
Riverwood True God

For the younger generation, they wouldn't recognize this woman as they were born so late after she sweeped the entire firmaments. However, for those old enough, they surely recognize who she was!

"Riverwood True God..." An ancient being was stupefied and horrified when he saw the alive fossil, "How can this be? Is it that Riverfairy Progenitor was actually Riverwood?"

However, the ancient being immediately denied this notion. It was impossible. He clearly saw that Riverfairy was real and couldn't be any fake.

It just meant one thing. The progenitor a while ago had used her life force to revive this invincible true god. Of course, they might be restrictions and limits to this.

"Riverfairy Progenitor has keep on impressing me, really." Jin Rou couldn't help but voice out his admiration and said, "She can even use her life force to revive someone of your level. She broke the universal laws and studied this very well, it's admirable."