. He gave him the middle finger before disappearing.

  'A new family, huh?' he thought. Perhaps this life in another world would indeed help him move on and give him a chance at redemption. Perhaps this is God's or the universe's way of giving him an opportunity to pay for his sins in the past... in a way that he is yet to still understand.

  Thus, he looked forward to what the future might hold. At least... he felt hopeful, which should be enough for now.

He felt his body and mind at peace, and his soul began to stir. Deep within him, a tiny quavering spark of light began to flicker, growing brighter and stronger with each passing moment. This light was his soul core.

  Then his soul core began to pulse with energy, drawing in the aether that filled the air around him. The aether flowed into his body, nourishing his soul core and causing it to condense and contract.

  With each breath he took, the aether flowed deeper into his body, filling him with vitality. Cassius could feel his soul core seemingly solidify in his dream-like state, becoming more refined. His mind also sharpened, and his senses heightened.

  He looked deep within his spiritual sea and saw his soul core which looked like a small white planet. It finally stabilized, and he also saw a blanket of aether withdraw. It must have been Theodore.

  "So, this is the baby's soul core," he said. "If I recall correctly based on Hiram's memories, If cultivate it, I can breakthrough to the first realm and become a Novice."

  "Then, after breaking through the second realm, the colour should change to a lighter shade of yellow. An indicator of becoming a full-fledged sorcerer. The third realm will then turn the soul core yellow. While the fourth realm is gold," recalled Cassius.

  "Finally, the fifth and final realm will turn the soul core's colour back to white, no different from the first realm. But. That also means entering the realm of Sovereigns," he said. "The true peak of the Aetheric Path."

  It seemed nice, if he could attain the peak. But he wasn't drawn to the promise of power. Instead, he shivered in fear of living as an infant for years. He feared living as if he was in a vegetative state... aware but helpless and incapable. He remembered a documentary he watched – of people seemingly comatosed for years, but were in fact aware of their surroundings.

  "I should cultivate... if not... I'll die of insanity and boredom," he said.

  Cassius then felt his consciousness drifting back to the physical world. He is waking up.

The sun was already setting when Cassius finally woke up. He saw the warm light of the setting sun spill into the nursery, casting an orange glow over his mom and dad.

  The light cast soft shadows on their faces, highlighting the contours of their features. It infused them with a sense of peace and contentment as they watched him. His mom's eyes were watery but seemed relieved, and his father's smile was proud.

  'They look haggard. It must have been hours if the sun's already going down,' he thought.

  Lucas was also there and finally celebrated. "Cassius survived and can now cultivate when he comes of age. I can't even begin to think what the future might hold for him. A peak-rate soul core only shows up once in a century," said Lucas before looking at his parents. "Congratulations."

  Isabella released a quiet gasp as she noticed Cassius' skin was no longer pale. "I knew you could do it, Cassius," she murmured softly.

  Theodore nodded as he looked at his son, "He's a natural, our little Cassius," he said as he held Isabella's hand tighter. Then he laughed softly, "I can already see him standing tall among the ranks of the sorcerers, making a name for himself."

  'Holy... this guy already has expectations,' Cassius thought and cringed at his father.

  "That's up to him, Theo. Don't force him if he doesn't want to cultivate," Isabella said with a pout. "Many out there have great potential to become sorcerers. But they don't want to. It's a dangerous profession. I won't force Cassy if he doesn't want to. You better not as well."

  'Thank you! But wait... please don't call me Cassy,' Cassius thought.

  "I know, honey. I know, but if he wants to, I'll guide him to greatness," said Theodore.

  Then they both sat silently for a moment, taking in the sight of him with a smile. Cassius also smiled at them. 'Well, they seem really nice,' he thought.

One week later, in the Aramdale estate, the hall was filled with laughter and chatter as friends and family gathered to celebrate the arrival of Cassius.

  Isabella sat in a comfortable armchair, cradling her newborn son with a proud smile on her face as she greeted her guests. "Welcome!" she said now and then, her excited voice filled with gratitude.

  Theodore stood by her side and shook hands with the guests while accepting many congratulations. "Thank you all for coming," he said, smiling broadly.

  Cassius looked at the ceiling soaring high above, adorned with delicate murals and sparkling chandeliers that cast a warm glow over the hall. Then, he could not help but wonder at the floor made of marble. It gleamed like a mirror in the light.

  His eyes then shifted to the walls with hanging exemplary tapestries and paintings. There was also a long table at the center of the room, piled high with gifts for him, surrounded by lavish floral arrangements.

  Then he sniffed, smelling the savoury aroma of food. Cassius' baby shower was lively and celebratory, but he could not help but think, 'Are all of these necessary? All this preparation to welcome a baby? How wasteful.' Thankfully, none could hear his thoughts.

  A group of beautiful ladies then made their approach, making small talk and the usual.

  "-Of course! Be gentle with him, okay?" said Isabella and passed Cassius gently to the ladies. They cooed over him and passed him around for cuddles.

  Cassius only sighed in defeat. 'Fuck me, not again,' he thought.

  The party continued, and the guests enjoyed the food and drinks. Some of them even performed dances and music.

  It was already late at night when the party began to wind down.

  Isabella and Theodore thanked their guests for coming and for their generosity. The usual...

  They then walked to the table to open the gifts, with Cassius lying quietly in Isabella's arms. He smiled as the last guest left his very first party. 'Finally,' he thought.

  "Look at him smiling when everyone's gone home," said Theodore with a laugh. Theodore seemed aware of his annoyance when the ladies cuddled him earlier. "He's got that 'Just get it over with' look."

  "Does he? I think he's cute," said Isabella.

  As Cassius lay in his mother's arms, his eyes drooped, and he felt the familiar sensation of sleep creeping over him. 'Finally, this body is getting sleepy.' His breaths came in slow and steady.

  Isabella noticed and wrapped Cassius with a soft blanket and gently rocked him, soothing him like the rolling of peaceful seas. Cassius' thoughts were like a stream of consciousness, drifting in and out of focus as he felt himself slowly sinking into the world of dreams.

  The light from the moon shone through the window, while the silence was only broken by the distant sound of crickets singing their song. Cassius closed his eyes and let himself drift away.

  Sleep was Cassius' solace and his escape from living the boring life of a baby. Sleep was also so easy to come for him, having been secretly cultivating while he was awake. After all, there was nothing else for him to do.

Three months swiftly passed since Cassius was born, and the Aramdale family had settled into a comfortable routine.

  One morning, Isabella could not wait again to hold Cassius gently in her arms, cooing softly as she rocked him back and forth. She smiled as she looked at him, giggling when his tiny fingers curled around hers while his big blue eyes stared at her with wonder.

  He was bigger now and more alert as his little hands and feet kicked and reached out.

  Theodore, meanwhile, prepared a bottle of milk. He hummed a soft tune as he worked, while his eyes softened as he glanced over at his wife and son.

  Then in the evening, they spent their time reading bedtime stories, singing lullabies and tucking him in.

  For three months, this was how they lived their life. The days were difficult, from feeding and changing Cassius' diapers, for example.

  But through it all, Isabella and Theodore felt only a sense of joy and fulfillment. They enjoyed each other's company and found joy in the simplest things, like watching Cassius take his first crawls, learning to say his first words, and seeing him smile.

  They took pleasure in watching him grow. They were happy, they were content, and they were a family.

  Even Cassius felt his parents growing on him.

  But that joy would not last long. No, not in the world of nobility, where politics is the battlefield, and knives in the shadows are the armies.

Theodore heard a knock on the nursery's door. "Come in," he said. The servant came in and bowed, "I apologize, milord, but the Emperor has passed a decree."

  Theodore's expression hardened. "Very well, bring it here," he said.

  The servant brought an envelope with a blob of red wax stamped with a detailed seal. The seal was a coat of arms bearing a phoenix emblem - the Atharian Emperor's coat of arms.

  "Theo? What is it?" asked Isabella. Then Theodore opened the envelope and opened a letter written on a high-quality parchment. The letters were written in elegant calligraphy that flowed so seamlessly.

  He began to read:

"The Right Honble. The Earl of Ilimor,

You are hereby ordered to represent the Grand Empire of Atharia as the 28th Governor General of Alardice. You are asked to attend the installation ceremony on…."

  The clock in the room ticked away the minutes as Theodore stared at the letter, feeling lost as his mind was focused on what it contained. Lucius and Talia, who were among his closest friends, were dead. Their son, Hiram, also died.