
the adventures of sam

just a bunch of made up adventures of my original roleplay character sam

Southdiagram_729 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

mistaken show

in the last chapter sam had promised to come see the ladies show as lila was asleep he figured it would be fine to finished his end of the promise, but what sam did know is he actually had the adress to a public brothel. sam quickly teleported to the brothel and went in and sat down waiting for the show to start. after a few minutes of very weird and quiet music a girl came out and started to dance but as sam watched he relized she was half naked, so he did what any 15 year old married guy would do. sam teleported on stage then in mere seconds teleported to the back with the girl where he proceeded to give her his coat all the while looking away as not to be rude. the girl was so confused she didn't know what to do other then take his coat covering up.

i know there are more then a few errors so if you like the story please help me correct the mistakes. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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