
Chapter 1: The God's Departure

In the beginning, there was only God. He existed alone in a vast void, creating and destroying worlds as he pleased. But eventually, he grew tired of this endless cycle and decided to leave his realm in search of new adventures.

As he traveled through the multiverse, God encountered countless beings and witnessed many wonders. He explored galaxies and dimensions, spoke with strange creatures, and helped those in need. But despite all the wonders he saw, God remained restless, always seeking something more.

It was during one of his journeys that God discovered a world unlike any he had seen before. The land was vast and beautiful, with rolling hills, towering mountains, and sprawling forests. The people who lived there were simple, but they had a deep reverence for the natural world and the forces that governed it.

God was intrigued by this world and decided to explore it further. He disguised himself as a mortal and mingled with the people, learning their ways and customs. He even took on a job as a farmer, tending to the crops and livestock alongside the locals.

As God spent more time in this world, he grew attached to it. He had never experienced such a sense of belonging before. But he knew that he could not stay forever. He had to continue his journey and explore new realms.

With a heavy heart, God bid farewell to his new friends and departed from the world. But he left behind a small token of his affection - a secret garden hidden deep in the forest, where the plants were always in bloom and the animals frolicked in peace. He hoped that someday, someone would discover this garden and feel the same sense of wonder and joy that he had experienced.

Secret details:

God's true name is unknown, as he has gone by many titles in different realms.

The world God discovered is called Eridanus, and it exists on the edge of the multiverse, where few beings venture.

God's favorite food is a type of fruit that can only be found in one specific realm, which he visits often just to indulge in this treat.

The secret garden that God left behind in Eridanus is guarded by a mystical creature that only appears to those with pure intentions.

God has a weakness for riddles and often tests mortals with them to pass the time.

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