
The Dark Lord's Arrival

Leo and Ariana returned to the surface with the clue, but they were greeted by a terrible sight. They saw that the Dark Lord had arrived at Atlantis with his spaceship fleet. They saw that he had launched an attack on the city. They saw that he had caused a lot of damage and destruction.

They heard explosions and screams. They smelled smoke and blood. They felt fear and anger.

They ran to the temple, where they met the king and the other Atlanteans. They told them what had happened in the labyrinth. They showed them the clue. They said that they had to go to the Moonblade's location and get it before the Dark Lord did.

The king agreed with them. He said that they had to act fast. He said that he would send some of his best warriors with them. He said that he would stay behind and defend the city.

He gave them a submarine that could take them to the Moonblade's location. He wished them good luck and said goodbye.

They boarded the submarine and left the temple. They followed the coordinates on the clue. They hoped that they would find the Moonblade in time.

But as soon as they left the temple, they were spotted by the Dark Lord, who was flying in his spaceship above them. He recognized Leo and Ariana. He saw that they had something in their hands. He realized that they had found a clue to the Moonblade's location.

He was furious and greedy. He wanted both the Sunblade and the Moonblade for himself. He wanted to use them to rule the world.

He decided to follow them and get the Sunblade from Leo. He ordered his ships to fire at them.

They heard a loud noise and felt a strong impact. They saw that their submarine was hit by a laser beam. They saw that it was damaged and leaking water.

They panicked and tried to fix it. But it was too late. The submarine was sinking fast.

They had no choice but to abandon it. They put on some scuba gear and jumped out of the submarine.

They swam as fast as they could towards the Moonblade's location. They hoped that they would make it alive.

But as soon as they reached for air, they were confronted by the Dark Lord, who was in his spaceship, and jumped out into the water.

He swam towards them with a menacing look on his face. He held the Moonblade in his hand. It glowed with a dark purple light.

He spoke to them through a speaker on his mask.

"Hello there, chosen one. And hello there, little girl. I see you have escaped from my trap. But you won't escape from me."

He laughed evilly and continued.

"I know what you have in your hands. It's a clue to the Moonblade's location, isn't it? Well, you can keep it. I don't need it anymore."

He showed them his sword and said.

"Because I already have it."

He smiled wickedly and said.

"And now I want yours."

He pointed at Leo's pendant and said.

"Give me the Sunblade, chosen one. Or I will kill you and your friend."

He moved closer to them and threatened them.

"Choose wisely, chosen one. Your life or your sword."