
The Adventures of Hope and Morgan

Spin-off series from Harry's New Game Plus. Follow Morgan Stark the Red Dragon Empress, Hope Potter the Phoenix Force, and friends as they world jump through the Multiverse in search of Adventure, just what sort of shenanigans will these very powerful girls will get up to? This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Book&Literature
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62 Chs

Chapter 58

As soon as the battle was over, more and more robotic and metallic creatures began to arrive, so Yoruichi and Koneko told Cade, Shane, and Tessa that it was time to go, being just regular humans put them in a very risky situation among this many enemies, they just couldn't keep going because it was getting too dangerous for them, understanding this, everyone ran out of the circular chamber as quickly as possible.

Koneko and Yoruichi led the group and destroyed any metallic creature that got close to them, punches and kicks rushed towards the creatures destroying them in the blink of an eye, meanwhile the humans shot at them with their sword guns, trying to cut the work of the two Supernatural girls, Yoruichi punched the head off a small humanoid Transformers and then used her momentum to spin kick away, a dog-like creature, that pounced at her from behind.

Koneko caught one of the dog-like creatures by the snout and then twisted its head off with ease, she then threw the head towards another dog-like creature coming her way, stopping it in its track and causing it to flip, Cade shot a couple of humanoid Transformers and then called out to everyone, "We need to get out of here now!".

Tessa nodded, "Yeah! We're going to get boxed in if this keeps going!".

Shane was too busy screaming and shooting everything in sight to comment anything, however, Yoruichi heard Cade and nodded, "I agree, this will get more dangerous if we continue to stay here".

Everyone nodded in agreement and then took off running, down a hallway, while fighting off the robotic creatures chasing after them.

Meanwhile, Hound and Bumblebee were trying to open a gate they found deeper into Lockdown's ship, Morgan was sitting on top of Hound's shoulders watching Bumblebee trying to pry open the gate, with a writs blade of sorts, meanwhile, Hope was floating beside Hound and Morgan watching as well, Hound suddenly sighed and then said, "Hurry! We don't have much time left!".

Bumblebee nodded and then finally pried open the gate, Hound grinned and immediately ran through the gate, ready to fight or defend himself, "Big boy coming through! move move move!".

Everyone followed him inside and eventually, they arrived at a circular chamber with floating rings around a singular floating platform, Morgan looked around in awe at the place, "Whoa! What is this place!? It looks awesome!".

Hound nodded and began to explain what he knew, "This has to be the supermax, watch the corners".

Hope looked around and frowned when she noticed a big number of cages and prison cells, "This is a lot of cages and cells...".

Hound nodded as everyone walked deeper inside, he had also noticed the cages and that a lot of them had things inside them, "Oh yeah, creepy critters in here".

Morgan looked around and noticed a very big cage nearby, "Huh? I wonder what's in there?".

Hound looked towards the cage that got Morgan's curiosity, he then noticed something else in a cage below the one Mogan pointed out and got curious, "Oh? What's this?".

Hound leaned his head down to take a better look and grinned at the creature inside the cage, "Aw! You don't look very dangerous in there".

The creature, who seemed to be some sort of alien arachnid, suddenly opened up its legs and then showed its jaws full of fangs, Morgan raised an eyebrow when she saw the creature, "Meh, I've seen scarier stuff".

Hound huffed, "Oh, that thing is festering ugliness".

The creature suddenly spat a glowing green liquid at Hound, but Morgan raised a hand and created a barrier stopping the liquid from hitting Hound in the face, though he still flinched away in surprise at the sudden attack.

Morgan giggled finding the whole thing funny and then turned her head towards her Autobot friend, and asked him a question, "What did we learn?".

Hound sighed and shook his head, "... do not get close to the cages?".

Morgan smiled and nodded to Hound while patting his face, Drift and Crosshairs suddenly arrived and were able to hear the last part and see the green glowing liquid drip down Morgan's barrier, Crosshairs grimaced and shook his head, "Gross, hope that's not contiguous or something".

Hound scratched his beard and then looked down at the creature, "Now, I have to hurt you, you're too disturbing to live, take that!".

Hound suddenly aimed his gun at the creature and then shot it in the face, splattering blood everywhere and killing it, though, thanks to Morgan's barrier no one got any of the green glowing blood on them.

Hound grinned feeling better that the creature was now dead, "Hah! Now your dead!".

Suddenly, Optimus Prime's voice called out from somewhere in the chamber, "Hound!".

Everyone immediately turned around towards where Optimus Prime's voice came from, Hope cheerfully smiled and flew over toward that direction right away, "He's alive! Come on guys! Let's go!".

Everyone immediately took off after Hope, while the little Potter arrived at a cage, where she found Optimus inside, hanging by a foot and upside down, she smiled and immediately waved her hand over the cage's door and melted it with a bit of her flames.

Optimus smiled seeing Hope, while the little Potter ripped the metal claw holding Optimus by the leg off of him and then caught Optimus with her telekinesis, she then quickly brought him out of the cage, Optimus Prime sighed in relief and couldn't help but comment on the fact that Hope was here to help him, "Hope, you really came".

Hope smiled at her new friend and then put Optimus down on the floor, "Of course I did! I wasn't about to leave you to your fate, none us of would... well except one jerk, but I set him straight~".

Optimus nodded and sat up from the ground with a smile on his face, "Thank you, Hope, this means a lot to me".

Hope nodded and floated over to the top of one of Optimus Prime's shoulders, the Autobots and Morgan finally reached Optimus Prime and began to check him over to see if he was okay.

Optimus quickly got up and nodded to his friends, he then immediately began to tell them about this area, "The arms of this Knight Ship detach, we can break free, it's a separate ship, so we can use it".

Hound immediately nodded and then asked, "Where's the cockpit! Right or left?".

Optimus pointed to the right, "To the right, but hurry, before this ship takes off!".

Hound nodded and immediately left to take control of the ship and try to use it to escape with everyone on board, "Right on it boss!".

Hound quickly found the cockpit and went inside, he then jumped on the pilot's chair and said, "Let's rock! I've always wanted to ride one of these things!".

Morgan looked around from her place on Hound's shoulder and nodded, "Looks like fun! Can I try!?".

Hound laughed and nodded, "Sure! Just let me get us out of here first!".

Morgan grinned in excitement, while Hound looked back and called out to Optimus, "I'm ready boss!".

Optimus walked into the cockpit with Hope sitting on his shoulder and nodded to Hound, "Then let's go! We don't have much time!".

Meanwhile, Cade, Tessa, Shane, Koneko, and Yoruichi made it to some sort of vent with a giant fan on the side of the ship, Shane sighed and looked around, while feeling tired from all the running around and fighting creatures, "Okay... so how are we getting out of here? Any ideas?".

Koneko suddenly pointed towards the end of the vent and then began to speak, "I can feel the wind from here... I bet this vent leads outside... let's see if we can get off this ship from there".

Everyone nodded liking Koneko's idea, but then Cade asked a question, "What about Optimus and the Autobots?".

Yoruichi smiled and then said, "Hope, Morgan, and the Autobots already found Optimus, they must be trying to find a way out of this ship right now".

Cade raised an eyebrow at what Yoruichi said, Tessa however was quick to ask about it, "And how do you know that?".

Yoruichi shrugged as everyone walked through the vent and then said, "Well, I can sense where everyone is, so I know that they already found Optimus".

Cade, Shane, and Tessa stopped mid-step and stared at Yoruichi with eyes wide full of shock, meanwhile, Koneko sighed and shook her head, Shane suddenly pointed a finger at Yoruichi and began to yell, "You mean, you could have taken us directly to Optimus from the get-go!".

Yoruichi nodded and grinned, "Well, yes".

Shane groaned and shook his head in frustration, while Tessa deadpanned and Cade actually chuckled, finding Shane's mental suffering amusing, Shane stopped his dramatic and then yelled at Yoruichi again, "Then why didn't you take us to him!?".

Yoruichi shrugged and continued to grin, "You didn't ask me to~".

Shane looked about ready to attack Yoruichi, Tessa just sighed and grabbed Shane's hand and began to pull him to the end of the vent, "Come on Shane, let's just get out of here already".

Shane growled at Yoruichi and pointed at her, as Tessa pulled him away, Cade laughed and then nodded to Yoruichi, "Thanks for that, I really enjoyed it".

Yoruichi gave Cade a thumbs up, while Koneko just deadpanned and walked away to follow Tessa and Shane, sometime later everyone made it out of the ship, and right to where the anchors connected the ship to a building below and to the side of Lockdown's.

Though the height they found themselves on, was a bit overwhelming for everyone, Tessa looked down and gulped feeling very scared, "Oh...".

Shane nodded and frowned as he looked down as well, "Whoa... oh my god, that's really high!".

Tessa shook her head and stepped away from the edge of the ship, "I'm not doing this!" Cade stepped onto the cable and began to walk on it, Tessa saw that and pointed at her father, "I'm not doing that!".

As Cade walked over the anchor's cable and yelled back at Tessa, "Yes we are!" Cade bounced on the cable, "Look it's all good, it stable!".

Tessa shook her head and looked very afraid, "No way!".

Yoruichi and Koneko jumped on the cable and began to nonchalantly walk over it like it was nothing which caused Tessa's eye to twitch in annoyance, meanwhile, Shane glared at them as well, meanwhile, Cade walked back to Tessa and began to try to calm her down, "Sweetie, you know why I'm here? I'm here to protect you".

Tessa frowned and shook her head, but Shane grabbed her hand and helped her onto the cable, Cade ignored that and just said, "I want you to trust me right now, we're getting down now, let's go!".

All three humans soon got on the cable and began to slowly walk on it, while Koneko and Yoruichi waited for them and paid attention to their movements, both being ready to catch them if they fell.

Everyone soon made it a good distance away from the ship, Cade called out with Tessa, "Don't look down, okay? Step, see, it's easy".

Tessa nodded, but it was obviously she was very nervous and scared, suddenly, two jets flew over the ship, letting off a big roaring sound which startled her quite a bit and caused her to scream, sometime later, everyone made it halfway to the end of the cables.

But things were getting a bit difficult for the humans, something Shane loudly let everyone know, "Careful, these cables are starting to get thinner here!".

Tessa was beginning to get really scared now, so Cade began to try to encourage his daughter to keep her moving, "Step, step there!".

But poor Tessa was really terrified now and froze, "Oh my god...".

Cade got worried for his daughter now that she was beginning to really panic, "Don't look down! See! Just don't look down! We're going to be at the building in no time!".

Koneko deadpanned at this whole scene playing in front of her, "This is taking forever...".

Yoruichi lightly laughed at Koneko's comment, "Give them a break Koneko, they're regular humans after all, you can't expect them to move fast in a situation like this".

Koneko sighed and watched Shane ask Tessa if she was okay, only for Tessa to lose her footing and begin to scream in a panic, "Oh, my god! Oh my god Dad! Oh!".

Poor Tessa was now having a full panic attack now, so Koneko rolled her eyes, walked over to her and when she got close to Tessa, picked her up in her arms in a princess carry and began to walk down the cable, Tessa was of course startled and screamed as Koneko lifted her on her arms.

Tessa, out of fright immediately hugged Koneko's head tightly, which looked hilarious to Yoruichi who began to laugh hard, while Cade and Shane sweatdropped at Koneko being the hero instead of them.

However, it was a good thing Koneko did this because a few of the dog-like creatures suddenly came out of the ship's vent and began to growl at everyone when they saw them walking on the cables.

The dog-like creatures growled and roared alerting everyone of their presence, Tessa hugged Koneko's head even more tightly and screamed, "Ah! What was that!?".

Shane and Cade looked over to the ship and saw the dog-like creatures jump onto the cables and bark at them, Cade widened his eyes and then said, "Tessa! Whatever you do, do not look back".

Tessa shook her head and yelled at her father, "Don't say that! Now I have to look back!"

Koneko sighed and then spoke, "I will drop you if you don't calm down... You're older than me, act like it".

Tessa gulped at Koneko's threat, cause she sounded very serious about dropping her and because she was right, though Tessa was surprised that she was older than Koneko, in hindsight, it made sense with how small and petit Koneko was.

Meanwhile, as Koneko and Yoruichi walked past Cade, he began to shoot at the dog-like creatures who had jumped onto the cable and were now walking towards them, he killed all three dog-like Creatures, but the two that stayed behind growled and began to instead bite off the anchor's cables.

Which made Cade, Shane, and Tessa panic, Koneko and Yoruichi immediately began to channel chakra into the bottom of their feet so they wouldn't fall, but were beginning to get worried for Shane and Cade when the dog-like creatures were able to bite off one of the cables.

But luckily for everyone, Bumblebee suddenly arrived and killed one of the dog-like creatures by shooting them down, another one pounced on Bumblebee, but Bumblebee caught the dog-like creature by the throat and then stabbed it through its body with a blade from his arm.

Another dog-like creature jumped on Bumblebee's back and began to bite and scratch him, while another one of those dog-like creatures continued to bite off the anchor's cables.

Then the cable began to shake, but Koneko and Yoruichi were fine thanks to the surface walking technique, though Yoruichi had to move fast and catch Cade and Shane by the nape of their clothes and lifted them off the cable, while they screamed in surprise.

Two cables fell off, so Koneko and Yoruichi had to jump over to another one, which scared the humans of the group into screaming in fright, meanwhile, Bumblebee was able to grab the dog-like creature on his back and slammed it on the ground.

He then shot it until it stopped moving, but the other dog-like creature was able to bite off all the cables, making them drop towards the building their anchors had caught themselves on, Bumblebee immediately jumped to catch the cable, while Yoruichi and Koneko stood on it while holding into the screaming humans they're carrying.

Both saw Bumblebee grabbing hold of the end of the cable as they swung towards the building, so they stopped channeling chakra to the bottom of the feet and jumped towards Bumblebee who lifted an arm to catch them.

Koneke and Yoruichi immediately pushed their bodies towards Bumblebee with a burst of energy and Bumblebee caught them and covered them with his body as he crashed into the building, and held onto it to slow his descent down as much as possible, while the humans continued to scream in fright.

Eventually, Bumblebee was able to stop himself from falling, allowing the humans to finally calm down, Cade sighed and then grinned at Bumblebee, Koneko, and Yoruichi, "You three are the best, the best!".

Koneko nodded and jumped onto Bumblebee's shoulder and then said, "And don't you forget it...".

Bumblebee nodded, "Damn straight!".

Yoruichi laughed a bit, and then turned her head towards the other two humans, "Well... that was wild no?".

Tessa and Shane groaned while Cade whooped in agreement, he then grabbed Shane and began to shake him, "You see that!? We're out of the ship! We made it!".

Shane sighed but nodded, while Tessa huffed and shook her head, suddenly, a small ship flew over to the group, Crosshairs who was riding on top of the ship, called out to his fellow Autobot, "Bumblebee! Bumblebee! Friendly! Enemy ships are coming in hot! Get on! Get on!".

Bumblebee nodded and quickly reached over to the ship, Yoruichi quickly grabbed Shane and Cade and then jumped over to the top of the ship, Koneko jumped down from Bumblebee's shoulder and picked up Tessa in her arms again and jumped over, while Tessa blushed at being picked up like a princess for a second time, by a girl younger than her.

As soon as Koneko landed on the ship, three other ships flew out the Lockdown's ship and began to pursue the group, Crosshairs immediately drove the ship away as fast as he could to get away from the enemy ships.

The group quickly flew on their ship around the buildings of New Chicago avoiding the three enemy ships chasing after them, Cade grunted and called out to Crosshairs, "We have three ships on us!".

Crosshairs nodded and said, "Hold onto your knickers I'm giving it the juice! Hah!".

Crosshairs pushed the handles he was holding onto and the ship accelerated, Koneko sat Tessa right beside, Shane and Cade, she then walked over to where Bumblebee was sitting and got ready.

Yoruichi saw what Koneko was going to do and just smiled, while the humans of the group stared at Koneko in confusion, suddenly, white cat ears and a tail sprung out of Koneko's head and back, surprising the humans and confusing Bumblebee.

But the surprises didn't end there, suddenly, a blanket of white lightning engulfed Koneko, who suddenly yelled, "'Shunko!'".

Everyone widened their eyes at the powerful pressure Koneko was releasing, suddenly, Koneko raised a finger toward the ships pursuing them and smiled before saying, "Bang...".

There was a loud crackle and then a bang, before a massive orb of white lightning shot forward from Koneko's finger with the force of a cannon and crashed against one of the ships in a split second, it was so fast and powerful, that the ship wasn't able to move away and the Shunko blast went right through it, completely destroying it.

Koneko nodded to herself and then turned her head towards Bumblebee, "Stop gaping and shoot...".

Bumblebee chuckled and saluted at Koneko, he immediately aimed at the other enemy ship with his hand, which transformed into a hand cannon, Crosshairs grinned and then loudly said, "You heard the little lady Bumblebee! Take them out!".

Crosshairs suddenly drove down the ship, and while Bumblebee began to shoot at the enemy ship, Crosshairs pulled up and made the ship fly over the river, which sent water all over the place, Koneko, who still had her Shunko activated, quickly waved an arm towards the water flying behind them.

The white lightning soon reached the airborne water, which created some sort of white lightning net, trapping the two other ships in mid-air, and allowing Bumblebee to shoot them down.

Yoruichi hummed as she watched Koneko's improvised technique, "Huh... an electric net, that looks like a very useful technique".

While Yoruichi began to think of ways to recreate what Koneko did, three more ships appeared behind the group, Koneko sighed and then clapped her hands together, she then pointed both hands toward the ship and then shot two massive white lightning eastern dragons from her hands.

The eastern dragons roared and then shot themselves toward the enemy ships, the ships immediately tried to maneuver away from Koneko's technique, but the Dragons quickly coiled themselves around two of the ships and then exploded into two white lighting maelstroms.

Yoruichi grinned and nodded, "That was neat, who thought you that?".

Koneko smiled and then said, "Went to Konoha... I learned about chakra and lighting manipulation from Kakashi".

Yoruichi nodded, "Ah, that old perv, got to say, he taught you good".

Koneko nodded in agreement, though she looked down with a deadpan, "Still a big perv though...".

Yoruichi laughed and nodded in agreement, while the humans were lost and very confused about the conversation these two were having in the middle of a fight, meanwhile, Bumblebee began to shoot at the third ship still chasing them.

But because Crosshairs was doing evasive maneuvers to avoid getting shot at, Bumblebee was having a hard time shooting down the last ship, Shane shook his head and then yelled at Crosshairs, "If you're going to do something, better do it now!".

Cade snapped out of his confusion as well and yelled as well, "Come on!".

Crosshairs groaned and then turned around, "Alright, I'm sick of this crap, Bee! You drive this thing, I'll shoot! Can't have the little lady do all the work!".

Crosshairs pulled Bumblebee by the back of the neck and threw him towards the driving seat of the ship, Crosshairs then quickly, began to move and get in position to shoot, however, he didn't notice Koneko's glare towards him, for manhandling Bumblebee like he did.

Cade looked around and then pointed at the two guns beside them, he turned his head towards Crosshairs and then said, "Hey! Let us use these big ass guns back here!".

Suddenly Bumblebee accelerated as more and more ships began to pursue the group, Crosshairs cursed out a bit and then looked down at Cade, "Listen up! Crash course, tracer guns, punch forward to shoot, slide back to reload!".

Cade looked confused and then turned his head back to Crosshairs, "What!?".

Crosshairs groaned and then decided to simplify what he just said, "Punch, shoot, slide back, reload, repeat! Punch, shoot, slide back, reload, repeat!".

Cade shook his head since he didn't really understand Crosshairs' explanation and began to stare at the tazer guns in confusion, "What are you talking about!?".

Koneko huffed in annoyance and shook her head, "Hurry and shoot, or shut up and let me focus...".

Cade winced at Koneko's harsh words and sighed, "I don't know what he means!".

Yoruichi laughed in amusement, she didn't understand what Cade was so confused about, Crosshairs' instructions were as easy as it gets, "Hurry up! We have more enemy ships coming towards us".

Crosshairs sighed and then shrugged, "Alright, good luck with all this".

Crosshairs stood up and stepped back a bit, Cade widened his eyes in shock and turned his head towards Crosshairs in annoyance, "Where are you going!?"

Crosshairs crouched down and took a position, he then answered Cade's question as he got ready to do whatever he was planning on doing, "To lay some hate".

Cade, Shane, and Tessa stared in surprise as Crosshairs suddenly jumped off the ship and flipped in mid-air, some parachutes suddenly shot out of his shoulders and slowed him down in mid-air, enough to take out massive hand cannons and begin to shoot at the ships chasing after the group.

The Autobot laughed like a maniac as he shot down two ships, Cade and Shane snapped out of their surprise and began to try to figure out the controls of the tazer guns, Cade looked down and then said, "All alright, remember! Punch, hold, slide, repeat!".

Shane nodded and repeated what Cade said, "Punch, hold, slide, repeat!"

Cade nodded and then got ready as he loudly said, "Go!".

Both Cade and Shane pushed the controls at the same time firing at the ships coming towards them, the enemies immediately swerved to the side to avoid getting shot, but one of them was too slow and ended up getting barraged.

The ship immediately exploded, spun out of control, and then fell to the street below, where it crashed against the pavement, Shane loudly cheered and fist-pumped in victory, "Yeah! We got one, whoo!".

Konoke rolled her eyes and then shot two white thunderbolts at two ships, the ships tried to move away, but Koneko narrowed her eyes and the white thunderbolts changed direction in mid-air, they crashed into the ships in an instant and exploded with a big loud crackle.

The ships disintegrated upon impact surprising Shane, who gaped as he watched this happen, Koneko grinned and then said, "Well? Keep shooting... there's more enemies to get rid of... don't stop at one".

Shane sweatdropped, while Cade snorted at the burn Koneko handed to Shane, Tessa just smiled in amusement, though she felt a bit bad for her boyfriend, Yoruichi was downright laughing.

But soon enough, both Cade and Shane began to shoot at more enemy ships, while Koneko continued to shoot them down with her Shunko long-range techniques, Cade suddenly grinned and then loudly said, "These alien guns kick ass!".

However, more enemy ships began to chase after the group, which forced Bumblebee to fly low and follow a street below on the streets of New Chicago, Cade frowned as he saw even more ships beginning to converge onto them, "Bee! You got to move! Duck!".

Bumblebee drove the ship under a bridge, which forced Cade to yell out at everyone to duck, the group, except Koneko immediately ducked, while Bumblebee began to maneuver under the bridge.

Koneko was small enough not to need to duck, which let her watch as three enemy ships swooped down and followed them down the bridge, seeing that everyone was busy trying not to get their heads ripped off, she quickly punched the air in front of her three times.

She punched so fast and so powerfully, that the Shunko shroud shot out, spinning fist size orbs towards the enemy ships, so fast, they they broke the sound barrier with a loud boom, the orbs quickly crashed into the enemy ships and violently exploded as soon as they crashed against the ships.

Everyone stopped ducking and looked up in time to see the explosions of white lightning, however, four more enemy ships swooped down and began to chase them while shooting at the group, Cade frowned and then loudly yelled out, "Come on! Keep shooting!".

Shane nodded and together with Cade, they both began to shoot at the enemy ships, who tried their best to avoid getting shot down, but since they were under the bridge, there wasn't a lot of space to maneuver, and were shot down causing to crashed down into the street below.

The enemy ships exploded soon after crashing, sending metal and flames all over the place, some of the fire and debris flew forward and hit the ship guns that Cade and Shane were using, luckily they were able to duck to avoid getting hit by the debris.

Bumblebee suddenly saw something and began to accelerate, a few more enemy ships were coming towards them from the front, intent on crashing against the ship Bumblebee was driving.

Not having any other options, Bumblebee pulled up and crashed into the bridge over him and into the street above the bridge, but he lost control from the impact as the ship began to spin around in the air.

Koneko and Yoruichi immediately reacted and grabbed hold of the humans in their group, Yoruichi grabbed Cade and Shane by the napes of their clothes, while Koneko princess carried Tessa, both student and teacher jumped off the ship before it could crash, while the humans found themselves screaming in fright once again.

The ship began to ragdoll in the street and come apart into pieces, while Bumblebee held on for dear life, the pieces of the ship soon exploded, were set on fire, and then, began to destroy cars, buildings, and other things as they rolled and bounced on the ground.

But the main part Bumblebee was riding on, soon stopped, Bumblebee groaned and shook his head from all the spinning he did, while Koneko and Yoruichi, bounced off the walls of the buildings nearby and headed towards Bumblebee.

The girls soon arrived and landed beside the crashed ship, Koneko quickly let Tessa down on the street on her feet and ran to check how Bumblebee was doing, Yoruichi dropped Cade and Shane to the ground and sighed as she looked around.

Cade and Shane groaned in pain as their back slammed into the ground, Shane grunted and sat up while looking around, "That was insane...".