
The Aerospace Element

A young boy who trying to find his parents even though he doesn't know who they are. With so many obstacles and a twist in his life, will he succeed in finding them? Or manipulated by the truth about him?

ZeroAsuna · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

The Beginning

 Wars, even in the history of humanity, are always there. Conflict by conflict always ends up having a war between each other and probably having the same event in the future. 

 2914, a new era called "Neon" arrived in humanity. After a thousand years, humans now have reached a new civilization. However, even after modernization, a brand new invasion arrived. "Invaders" or entities from outer space descend to Earth. 

 Space Pirates, Aliens, an entity, etc. All of them came from the same spots or "Gate". One day, a crack in the sky appeared. At first, it's just a bit, and no one even bothered. However, day by day it became bigger and bigger until became big enough to call it "Gate". 

 And that was a human mistake. War breaks out. We didn't see them come in and suddenly our civilization became dust in the blink of an eye. And that day was recorded as a new war, "Space War I". 

 Now, all of that already in the past, humanity had reached a brand new path and learned lessons from those mistakes. Due to some events, the human species called themselves "Terra". Also, the Earth gained a new name in the solar system which is "Gaia". many events have been gone through to achieve so-called "peace" but does it?

3024, after so many improvements in every aspect, humanity already prepared for another invasion, fortunately since then no Invaders have been found. probably because the Terrarian already achieved peace? But who knows, right? 


[Neon Era, Year 3024]

 As the time sun rose, some noises were heard in some houses. Asano Household, a young boy was training in the backyard. Shinichi Asano, a boy who has ripped muscle was exercising. Bandages covered his body from his arms to his chest. Constantly feeling its grip with every muscle exerted.

"250! 251! 252!" he counted every time he pushed up. Sweat covered his entire body constantly dropping to the floor every time. 

After several push-ups, he finally takes a rest while lying on the ground. 

"Done?" a deep voice came right behind him. 

"Yeah, I'm done, Grandpa," he responded to the voice and quickly sat on the ground.

 The deep voice belongs to his grandfather, Saeko Asano. Having a white hair and a bit of buffed body standing in front of Shinichi. 

"Good. How was it? it's feels good, right?" asked him once again. 

"Yeah. But why I must do this kind of exercise, anyway? Is this preparation or something?" replied Shinichi while raising his eyebrows. 

 His grandfather laughed while shaking his head. Shinichi became more confused and tilted his head. Suddenly, his grandfather became silent.

"W-what?" asked Shinichi a bit intimidated. 

"Shin." calls out Shinichi's nickname. 

 Shinichi's body froze. He stands straight like in the army marching. 

 "This exercise is not only preparation but also for your good. Especially in these days. But, the main reason I made you do this is due to your [Elements]. To handle that power you must increase your physical strength." he explained without lacking a bit of information. 

 Shinichi nodded. In this world, it's developed a new radiation energy. It was "Aurora Energy". After Space War II began, a new energy form was discovered by astronomists. Aurora Energy or AE, was discovered while the Terrarian still rebuilding their nation.

 This energy is not a dangerous radiation in general but it still needs observation. After some research, the astronomists identified the source of these brand-new energies. It came from an Aero-stone. A fragment of seven planets in the system solar. The Invaders found it and brought it to the cargo spaceship. 

 In the battles, this spaceship accidentally exploded and spread the energy contained in the each of Aero-stones to the atmosphere of the Gaia. Since then, it has become a radiation upon Terrarian. And the person who absorbed it was gifted the power of outer space or [Elements].

 A few moments later, Shinichi and his grandfather get breakfast together and talk to each other.

"So, how's your feeling now? Finally, you got invited into SGMA. An academy for being Space Guardian." said his grandfather while chewing his food. 

"A bit nervous but more like curious, you know? But Grandpa, what's that place by the way? it like a military academy or something?" replied Shinichi while asking a few questions to his grandfather. 

His grandfather laughed. 

 "Well, it's something better than a normal military academy. It's a place for a youngster like yourself to train their [Elements]. Other than that, it also determines your future career, either being a Space Guardian or just a civilian. But it's up to your own will, which one you want." explained his grandfather. 

 Shinichi quietly listened to his grandfather's explanation. Shinichi knows about this academy through his grandfather. His grandfather was technically one of the founders of the academy. 

 Shinichi knows how far his grandfather will go to find the best life for him. Due to some events in the past, Shinichi got separated from his parents. At that time he was 3 years old. But it's almost 14 years and they never come back for him. Shinichi also forgot about them year by year. 

"Say Grandpa..." 


"If I become Space Guardian or something better there...will I find them? My parents," said Shinichi with a sad look. 

His grandfather was speechless. He knows how missed Shinichi to his parents more than Shinichi himself. Shinichi waiting and looking at his grandfather for the answer. 

"I- *sigh* You will, Shin. If you become stronger than anybody else and be respectful, many people can help you to find them. That's why you must enter this academy. It's one of the ways to find them." said his grandfather with a soft voice. 

Shinichi nodded and continued eating his breakfast. After that, the breakfast went quietly. 

After breakfast, Shinichi was packing his stuff. While he packing his stuff, his grandfather knocked on the door of his room. 

"Are you done packing? I want to give you something." said his grandfather while walking into Shinichi's room. 

 Shinichi got up and nodded. His grandfather smiled. He then took out a locket that had a picture in it. His grandfather told Shinichi this belonged to his mother before leaving him. Shinichi opened up the locket and saw a damaged picture of his parents. Shinichi chuckled while his grandfather awkwardly looked away because he was the one who damaged it accidentally. 

 Moments later, both of them in the front door. They both talked to each other for the last time. His grandfather gave some advice and a last word. Then, Shinichi said goodbye to his grandfather and left the house. 

 As Shinichi stepped out of his house, the neighbors also greeted him for the last time. Shinichi always helps them when they need his help. From doing lawnmowers, babysitting, carrying groceries, etc. They also gave him a goodbye and some pieces of advice before he went off. 

 Shinichi also shows his gratitude for always helping him during he was a kid. After exchanging words, he finally left the neighborhood while waving to them. An hour passed, and Shinichi now had arrived at the bridge. While walking through the bridge he heard a scream below the bridge. 

 He looked down and saw a girl around his age was surrounded by some hooligans. Without thinking twice, he jumped out of the bridge and shouted. "HEY, YOU!" while stepping on one of the hooligan's faces to increase impulse force. He then lands safely on the ground. 


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

And to the person who read this book, I am not a native English so probably my English is not so good.

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