

The news of the imperial clan's downfall has spread all over the entire universe and it shook them to their core. Not just that, the Tabler Clan was the one responsible for it. Just imagine, the strongest family in the entire multiverse was overthrown by a second family. Just how outrageous was that?

But the ancient beings knew that there were more that meets the eye. The events happened secretly, as if a dark fog covered the entire palace. So no one could see anything. The fog only disappeared when the Tabler Clan was overthrowing the imperial family.

In the hidden palace located in the sky, the two ancient and strong beings were discussing what the events had transpired last night.

"Looks like he have done it this time." Law Anxiu sighed, "The moment I saw him, I knew that he has a hidden hatred deep inside him. His eyes were burning with it after all."