
The Adventures of A Carefree Skeleton

A boy born with a terminal illness was fated to die within 15 years… He was abandoned by his parents who claimed they “didn’t want a child with an expiration date.” And now, years later after being in a hospital for 14 years, the day of his death had come, and as soon as his eyes were about to close one last time… He heard a voice. [ Pitiful child, it is by fate that I have found you today… ] And so began, The Adventures of A Carefree Skeleton…!

ImperiusScriptor · Fantasy
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4 Chs

「 1 」I Am Skel The Skeleton!

{ First Person POV. }


- - Are his thoughts, everything else are simply his actions in first person format and some of it is narration, but Im sure you'll be able to tell the difference.


I opened my eyes, only to see darkness surrounding me once again…

- So I'm back in that room, huh? I knew it was too good to be true, I mean why would I ever receive such good fortune out of nowhere? -

- Although… it would've been nice for that dream to have been reality… -

Just as I was about to start calculating the seconds that had passed to continue counting, a voice echoed in my mind.

[ Hey kid, I left a piece of my consciousness here just in case you woke up in a place similar to that room. I want you to know that it was not a dream and you'll be receiving my gifts shortly. But before that I have some things to tell you about your special race of skeleton… If you can even call it that. ]

[ I took your suggestion into account and decided to put it into action, the result… Well, you have a skeletal body now, don't you? ]

[ Anyway, as you pointed out earlier, there was indeed a way to counter our weakness by utilizing the bloodline abilities of other races. And that's exactly what I did with your new body, I also threw some other things in there to make your life easier just in case. ]

[ #1 You no longer have to worry about detached limbs because your body will grow them back just like slimes do. As long as even the tiniest piece of you remains you can regenerate indefinitely. And broken off limbs will immediately disperse into energy which will be sent back to you to assist the regeneration. ]

[ #2 You have the ability to use any element at will like an extension of yourself, this comes from the spirit race and it will still cost you a lot of energy to use spells. But as long as its basic things like fireballs or earth walls then it won't cost much as long as the element is near you, you'll only have to pay a tenth of the price. ]

[ #3 You can also make yourself faster and stronger by absorbing the energy around you and strengthening your bones. This is from the Titan race. Usually you'd have to clear your marrow's impurities before starting, but I've done that for you. ]

[ #4 (My 1st gift) Omni-Translation, you can read, write, and speak any language from the beginning of time right up to this moment. Languages created afterward… You'll have to figure them out yourself. ]

[ #5 (My 2nd gift) A basic understanding of everything; Cooking, cleaning, fighting, forging, craftsmanship, you name it and you'll be able to do it at the basic level these also include things from the beginning of time til this moment. ]

[ #6 (My final gift) A companion, although this one will exist within your mind and not within the material world. We skeletons… can live for a very long time, I don't want you to lose yourself like I did… ]

[ Goodbye kid, I hope you have a great life, one that's filled with adventure and laughs instead of blood and screams like mine... Oh, and your inside a sealed up cave at the moment, just keep punching in front of you and the wall will eventually break down. ]

- It… It wasn't a dream? -


My body… No, skeleton… No… I don't even know what to refer to it as so I'll just stick with my body…

But the point is… I was shaking with excitement!

"HAHAHA! I will finally be free! I'll be able to walk, talk to people, and make some friends! Hell, I might even fight someone, but that's fine too since at least I'm not trapped in a dark room!"

Just like I saw people do in the anime I used to binge-watch to temporarily suppress my omnipresent boredom, I thought of a stance and stepped forward.

And in that same moment I brought my fists up and twisted my torso bringing my right shoulder back and my left forward then I violently twisted the opposite way and pulled back my left side and threw forward my right as hard as I could.


I repeated this action over and over, alternating between my left and right fist… it's a really weird sensation to describe, but I could feel myself improving with each fist I threw…

Im not stupid and I know that it's because of Osseus' gift, but I'd like to think of myself as a bit of a genius as well.

I mean I might not be the MC, but at least I'm an OP side character, right?

- This is taking a while, I might as well start counting to keep track of time. Honestly it's a bit of a habit at this point. -

"44 Thousand 4 Hundred 80…"

"44 Thousand 4 Hundred 90…"


"44 Thousand 8 Hundred…"

The cracks started to get louder and louder, I could also feel the cave walls around me tremble as I neared 45,000 seconds.

"45 Thousand…!" (12H 30M)


A loud explosion assaulted the surrounding area and light poured into the hole where I was standing, illuminating everything around me.

"The outside…"

A huge forest with tall grass and colorful flowers was the first thing I saw. The vibrant colors made me feel like crying, but I couldn't since I'm now a skeleton.

"It's so beautiful…"

< Right? >

A female voice suddenly agreed with me and I jumped in fright, yeah I literally jumped up and looked around the area, only to find that nobody was there...

"What the hell…"

< I'm in your head you idiot >

"Who are you calling an idiot you random voice? How about you just stop talking to me!"

< … >


An awkward silence ensued as an idea popped into my head.

"You can speak again."

< Finally, do you know how many curse words I just wasted on you when you couldn't even hear me? I don't even feel like cursing you anymore, hmph. >

- So when I tell her not to talk she cant talk, wait no, it's more of I lose the ability to hear her… -

- Interesting… could this be the companion Osseus created for me? Hmmmmm, I wanna try something, let's see if it works. -


[ Name: ??? ]

[ Level: 1 ] [ 0/100 EXP ]

[ HP: 100/100 ]

[ MP: 200/200 ]

[ Race: Skeleton? ]

[ Class: Jack of All Trades ]

[ Strength: 100 ]

[ Speed: 100 ]

[ Stamina: 100 ]

[ Defense: 100 ]

[ Magic: 100 ]

< What the fu- >

"No foul language."

< … >

- Hmmm, I'm gonna need a new name since my old one brings back bad memories… I'll just have to browse through the anime names in my memories. -

< Bah, why not just make up your own name? >

"What the fuck? You can hear my thoughts?!"

< Didn't you just say- >

"Shushushush, I need to think of a name.."

- Hmmm, I could still take a name from an anime and make some changes to it, or I could do something simple like colors… -

< Why not 'The Skeleton King' or 'Super Skeleton God' those sound pretty cool >

- Yeah definitely not, I'm a skeleton, so maybe I can make a name with that… -

- Skelet… Skelly… Tony.. hmmmmmm, AH! -

"I've got it!"

< Oh? >

"From now on… I am Skel The skeleton!"