
The adventures of a savage

Abandoned since he was a baby in the cold Siberian forest, condemned to survive as best he can and adapt to all kinds of hardships. A man who lived among animals and managed to create his own territory. A man who despite everything he overcame, died foolishly in a way he did not understand, but when it seemed that it was going to be the end of his story, he managed to surprise the right entity. Come and enjoy the life of a wild man through the multiverse. [Warning: The main character doesn't know how to speak or anything about human behavior, it will take a few chapters to adapt him until he can have a proper conversation. Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Eroos #Gore #Multiverse #Anime

Eroos · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs


"Master..." Standing in front of a tree, Saeko looks up at Fenrir who lazily rests on the highest branch of the tree and whispers timidly "W-would you like to be one with me?"

"Gr?" Sitting down on the branch, Fenrir looks at Saeko doubtfully and asks "Sex?"

"N-no!" Shaking her head quickly, Saeko bites her lips and looks sideways, then looks up at Fenrir and whispers "B-becoming one spiritually, our lives would be connected and we could even feel what the other feels... I don't know the full extent of this, but I feel it will only bring benefits."

"..." Watching Saeko silently for a few seconds, Fenrir finally tilted his head and murmured "You want to do it?"

"Mn" Nodding quickly as nervousness consumed her more and more, Saeko continued "I-It would be good for me as your sword, to be connected to you master, as I could serve you much better if I know how you feel..."

"Mmmm..." Noticing how Saeko seemed to squirm, Fenrir thought no more and nodded "Good..."

Eyes sparkling at hearing an affirmative answer, Saeko smiled broadly and nimbly climbed the tree, then sat down next to Fenrir and stared into his eyes "I don't understand much of what this is about, but somehow I know how to do it... master, are you sure you agree to be one with me?"


"Fine~" With a beautiful smile on her face, Saeko looked at Fenrir for a few seconds while focusing on listening to her instinct, then bringing her face closer to Fenrir and closing her eyes while pursing her lips.

Gently kissing Fenrir's lips, Saeko wrapped her arms around him and tightly pressed her body next to his, while little by little her own body began to warm up with a mysterious energy inside her.

Only a few seconds later, suddenly a strong silver light enveloped the two bodies, while the whole island began to tremble heavily.

The terrified birds flew desperately farther away from the place, while the waves were churning erratically.

Trees were forcibly dropping their eyes, and even more than one old tree fell from the strong movement of the earth.

But only a few seconds later, all ceased and normality returned to the place, while the couple on the branch came back into view as the light submerged their bodies.

Being completely naked, Fenrir frowned and scratched his neck, then looked down and muttered "I lost my clothes again... I'm going to get scolded"

Blinking in a daze, Saeko looks down at her hands and squeezes them quizzically, then turns to Fenrir at her side and watches him silently for a few seconds.

Holding her hand to her heart, Saeko murmurs in a daze, "Two hearts... beating in complete coordination..."

Raising her hand, Saeko gently touches Fenrir's face and murmurs with confusion "It worked, but... these are your feelings?"

Saeko's mind is currently a mess.

She never thought that being connected to Fenrir would be so complicated to understand.

For starters she doesn't know if her body had a physical change inside, as she clearly feels two hearts where only one should go, while a numbing amount of emotions come straight to her brain.

Emotions that Saeko really doesn't know how to cope with, feeling a lot of different emotions from others, but not just any emotions like happiness or laziness, but more complex emotions like wariness of her surroundings, a desolate loneliness and a strange indifference towards everything.

Being connected in this way with a being like Fenrir who is only governed by his instinct, is an extremely confusing feeling for someone like Saeko, because although she feels her emotions, each one is so short and fleeting, that she could easily say that she feels nothing.

For a few seconds, Fenrir is bored, but seconds later, Fenrir is interested in something, all for him to quickly change his emotion and become bored again.

Literally in this minute in which Saeko concentrated on emotions, she managed to feel at least 15 different emotions.

Loneliness, boredom, happiness, nostalgia, anger, surprise, among others.

But the curious thing is that she even understands the reason for each feeling, for example Fenrir saw out of the corner of his eye two birds flying towards him, that caused him a great momentary anger but a second later the birds flew away and Fenrir returned to his feeling of boredom.

It's all so illogical and irrational, it will take Saeko a few weeks at least to get used to it.

"*Sigh*" Rubbing her forehead with a bittersweet smile, Saeko watched Fenrir's distracted face for a few seconds and chuckled softly, then lowered her gaze to Fenrir's neck and raised her eyebrows.

Lowering her hands, Saeko gently caressed the new tattoo on Fenrir's neck and continued to move down as she touched the tattoo "Wolves..."

With the new connection between them, apparently a symbolic tattoo was marked on Fenrir's body.

Having a large tattoo that starts at Fenrir's hip and ends at his neck.

The tattoo itself is quite exotic, having Fenrir a head of a giant and ferocious wolf that seems to bite his neck, while small wolves walked around him in a dark background with gloomy trees.

The funny thing is that the whole tattoo is dark, but somehow you can easily identify the wolves with the background even though they share the same color.

[A/N: The tattoo is purely my imagination, but I'll leave a picture here of the giant wolf with its jaw open on Fenrir's neck, since I based this image in this fragment of the story].

Lowering her gaze, Saeko looked down at her neck and pursed her lips in disappointment at not seeing a similar tattoo, not caring in the least that she had lost her clothes in the happy merger.}.

Turning back to look at Fenrir, Saeko watched his face for a few seconds and laughed softly, then settled next to him and rested her head on Fenrir's shoulder, while a great satisfaction ran through her body just knowing that between her and her master there is a connection even deeper than any other.

It's funny how a woman as independent and mature as Saeko, becomes a real fool with the person she considers right. It's as if her witty brain completely shuts down and the only thing left in her thoughts is the sweet happiness of having the slightest attention from him, one of the most irrational symptoms of love.

Waving her tail happily, Saeko thought for a few seconds and made a small effort to move it towards Fenrir's back, then wrapped it around his and entwined it nervously.

Looking at Fenrir's face for a few seconds, Saeko smiled brightly at not seeing him uncomfortable and settled back on her body, then took Fenrir's hand and intertwined their fingers.

Being completely attached, Saeko closed her eyes and sighed contentedly, completely reveling in little moments like this.


2 months passed quickly.

[A/N: During these two months Saeko also lost her virginity to Fenrir again, but I'll leave that chapter as a special later as I don't want to delay the story any longer and I think I've already covered most of the gaps in the story to move on].

Although they all had several unstable changes in their personalities, after some time of assimilation, everything went relatively back to normal.

Each girl explored her body as much as possible and certainly the surprises were not few.

From extremely sensitive ears, to extremely hard tails.

The variety was really tremendous and certainly under a group investigation, no one had a bad time or got bored.

Especially when the girls began to feel Shizuka's hairy tails, something that became a national treasure for this pack.

The tremor that shook the island was easily forgotten after seeing the new tattoo on Fenrir, knowing full well that this simple tremor is a small thing considering what this young wolf can do.

After so long, Saya assimilated completely that her mother is sleeping with a young man who is almost her age, something that was not so easy considering how much her father's death hurt her. But with enough time and being quite mature in her thoughts, she came to the obvious conclusion that life goes on and everyone deserves their happiness.

Speaking of Saya, the young woman right now looked seriously at everyone in the room and spoke in a solemn voice.

"We have to leave this world."

"Why?" frowning slightly, Rika asked.

Lowering her gaze to the screen in front of her, Saya sighed "During this time I was constantly consulting the effects our new bodies have and while helping them understand their powers, I hit upon a somewhat chilling truth."

"In existence, even a stone can be considered a living, existing being, that's no different for a planet."

"To sum it all up, we have a very strong vitality and existentiality for a planet as young as this one, if we stay even one more year here, the planet will die and cause an explosion."

"A few months ago Fenrir and Saeko caused the whole planet to tremble thanks to their spiritual fusion, that was caused by the great impulse Saeko had. The planet had trouble assimilating it and no doubt when my mother arrives it is quite likely that we will cause a catastrophe"

"All this is not just my theories, but it was confirmed by this mystical encyclopedia given by that higher being" Pointing towards the screen in front of her, Saya continued "I know you guys don't see it, but you know perfectly well that this only speaks the truth, so we should go"

"Easier said than done" With a deep frown, Rika continued "How will we get off the planet? Which planet will we go to? How do we know which planet is suitable for us? That's a lot of variables we don't know."

"*Sigh* I know, and this entity also refused to answer, but gave me a solution" Turning her gaze to the distracted Fenrir, Saya continued "I did some research on how to get out, and I was given the indication that you can rip through spacetime and even dimensions and realities. If anyone has the ability to get us out, it's you."

Leaning back on Saeko's thighs, Fenrir looked at Saya doubtfully and murmured "Me?"

"Yes, for that I will read you the last answer I had from my last question" Lowering her gaze to the screen, Saya continued "The question was the following 'How can Fenrir travel to a world that is habitable for him', while the answer was 'He just needs to accumulate vitality in his claws, then he has to act based on his instincts and his consciousness will expand to the nearest planet that is habitable and comfortable for him. Keep in mind that if Fenrir feels comfortable on an apocalyptic or extremely dangerous planet, it is very likely that you will end up at risk'"

Raising her gaze to Fenrir, Saya continued "Not only can you travel to planets, you can also enter dimensions, spiritual planes, universes and different realities. There are literally no limits to you as long as you can control your powers."

Laughing nervously, Kiriko interrupted "Not to be unwilling to believe in Fenrir, but something tells me that we could end up very badly with this trip"

"I know, but it's either that or die with this planet" Sighing bitterly, Saya continued "Besides, you all have a little control in your bodies, and you know perfectly well that you need to have some fights in order to better control your powers. I know the probability of dying is high, but at least we'll have a chance of surviving as long as we're together."

"What a crazy shit..." Scratching her head with a strange smile on her face, Yuuki continued "A year ago talking about fighting beings from other worlds using powers would be considered stupid, but here we are... planning to travel to another world and talking about having to fight to survive."


Edited By:

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