
The adventures of Sophia de Leiden

Young Sophia de Leiden, crown princess to the empire of Leiden Shaft-field, known simply as "Leiden empire" or "Leiden" sets out with two of her cousins; Judith and Mathilda on the journey to university student life, acting as commoners while hiding their identity. What kind of adventures awaits them? What kind of mysteries and riddles awaits our little Sophia to solve?

little_petal_xo · History
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36 Chs

chapter 32-The seven mysteries of Rinevald academy part three

It rained heavily all night, the rain drops clattered against the massive windows, the fire wood becoming ashes thus the fire getting smaller, servants having to come and go out of rooms in the middle of the night for a fresh new supply of wood. The wind howled, the watch dogs of the school barking... All these elements made the night long and cold for our adventurers. And finally morning came, the wind was still howling but the rain momentarily stopped, it was still cloudy and dark out. The dorms matron rang the bell for breakfast and in neat lines the students went to wash themselves up first then go down to the cafeteria of the school for breakfast. Earl grey tea with milk and sugar and grilled garlic butter and cheese sandwiches was served along with Almond scones accompanied by cream curd and mulberry jam for a sweet treat.

Princess Sophia and her crew mates sat together at the middle table, dressed like students of the school, observing the hustle and bustle of the other students. Shortly a small hurdle of students joined them at their table. "Hello, I'm Madeleine Verbitzkaya, How do you do? I heard new students were transferred here last night, rough journey to come here wasn't it?" said a lively slender girl with rosy cheeks and red curly hair and big grey eyes. "oh let us introduce ourselves, as you know I am Madeleine and here is Katerina Verbitzkaya; my twin sister, Bu Yinlou, Vassiliev Ivanovitch, Alexandrovich Fedotov and Wang Xiao-Duo, we're very pleased to meet you." Sophia nodded and introduced herself as Sophia Evergarden. " This is Rhyd...Faik Belrose, Heli erm...Rasputin... Melody Rasputin, Kai...Rauf Belrose, Yusha Evergarden; my brother, Kristina erm Albert... and Daria Belrose pleased to meet you too." Sophia quickly came up with fake identities on the spot while fidgeting.

They enjoyed their breakfast together in an awkward silence after Sophia's awkward introductions when suddenly Sophia asked " Madeleine, I heard rumors about dark mysteries and we are very interested in mysteries and would like to join the mystery club, do you know where the club room is and how we can get in?"

The red headed girl smiled and said "Well you're in luck, welcome to the mystery club, we are the members of the club and I the club president. After we heard how you arrived last night we were rather intrigued so we approached you. And I have decided that I like you all so you are welcomed to our club. Now quick to the club room after class hours are over, we are researching and investigating the seven mysteries of Rinevald academy."

"why, that was easy..." said Yusha after the mystery club members left the table. "yes... but do we really have to attend classes too? I mean we're past this teenage folly and studying... besides it's surprising that they did not scoff at my wife's pregnancy belly" said Helio quite taken aback. "The table was hiding it, oh what am I to say about it?" asked Melody. "Maybe we should have pretended to be a married couple of teachers instead of students... I think we shall say that we are betrothed and already held an unofficial wedding and you then got pregnant." said Helio and to that they all sighed and agreed. "And to the dreadful mathematics class we go." said Kristina. So they left for their 'classes' which proved to be ever so boring as they had already learnt all these.