
the adventures of a lost soul

I'm new to this platform I've never wrote a story before I had to use all my brain cells to get that 1 chapter out I thought it would be a good idea so I follow what happens in the spoilers I am hoping to publish a total of 50 chapters and if I get 100 votes or something I will carry on righting I want to be criticised so I can make my my novel better for you quick heads up I'm only 13 so what I Wright wont be fantastic I don't even know what I should do it as a 1st person so your seeing it through the eyes of Lin Feng or a 3rd person view I am hoping someone will see this novel and tells me how I should Wright it

pro_gamer_2545 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

the beginning

lin feng rushed to his dorm as darkness engulfed the sky he flung open his dorms door and stepped inside. his hair was drenched in sweat with a firm smirk plastered across his face. lin feng : yes I got back in time to see the latest event on the last melenium. his roommate jin dong leaned over the side of his bunk as it started creaking ferociously. jin dong : lin what's wrong?! , lin feng rushed over to his chair flung himself upon it powered up his PC and dramatically shouted, lin feng : I have to get on to the last melenium there's a new event. jin song suddenly climbed down from his bunk and subtlety looked over lin feng's shoulder so he could watch the event and then it started. A notice suddenly popped up on the screen would you like to join us on a adventure where you will fight for your life lin feng clicked yes without any thought or hesitation. suddenly the monitor screen was turning into a vortex it was sucking lin feng in. lin feng had no time for reaction so he shouted for jin dong, lin feng : jin dong!, lin feng reached out his arm jin dong grabbed it. he tried to pull lin feng back with ferocious force suddenly lin feng's arm snapped and was torn away from his body he screamed in pain, lin feng : ahhhhhhh, and then he was suddenly sucked in. jin dong fell to his knees and sobbed as he was holding lin feng's arm, but suddenly the arm starts to pixelated and then dissipated jin song started to question what the game is and what is it's true purpose is.