
The Adventures of Miss Unidentified

Miss Unidentified is a normal girl in a normal world. But normal is only a relative word. Some parts of her stories are mundane- some parts are insane. She usually just rambles but some times you can relate to her. She's headed to Europe. Promised a bright future and a perfect place for romance- but she conjures impossible disasters whenever the chance presents itsself. The why and the how unfold in a series of flashbacks and foresights.Join on the journey as she disasters her way to success. (Warning: explicity ungrammar_ly content lower all( I mean All) literature standards you got and treat it as something you stumbled in to your fourteen year old little sister's room)

NovaNova · Teen
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37 Chs

chapter 15: flatmates

I owe you these chapters I suppose...if you've made your way here.

so...I've moved in a settled in to my student accomodation...which I must proudly say is the cheapest one available....and got a free bus pass to anywhere in the city because of it...so long as one has battery to show the electronic tickets to show.

Little did I know that it was possibly the farthest place from ... everything. The people who usually choose this accomodation got a car. It is an understatment to say that I envy them...lol..though I literally just got here- it's been only 10 days...and so much had happend.

I met one of my flatmates three days after I moved in...she was about to go in to shower and I was getting coffee from the kitchen.

She was a staggering 1.90 meters or smtn...I almost craned my neck trying to look up at her and hold a conversation. She was...nice- I guess. I mean...we talked for four minutes then almost never saw eachother again until she brought me a letter (my first ever) I suppose.

So there you have it! The magic of shared bathrooms and kitchens! For if not for them, we may have never met-cause she'll be leaving in six month as she is a German exchange student...and she wouldn't have brought me the letter if we hadn't had our four minute chat.

So far, she and I are the only people in the flat. I hope it stays that way. I got weird kitchen and bathroom schedules.

I wake up at 1 and 3 am to get coffee and food. She's almost never around though....so that's cool. I don't have to show yet another room mate the horrors my hair maintenance issues.

At first I almost regretted moving to that place...for I have found myself stranded on the streets of a country X in Europe a couple of times. Google maps were lying and the cramps were not helping. For three days or so all my questions were

'Where are the buses?'

'where is the next station?'

and 'where does this one go?'

But am getting a hang of it now. I know what time they're mostly likey to come and the better places to wait for them.

I've met people too from the place where I live.

The first was a fresher...we found at a bus station across a supermarket...we(that one girl from my country who goes to my uni) went shopping for duvets and pillow and stuff and were holding like 2 or 3 bags each and waiting for a bus in the rain...he came around ...wearing a white shirt and looking all young and all..then stood there. I found him catching my eye several times so decided to start a convo....I forgot what I said but it might have been about buses...

I just remember that his face lighted up when my friend told him I was a freshman...then then his face fell immediately as she proceeded to tell him I was doing masters.

Lol. It was cute.

He told us that it was his birthday and my friend and he proceeded to talk about TV show celebrities I don't know about so ..I just shut up and continued to look at the rain and the wind making a havoc of drizzles.

The bus finally came and we were told that it was going to the city center instead of to where we lived...but we hopped on it anyway to get away from that bus station where buses rarely ever came.

The my friend went her way and the boy and I were left alone...but continued to ignore eachother. (Lol my fault actually- I kinda stood 5 meters away from him). He found another friend at the station and they talked...and I chilled with my phone.

The bus came and we got on it. It wasn't a bus I had taken before...so I followed the boys. Got off the bus in a surprised dash when they got up suddenly and got off.

I walked some 700 meters home uphill from there dragging my luggage and settled in just fine.

Life is filled with people we shall never meet again I suppose. There was a colorful and loudly cheerful guy tha sat behind me the other day...and the Africans that helped me out on the first day...that other girl with half white half blind hair who happend to live in my building...and the premed student who also lived in my building and said with a rather thick accent 'see ya around'.

I do want to see him around once in a whilw though.

Ahh....we're almost at campus.

I will find out if the long haird guy sitting infront of me is the same guy from the office.

That would be cool.

He's one of the smart guys around.

See ya on the next trip.