
A day in the life of Jon Bouche.

The shoefish slapped the eel; this very much disappointed Jon Bouche (who was scrubbing his scrubbing brush with his brush scrubbing brush), because it meant that he would have to do a shot of elephant saliva. Jon Bouche quite disliked the shoefish for this, so he fed it to his pet antelope.

The eel was okay but became a milkman in the midst of all this, the eel wasn't a very good milkman, he was allergic to glass milk bottles; the eel then became a graph paper plane.

Jon Bouche was very tall and stood just below the height of the average newborn, this made him very small for a man, Jon Bouche did not find graphs funny, the eel did not find them funny either. the shoefish wasn't there anymore

The end.