
Having a Drink

{This story is a P-a-t-r-e-o-n exclusive. The link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word. I also have a basketball system story on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n if you wish to check it out.}

{The story on P-a-t-r-e-o-n is at 170 chapters.}

{Book 1 has been completed.}

~~~(POV: Durado)~~~

I enter a bar in Newton-9. I've decided not to head back using the railway. Since Teller-Bravo had an android on board and waiting for me last time, they'll likely have another. There are smugglers all over Empyrian, and I'm looking to get a ride back to Newton-14.

I walk up to the counter and take a seat on one of the stools. "What'll it be?" The bartender is a half-breed. Many races have intermingled with one another. The only ones really staying exclusive to their own race are the Arn Zael. Inbreeding in their race is normal and encouraged.

When humanity first reached the transgalactic level, turmoil and strife followed with them. Incest has long been accepted, but humanity called it disgusting and an abomination to nature. They carried their values to the stars and with their values.

Came war. "Whiskey, neat." I give my order, and he whips it right fast. He places it in front of me and walks away to deal with another customer. I turn in the stool with the drink in hand and look around the bar. I'm trying to spot any smugglers. All smugglers have one thing in common.

When they're not flying or delivering cargo, they're drinking. I scan the room, and I see an interesting character.

It's a Sharik, and you don't usually find them outside their home system in the Nermoa galaxy. I believe the system is Arik, but my memory is a little fuzzy.

Since the alien is so far from home, that means I've found the smuggler I'm looking for. Smugglers travel great distances, and Nermoa is very far from the Impyra galaxy. Mean the likely hood of this Sharik being a smuggler is good, the best bet I can make today if I'm honest.

I stand up from my chair and make my way over to Sharik's booth.

They are of average height, but what makes them stand out is their naturally dark skin and longer than normal canines. They also have exotic eye colors. I stand next to the booth and look at the Sharik. It's a female of the race, and they're regarded as beautiful women.

I can agree with that. "What do you want?" She gets right down to business. It sounds standoffish, but I don't know her. She likely has a reason for it. I look at the empty seat across from her and indicate if I can sit down.

She nods her head after some internal debating. I take a seat and sip from my drink. Taking in the sight before me, she really is beautiful.

The dark skin mixed with the purple eyes is a nice mix. "You're a Sharik, aren't you?" She folds her arms and looks me dead in the eyes.

She slowly nods her head. "You're a long way from home, and that can only mean one of two things. You're either running from someone, or you're a smuggler. Something that I need right now." She sighs and unfolds her arms. She lays her hand on the table and taps her fingernail on it.

She looks at me, and she's having a hard time debating if she should. "That's the problem with being a Sharik. Everyone already knows what line of business I'm in." I'm glad she isn't going to be violent, not yet, at least. "I can help you, but it's going to cost you.

3 million credits anywhere on the world, 12 million getting you off-world. The prices are steep, but I'm taking the risk by dodging customs." The railway system has a machine that scans for wanted people in the Impyra galaxy. She must think I'm a wanted man here.

I have no qualms with her thinking that. Shariks are privy to legendary figures like me since their such an isolated people.

I'd rather her think I'm a criminal than being watched and followed by Teller-Bravo. "I can pay those fees. I need a ride to Newton-14. You think you can do that?" She gets a cocky grin and opens her inventory for the credit transfer. I smile and do the same.

I pay the 3 million credits, and she stands up. It looks like we're leaving right now. I finish my drink with a swig, and I follow her through the back door. I can't help looking at the sway of her hips.