
The Adventures of Hope and Morgan

Spin-off series from Harry's New Game Plus. Follow Morgan Stark the Red Dragon Empress, Hope Potter the Phoenix Force, and friends as they world jump through the Multiverse in search of Adventure, just what sort of shenanigans will these very powerful girls will get up to? This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Book&Literature
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62 Chs

Chapter 37

While Morgan, Thalia, and Hope decided what to do next, the poor bodyguard who fell down a hole, when the Pyramid shifted, was now having a panic attack, having the hole close on him and sealing him down below in darkness was beginning to get to the guy.

He quickly took out his flashlight and wildly looked around, however, the darkness was so deep that he couldn't see anything that wasn't being hit by his flashlight's light, he tried to move a bit to get moving and try and get out of this dark place, but his fall had hurt his legs quite badly.

Unable to move he then opted to call out to his group, hoping they would hear him and come find him "Hey! Can anyone hear me!" however no one answered back, the walls of the pyramid were to thick for sound to travel to far.

This made the bodyguard frown and not seeing another solution he began to crawl on the ground to get moving, he didn't want to stay where he landed and get caught by the pyramid shifting again, it would be a disaster if ended up falling down deeper into the pyramid.

So he began to force his body to move, as he crawled on the ground he continued to call out to his group, just in case someone would hear him "It's Connors! Where are you guys?!".

But no one answered his call again, so he just kept moving, however, because of how dark it was, he didn't notice another hole in front of him and he ended up falling down this shaft as well.

Though this time it was a long way down, after falling and rolling for a while he finally stopped a whole floor down, Connors lost his weapon as he fell and he ended up landing a bit of a distance away from it, he quickly began to look around a bit after he recovered from his fall only for more darkness to greet him.

He began to panic again, now he was deeper into the pyramid and didn't even know where he was, which made his situation even more precarious, however, something hissed in the darkness, and this made Connor wildly look around with his flashlight to see what had hissed at him from the darkness in the chamber he found himself in.

The more he looked around the louder and closer would the hisses sound, which added even more to his fear-induced panic.

But no matter where he looked he couldn't see where the hisses were coming from nor what had made such a noise, that just made things worse for him and he began to struggle to breathe from how afraid he was, suddenly as he was looking around with his flashlight, he noticed his assault rifle not too far from him.

So he threw himself at it and grabbed hold of it, he began to aim with it, but then he felt something wet and sticky on his hands.

He took a look and noticed some sort of sticky liquid on the assault weapon, but he ignored that and checked his clip, so distracted, Connors didn't even hear something sneaking up to him from above.

Until it was too late, a creature hidden in the dark launched itself at Connors and grabbed hold of his body, the only thing Connors could do is kick around with his legs as he was being lifted off the ground and taken away screaming in terror.

Only his flashlight and assault weapon was left on the spot he had been kneeling on, while only his screams echoed through the chamber as he was being taken away, to who knows where.


~Back with Graeme and the other bodyguard~

Deciding to wait for the group to come find them, Graeme and the bodyguard took a seat and tried to relax, but the bodyguard just sighed and shook his head in defeat "We're never getting out of here...".

Graeme trying to distract the bodyguard, decided to ask him some questions, starting to ask about his family "Do you have any children?".

The bodyguard frowned but still answered Graeme's question "A son...".

Graeme nodded "Yeah me too, I have two actually, that means, we don't have the luxury of quitting, we're going to get out of here".

The bodyguard looked down, and while Graeme stood up and began to look around while doing so he said "We're surviving this even if it means having to carry you the whole way out".

The bodyguard smiled and then nodded to Graeme, thankful that he was trying to keep things positive, even though he himself was very skeptical about their chances to get out of the pyramid any time soon.


~With Lex and the rest of the group~

Weyland was sitting against a wall, while he was trying to keep calm and not have another coughing fit, as he rested he stared at the dead body of the bodyguard that was impaled by a spear, he sighed and then decided to inspect the item they had taken out the sarcophagus a while back.

He took one of the three objects out of his backpack and inspected it, Lex walked over and then said to him "There's no way out back there".

Weyland nodded and Lex went back to trying to find a way out by walking around and looking for a pathway, though it seems that for now they were sealed in this chamber for now.

Weyland went back to inspecting the object, and a few moments later he suddenly said "No damage...".

Max -who was close by and staring at the dead body of his comrade- looked over to Weyland "One of our men is dead...".

Weyland stopped staring at the object and turned to look at Max, he frowned but didn't say anything knowing that his right-hand man was upset about losing one of his men, Max huffed and then grabbed his weapon "I need to know what this man died for".

Weyland sighed, he knew he had to say something or Max was going to dwell on this for a long time, he needed him to focus right now so he said "He died trying to make us famous".

Max narrowed his eyes at Weyland and shook his head "Us or you?".

Weyland just stared at Max and didn't say anything else, he didn't want to say something else that might upset him, Max scoffed and shook his head again, he then quickly stood up and went to help Lex and Sebastian look for a way out.

After a few minutes of inspecting the whole chamber for pathways or secret walls, everyone got together and decided to rest for a bit, however, soon after Sebastian's watch began to let out some loud beeps, he quickly took a look while Lex stared at him in confusion "What's that?".

Sebastian turned the alarm on his watch off and then said "Just a theory... the Aztec calendar was metric, based on multiples of ten, I'm guessing that the pyramid reconfigures every ten minutes".

Everyone looked around and paid attention to anything that might shift, suddenly they heard a wall move revealing a new pathway, Lex smiled at Sebastian, while he smirked in victory.

Both then walked over to the new pathway and looked around with their flashlights, to make sure it was safe to go in there.


~Meanwhile, back with Graeme and the other bodyguard~

At the same time, a new pathway opened for Lex and her group, a new pathway was also opened for Graeme and the bodyguard with him, both of them walked over the new pathway and cautiously looked inside it.

It was dark and very narrow, which made them nervous to to try and walk into it, but they were out of options right now and had no other choice than to go and see where the new pathway would take them.


~At the same time~

Max having checked the pathway himself, decided it was time to move, so he turned towards, Lex, Sebastian, and Mr. Weyland "Let's stick together and move quickly".

Everyone nodded in agreement, Mr. Weyland suddenly got a coughing fit, which made everyone look at him with concern, however, they couldn't waste any more time so Max gave him a quick few pats on his back and took the lead into the new pathway.

Everyone quickly began to follow him, Lex approached Mr. Weyland and called out to him "Weyland".

Mr. Weyland turned his head towards Lex and she offered her shoulder to him for support, Mr. Weyland nodded and accepted Lex's help as both walked inside the new dark and narrow pathway.


~Back with Graeme and the bodyguard~

Graeme sighed after inspecting the pathway "It would seem that we're rats in a maze...".

His comment, however, did not amuse nor made the bodyguard feel better about their situation, in fact, the disbelieving look on his face showed how much he was annoyed at him at this moment for that comment.

Graeme however, ignored the look and walked inside the pathway, the bodyguard not wanting to be left behind followed him inside right away.

After a few minutes of following the pathway, the bodyguard looked around at every crossroads they reached, and in one of these, he found an abandoned assault rifle on the floor.

One he recognized as the same type as the one he was using, he stared at it in confusion for about a second, but then he decided to check the firearm out, he walked over to it, and picked it up.

Only to drop it right away when he felt something wet and sticky on the firearm, he looked at his hand and saw some sort of odd greenish sticky ooze on it, the bodyguard stared at his hand with a grimace and confusion for a few seconds, but then he suddenly heard a hiss.

He immediately turned his head towards where he heard the hiss come from and looked around with his flashlight, he then suddenly began to call out to Graeme "Graeme? Graeme!".

Not hearing a response, the bodyguard picked up the other assault weapon off the floor and aimed with both of them as he began to look around wildly as the hisses began to sound louder and closer.

But as he stood in the middle of the crossroads, a panel underneath his feet, suddenly gave away and drop down, the bodyguard screamed as gravity took over his body and he fell down deeper into the pyramid.

He landed feet first and his ankle cracked loudly, he immediately dropped to the ground and screamed in pain, at that moment Graeme came looking for him "Verheiden? Verheiden?".

Having heard the scream, Graeme approached the new hole in the floor and looked down while using his flashlight to illuminate the inside of the hole, he then saw Verheiden on the floor holding his ankle in pain "Oh god!".

Verheiden looked up and began to scream at him in both pain and panic "Get me out of here!".

Graeme nodded "It's okay! I'm going to look for a way to get down to you okay!?".

But then the hole began to close itself when two stones closed over it like a gate, Verheiden panicked and began to scream for Graeme to get him out of there.

However, Graeme couldn't do anything but scream for Verheiden while the hole closed on him "Verheiden!".

Verheiden looked up and loudly yelled "Noo!" after screaming he looked down and huffed in both pain and despair.

He took a few deep calming breaths as he looked down the pathway he landed on and saw only darkness, however, something inside that pitch-black darkness moved, and he could feel someone or something staring at him as well.

He stared and stared until his eyesight adapted to the darkness, it was then that he saw what it was that is staring at him, Verheiden gasped in fear as a black-skinned monster hissed at him.

But Verheiden then glared and grabbed the two assault rifles that fell with him, he then aimed at the monster and yelled at it in terror and anger "You want a piece of me!? You ugly son of a bitch!".

He was so focused in his anger towards the monster in front of him, that he didn't even notice another one of the monsters approach him from his side until it hissed right into the side of his face.

Verheiden gasped and turned his head to the side in shock, only to come face to face with another monster, he stared at it until another one hissed at him from his other side.

He quickly turned around, finding himself unable to even stand and surrounded by all sides, all he could do was scream as both monsters pounced and attacked him with their smaller jaws inside their first ones.


Graeme heard Verheiden's screams and began to panic for his companion, but he was completely unable to even go towards him, because of not knowing how to begin with, he began to look around everywhere, hoping to find a pathway or something that might help him get to Verheiden.

Only to suddenly hear a growl and then look over where it came from, only to gape as a blacked-skinned monster walked out of the darkness on all fours and approached him.

Graeme stared at the monster with wide eyes full of shock and horror as it approached "Oh god...".

He could only gasp and then scream as the monster took off running toward him at full speed.


~Back with Lex and her group~

Everyone had been cautiously walking down the dark pathway for a few minutes now, they didn't know where it lead and could only hope it wasn't taking them around in circles.

That is until they found themselves inside a new big chamber filled with more statues, Max frowned at the big stone figures but kept going while keeping an eye on everything around them.

Weyland suddenly began to gasp for air and cough, he accidentally dropped the object he had been holding for a while now, one of three that they found in the sarcophagus a while back.

Lex who had been helping him walk and keeping an eye on him, looked at him in worry "Weyland, you okay?".

However, unbeknownst to the group, they were being watched and followed by one of the creatures that attacked them before, the creature watched them with his heat vision visor as Lex began to check on Weyland.

The creature then noticed the object Weyland dropped and noticed it was one of the weapons they had been looking for, it zoomed in on it and kept it in his sights.

Weyland stopped struggling to breathe and bent down to grab the object, Lex frowned and then said, "Leave it, it would only slow you down".

Weyland shook his head and turned his head towards Lex as he tried to put the object away "Too much had been lost to leave here with nothing...".

Lex stared at Weyland for a few seconds before shaking her head and sighing "Give it to me".

Lex turned around so Weyland could put the object in her backpack, Weyland nodded and then quickly put away the object inside Lex's backpack, the creature seeing this lightly growled and turned around.

Behind him stood two more creatures, his fellow hunters, both nodded to him and seemingly disappeared from sight, the other creature turned around again and looked down from where he was watching the humans who stole their weapons, to keep an eye on them.

A few moments later, his fellow hunters, got in position and began their attack, one of them sneaked to Max's side and fired a net at him.

Completely caught off guard, Max couldn't even flinch as a net covered him and sent him flying back with it against the wall behind him, out of reflex he pulled the trigger on his assault rifle but that didn't help as the net pulled on itself adding pressure to his body.

Max grunted from both the hit against the wall and the net tightening around him, but he looked up and growled as the creature that attacked him made itself visible, and left the area, Lex, Weyland, and Sebastian rushed over to Max not even noticing where the creature went.

Meanwhile, Max used his weapon to keep away the net from his body and face, but it kept getting tighter and tighter, Mr. Weyland not wanting to lose Max, tried to pull the net with his hands, only for them to burn and cut through his gloves and hands.

Weyland gasped in pain and quickly pulled his hands away from the net, he then looked at his hands and stared in shock at how the gloves were melted and cut, Sebastian seeing that, pull out a hunting knife and tried to cut the net.

Only for the net to cut the hunting knife's blade in half instead, this shocked everyone and left them very perplexed at the moment, Max growled as he struggled to keep the net from reaching his body, but then noticed a humanoid creature stomping his way towards the group.

Max widen his eyes in concern for the group and then yelled "Look out!".

Mr. Weyland, seeing Max's face full of fear and shock as he looked behind them, turned around, only to widen his eyes in complete surprise as he saw the humanoid creature coming their way.

Lex and Sebastian also turned around and gasped as they saw the humanoid creature approaching them, Lex pulled out her pickaxe and yelled as she launched herself at the creature hoping to hit him.

Only for the creature to shift his body to the side and dodge her attack and then easily pushed her aside, the creature then reached Weyland and threw him aside as well, Sebastian being the only one left standing, attacked the creature.

He threw a punch as hard as he could at the creature's abdomen, but it didn't even flinch from the blow, instead, it grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off the ground.

Sebastian kicked in the air in a panic and tried to pry the creature's hand off his neck, but it wasn't working, meanwhile, the net around Max kept getting tighter and tighter, digging into his head and legs, and blood began to drip from his body as the net cut his skin open.

He grunted in pain, catching the creature's attention, it suddenly raised an object, which instantly extended into a spear, Max saw this and his eyes widen in panic.

But before anyone could do or say anything, the creature jabbed his spear toward Max and impaled him.

Max twitched and gasped in pain, before closing his eyes and dying, Lex watched in shock as Max was killed and Sebastian was being strangled to death, she looked at the ground looking for something, anything that could help her.

She noticed her pickaxe not to far from her, she immediately reached to grab it, but then another creature, this one still invisible, ran up to her and punted her on her abdomen, Lex gasped and cried in pain as she was sent flying through the air.

She crashed against a wall behind her a few seconds later, the impact caused her to grunt in pain and then fall onto the ground where she lay squirming in pain from the blow she received, the second creature walked over to her and as soon as it stood in front of her, two long blades extended from it bracelets.

Lex heard the sharp-bladed weapons pop out of wherever the creature took them out and turned her head towards the creature, she couldn't see it, not entirely, she just verily noticed some sort of transparent shape in front of her.

But what had all her attention, was the bladed weapon's shape in front of her, she knew this creature wanted to kill her and she wouldn't be able to stop it, Lex sat up and she heard the creature get even closer to her.

But then, her eyes widen when she saw something else behind the transparent shape in front of her, some sort of black long bladed tail appeared behind the creature and Lex stared in confusion and shock upon seeing it.

However, before anything else could happen, there was a blue flash of light and a yell, something flew really close to the transparent creature and hit something above and behind it.

There was a small explosion of lighting and the transparent creature was sent flying away from Lex, it roared in surprise and pain as it flew through the air and then crashed on top of the ground.

The creature trying to kill Sebastian via strangulation, turned his head towards the commotion and roared when he saw his fellow hunter down on the ground, but he was then blindsided by a punch to the side of the head, the creature's head whipped to the side and let go of Sebastian, who fell to the ground and began to cough while trying to regain his breath.

The creature turned its head towards its attacker but wasn't allowed to do anything, as it was suddenly sent flying by a very powerful impact to the chest.

Something hissed and dropped to the ground in front of Lex, a black-colored monster that was clearly missing its whole tail, was now on the floor in front of her hissing in pain from the shock and injury it just received.

Lex was utterly stunned and confused as to what was going on, she looked up and saw some kind of spear impaled into the wall and letting out sparks of blue lighting.

The creature suddenly recovered and stood up on all fours as it hissed in anger, it noticed Lex, who gasped when the creature immediately pounced on her.

But then there was a gunshot that echoed through the chamber and the next thing Lex saw was, a fireball hit the monster in mid-air and turn it into ash in a second.

Lex's eyes widen when a young teenage girl, appeared in a flash of blue lighting in front of her and pulled the spear out of the wall, there was another flash beside Lex, this one made of fire and another girl appeared.

This one, much younger than the first, the red-headed girl immediately bent down beside Lex and began to inspect her, she then called out to the other girl "Thalia, go back up Morgan, there might be more of those black monsters, we don't know what they are or what they're capable of yet, so be careful".

Thalia nodded "Sure firebird!".

Lex watched Thalia run over to somewhere, she couldn't see because of her position, the red-headed girl then spoke to her "My name is Hope, Hope Potter, now tell me, is anything hurting a lot right now?".

Lex shook her head "No, not really, my back and abdomen hurt a bit, but it's nothing... but-".

Hope shook her head cutting off Lex "We'll explain later, right now we have to move, the pyramid is going to be shifting soon and we don't want to be trapped again".

Lex nodded, Hope then helped her up and together they went towards where they heard fighting.


Morgan stared at the very big humanoid creature she kicked away, it stood up and roared at her, she just grinned at it and cracked her knuckles "Heh, you want to fight? Alright, I'm not one to deny a good fight!".

The creature took off running towards Morgan, on the way it reached its spear and pulled it out of the now-dead Max's body, with his weapon in hand it rushed forward and tried to stab Morgan through.

Usually, their kind, doesn't kill children, but something about the little child in front of it, told the creature that he shouldn't hesitate, not if he wanted to survive.

Morgan sidestep the spear and grabbed it, she suddenly pulled on the spear, the creature didn't expect the child to be strong enough to pull him along with the spear.

So he couldn't do anything, when he lost his balance and got hit on the chin by an uppercut from Morgan, the little Stark had to jump to reach the creature's chin, but that wasn't hard for her.

As the creature's head whipped back, Morgan came down from her jump and elbowed the creature's shoulder, forcing it onto his knees, as soon as Morgan landed on the ground, she then bent her entire body down and spun kicked the creature on the chest again as she yelled the name of her attack "'Crimson Leaf Hurricane!'".

Red blood leaves spun around Morgan, and as the creature was sent flying back from the force of Morgan's kick, the other creature woke up and quickly stood and tried to attack Morgan from her side.

But Morgan just smiled and sidestepped the swipe with ease, the creature roared and was about to try to attack her again, but Morgan just waved at it and vanished in a blur.

The creature paused in surprise, however, this proved to be a big mistake because the next thing it knew was being stabbed from behind by a spear and then electrocuted.

The creature roared in pain and began to cough up green glowing blood, Thalia suddenly pulled her spear out of the creature's back and watched as more of its blood splattered on the ground as the creature stood for a few seconds and then dropped dead on the ground.

Thalia spun her spear and turned her head towards Morgan "Mog, Hope said to hurry up, because the pyramid might shift again soon!".

Morgan clicked her tongue in annoyance "Great, let's grab the old guy and the guy coughing up a lung, and let's get out of this chamber!".

Thalia nodded but before they could even move, a spear flew through the air towards Morgan, the little Stark however, slapped away and caused the spear to fly off towards a wall and stab itself into it.

She grinned as she saw the other creature roar at her again and then rush towards her, while two big blades sprung out of its wrist bracelet, Morgan took off running towards the creature and took off flying up, she quickly grabbed hold of its neck and then choke slammed the creature on top of some sort of stone table.

The table was pulverized from the impact and while the creature was dazed, Morgan turned her head towards Thalia "Get the guys and go to Hope! I'll meet up with you soon!".

Thalia nodded and then took off running towards the old guy, she picked him up like a sack of potatoes and took off running towards the other guy -who was now trying to stand up-.

The creature growled and threw Morgan off its body, Morgan let him and rolled in mid-air before landing on all fours on the ground, the creature stood up and took off running towards Morgan.

But she disappeared in a blur causing the creature to stop and look around, when he couldn't see Morgan, it began to shift through all sorts of visions on his helmet trying to find her.

However, it couldn't find her and it was beginning to get to it, inwardly he wondered if this was how its prey felt when they couldn't see it, suddenly the creature was hit from behind and sent crashing against and through a wall.

Meanwhile, Hope and Thalia helped Lex, Sebastian, and Mr. Weyland out of the chamber via the pathway they arrived in from.

The creature stood up and got into a fighting stance while pointing the blades of his wrist bracelet toward Morgan, the little Stark smiled while summoning her Boosted Gear.

The blades suddenly sprung out from the knuckles of her Boosted Gear, while both Morgan and the creature stared at each other for a few seconds

Morgan suddenly pounced and attacked with her Wolverine-like claws, the creature dodged and swiped back at Morgan, but she quickly raised her own blades and blocked the attack.

Sparks flew from the blade's collision, but that didn't stop the creature nor Morgan, the creature tried to stomp on Morgan, but she jumped and then headbutted the creature on the helmet.

The creature saw it coming and braced itself, however, the force behind Morgan's attack pushed him back, and the creature stopped himself by stabbing his blades through the ground.

But Morgan took a big breath and then huffed out a fireball at the creature, it noticed the fireball right away and rolled to the side, however, some of the flames still touched it and his armor along with some of his skin caught on fire.

It roared in pain, as it tried to put itself out, it even threw its armor away as it was beginning to get very hot, however, he was too distracted and didn't see Morgan appear behind him and kick him away.

The creature found itself flying through the air again and crashing against a wall, it went through it and then continued on until it went through three walls and landed on the ground growling in pain.

Morgan then took off running to finish this, but the creature suddenly lifted its arms and fired a net at Morgan, but the little Stark pointed her Boosted Gear at the net and fired a small dragon shot at it.

The net was destroyed on contact with the red and black orb of condensed draconic energy, the creature growled in surprise and quickly rolled out of the way of the orb's trajectory, only for it to crash against the ground where the creature was laying a second ago and explode.

The ground underneath the creature crumble and it fell down towards the floor below the chamber, the creature couldn't do anything but fall into the newly created hole and crashed against a pile of bones.

The creature growled in pain and tried to get up, but Morgan suddenly landed on top of it and raised her arm up while looking at the creature in the eyes "It was a good fight, but it ends here!".

Without hesitation, Morgan swung her arm down and stabbed the blades of her Boosted Gear into the creature's forehead, green glowing blood splattered everyone as the creature's body twitched once and then slumped dead.

Morgan stood up and quickly clean herself off the creature's blood with a spell, she then looked around and stared at the piles of bones everywhere "... How morbid".

Morgan shook her head and then jumped out of the chamber, up to the one above, she landed on the ground and then took off running to catch up with her sisters in all but blood, she didn't notice the third and last creature staring at her as she left the chamber.