I was in my own world all by myself then, my hateful and bastard father decided that I wanted brothers. I did not know about the twins until a summer holiday. we always go on vacations on summer holidays as a family, my father, my cousin Sara and our dog rabbit. Rabbit was my best friend, not that I had no friends I did have friends or maybe I had friends before my father decided to move to his silly castle. My father is one of the richest man in London, he has all the women hot for him. He says he loved my mother but I think he's lying it was never love, it was an obsession. My mother was in love with a Soldier. They loved each other so much that it threatened my father so he had my mother's lover killed. Unfortunately my mother was with the lover, they died together. He spent three months in his room after my mother died. I pity him he is a lying bastard. On this vacation I met my half brothers, the twins Adam and Aiden. they look a lot like my father. unlike me I look a lot like my mother. The twins were kind to me, they were so welcoming on the other side I was cold. I'm just so tired of meeting my father's children every summer, last summer I met another one. Her name was Allison I liked her, she was beautiful, well behaved and like me she didn't like dad. Some of my half brothers and sisters think that I'm lucky to live with him but I feel like I'm in hell. My father seemed to love the twins more than everyone else, he paid attention to everything they said, asked about school, how their meals was, if they have enough money for school. It is something dad never does. Maybe he's still seeing their mother but I didn't care because I know mean nothing to him, I might not even be his child because mom never loved him, she was forced into marriage.