
The Resistance

Leo and Ariana followed Ryn through the forest, until they reached a hidden camp near the fortress. They saw a dozen tents and huts, surrounded by a wooden fence and some traps. They saw some people and animals moving around, carrying weapons and supplies. They saw some fires and smoke, and smelled some food and herbs.

They realized that they had reached the resistance group's base.

Ryn said to Leo and Ariana,

"Welcome to our home. This is where we live and train. This is where we prepare for our final battle."

He opened the gate, and led them inside.

He said to them,

"Come on, I'll introduce you to our leader."

He took them to the largest tent, which had a flag with a dragon symbol on it.

He lifted the flap, and entered the tent.

He said to the person inside,

"Rax, I have some guests for you."

He gestured for Leo and Ariana to follow him.

They entered the tent, and saw a dragonkin sitting on a throne of bones and skulls. He was larger and older than Ryn, with red scales, black eyes, and spikes. He wore a metal armor and a cloak, and had a sword and a shield by his side. He looked fierce and proud, but also wise and noble.

He was Rax, the leader of the resistance group.

He looked at Leo and Ariana with curiosity and interest.

He said to them,

"Who are you?"

Ryn said to Rax,

"They're friends, Rax. They helped me fight some bandits on the road. They're also here to destroy the Dragon's Eye."

Rax raised his eyebrows.

He said to Ryn,

"Is that so? How do you know that?"

Ryn said to Rax,

"Because they have the Starblade."

He pointed at Leo's sword, which was still on his back.

Rax's eyes widened.

He said to Ryn,

"The Starblade? The legendary sword that is a combination of the Sunblade and the Moonblade?"

Ryn nodded.

He said to Rax,

"Yes, that's the one."

Rax looked at Leo with awe and respect.

He said to Leo,

"Is that true, boy? You have the Starblade?"

Leo nodded.

He said to Rax,

"Yes, sir. I have the Starblade."

Rax said to Leo,

"May I see it?"

Leo nodded again.

He took off his sword from his back, and handed it to Rax.

Rax took the sword from Leo, and examined it carefully.

He felt its weight and balance, its edge and tip, its hilt and ruby.

He saw that it was indeed the Starblade, as Ryn had said.

He felt its power and magic, as Leo had felt.

He realized that it was indeed Leo's destiny to wield it.

He smiled at Leo, and handed him back his sword.

He said to Leo,

"You're right, boy. This is the Starblade."

He then looked at Ariana, who was still holding her wand.

He said to her,

"And you are?"

Ariana said to Rax,

"I'm Ariana. Leo's friend."

Rax nodded.

He said to Ariana,

"Nice to meet you, Ariana. You're a witch, I see."

Ariana nodded.

She said to Rax,

"Yes, sir. I'm a witch."

Rax smiled at Ariana too.

He said to Ariana,

"You're welcome here too. We can use your magic."

He then looked at both of them, and said to them,

"You're both welcome here. You're both brave and strong. You're both allies of our cause."

He then stood up from his throne, and walked towards them.

He extended his hand, and said to them,

"My name is Rax. I'm the leader of this resistance group. We're a band of dragonkin who oppose the mage and his tyranny. We want to free our brethren from his control, and restore our honor."

Leo and Ariana shook his hand, and introduced themselves too.

They said their names, their origins, their goals.

They told him why they wanted to destroy the Dragon's Eye.

They told him how they had met each other, how they had joined forces, how they had reached this camp.

They told him everything they knew about themselves.

Rax listened to them with attention and admiration.

He liked them both very much.

He felt that they were trustworthy and reliable.

He felt that they were worthy of his respect and friendship.

He decided to accept them into his group.

He said to them,

"I'm glad you're here. We've been planning to attack the fortress for a long time, but we lack the manpower and resources. We need more fighters and weapons. We need more allies and support. We need more hope and courage."

He then looked at Leo's sword, and said to him,

"But you have something that we don't have. You have the Starblade. The sword that can destroy the Dragon's Eye."

He then looked at Ariana's wand, and said to her,

"And you have something that we don't have either. You have magic. The magic that can cast spells and charms. The magic that can aid and protect us."

He then looked at both of them, and said to them,

"You have what we need. You have what we want. You have what we hope for."

He then clapped his hands, and said to them,

"You are the key to our success."