
The Adventures for eternity(Teen Wolf/The Originals)

Victor McCall was one of the most loyal hybrids that Klaus Mikaelson turned until he revolted and tried to defeat Klaus and ended up defeated. But because of the loyalty Victor had to Klaus and the friendship they developed Klaus let him go alive, forcing him to stay in wolf form for a year this story is after those one year when Victor returns to his family and tries to live a normal life in the city of Beacon Hills

Hades_magic · TV
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4 Chs

Example of murder

Victor looked at Scott sleeping in his room and grimaced. His brother had become a Lycan as he imagined once he was bitten, a part of Victor wanted his brother to die during the transition as it would not be good for him to live in this turd world

Victor looked at his brother for a few more seconds and then blurred out of the room. He appeared in the kitchen behind his mother, who had just come in from the night shift and was making something to eat

He just laughed and leaned against the wall looking at her in admiration, it wasn't every day that someone was able to overcome their prejudices about the unknown to accept the existence of monsters and accept one of the most dangerous in their home even if he was their son /nephew

"My God in heaven" Melissa McCall jumped in fright as she turned and saw Victor leaning against a wall staring at her.

"Didn't we agree not to use powers indoors?" Melissa lectured her son as she placed her hand on her chest and took a deep breath, "I almost died of a heart attack"

"hand we have a problem" Victor spoke hesitantly as he looked at her with concern

"What happened?" Melissa was suddenly serious as she saw the concern in her son's eyes. She only saw that look on Victor when something serious happened

She pulled up a chair and sat down, already waiting for some long story that Victor would tell her about what happened and if it were about the supernatural. it was much better for her to be sitting as he would explain something to her

That's how she got all the information she got about the supernatural which was a limited story about the three factions, vampires, witches and werewolves

although she thinks there is something else in the world since Victor said that the three factions were the most powerful species, that is, Melissa believed that there were other species

Victor walked to the table and pulled out a chair on the other side of the table. He sat in the chair and looked at Melissa with both hands on the table.

"Scott was bitten by a Lycan Alpha" Victor spoke in frustration "I wasn't there to protect him"

Victor couldn't conform, everything happened in an instant and Victor couldn't protect his brother, it frustrated him and made him very angry

"what?" Melissa asked, not understanding anything. She had no idea what the hell a Lycan was

and then she widened her eyes, realizing that a Lycan was some kind of supernatural being and her eldest son was bitten by a supernatural being

"Is Scott okay?" She asked worriedly raising her voice and standing up as she clapped her hand on the table in concern "now it's going to happen to him"

Victor just looked down for a second to try to contain his frustration and sighed, calming down thanks to the vampires' emotional control ability.

"He's fine, but the bite of an alpha Lycan is contagious" Victor spoke with a frustrated sigh as he ran his hand over his head throwing it back and decided to elaborate"do you remember asking 5 months ago when I came back home how I turned into a werewolf and then hybridized? mostly the wolf side?"

"You said the werewolf side was genetic, but there was some chaos of bitten werewolves, but they weren't the same as you… my god" Melissa started to speak in an attempt to recall what she had learned about the supernatural then she realized something.

She widened her eyes and clapped a hand to her mouth in shock. She understood what Victor meant and didn't like it. she didn't want to lose another child to this cruel world, which was the world of eternal war that members of the three factions had to live in.

"Scott will be like you, a Werewolf?" Melissa asked hesitantly, not wanting to accept the fact that she lost yet another child to the supernatural world.

"he will be something like that, but don't worry, he and I are part of different supernatural societies and most of the members of each society don't know about each other" Victor said trying to console his mother "he won't be hunted by vampires, werewolves or witches seeking to eliminate competitors in their quest for power in society, and lycans are the dominants of the society in which he will live."

Victor didn't lie, except for the witch clans, werewolf clans with accounts of the time, and the 600±year-old vampires (and their disciples) who lived together with all species in the supernatural world before the clay puppet started cleaning up in much of the supernatural world until he was defeated by Prometheus or Santa Claus as he is called these days, none of the three factions knows about the other supernatural societies.

"So you mean as long as he stays away from the three factions and those who don't know about the other species won't attack him?" Melissa asked filled with hope and then looked seriously at her youngest son, "so the same goes for you?"

"Yes," Victor replied,"the only problem I have is the hunters who probably don't know about the three factions as the hunters from the three factions are very specific, the victims of the three factions, and they don't like to share the information as it's almost impossible to identify anyone under the control vampire mind"



Melissa was relieved to realize that her children weren't in as much danger as she imagined, despite being very worried.

"Should we talk to him?" Melissa asked a little undecided as talking to Scott was the right thing, but at the same time, it would give him an innocence that wasn't allowed in the supernatural world.

"No... Scott has to learn for himself how to survive, of course, I'll be there for him. Only if he's too protected, sometimes he'll end up meeting some powerful enemy we can't protect him with, and he's going to die" Victor started shaking his head negatively.

He wouldn't let his brother go easy, especially when Victor was one of Klaus' most trusted generals. He made more enemies in a year he spent with Klaus than many vampires over 100 years old.

that is, there was a possibility that some of these enemies would come after Scott and find out about him. One thing Victor knew was how he was a hybrid and in human form. he could easily handle beings comparable to vampires middle quality mature without having to resort to breaking the limit.

However, he was not confident that he could defeat anything more powerful than that without transforming into wolf form.

in wolf form he would give some work to an Original, of course, it would be very difficult to defeat an Original, but he would at least give them work which was something quite relevant

But, the problem is that the wolf form was very limited. Despite being very powerful and fast, it was still an animal that walked on four legs and would have a hard time dealing with any group of powerful enemies.

"I understand" Melissa sighed, understanding her son's point. As much as her heart would ache with that decision, this was no time to play overprotective mommy.

Her son had to grow up as fast as possible to survive in this cruel world


"A wolf bit you?" Stiles asked incredulously

"yes" Scott stated, showing the wound that was in his stomach

"Dude, sorry but, there are no wolves in California," Victor said shaking his head as he touched Scott's shoulder looking at him with amusement "You must be wondering my brother"

Scott glared at Victor angrily and then huffed and turned away, feeling grumpy. for having his brother take one to his face, since Victor was close when Scott was bitten, he should have known that Scott was bitten by a wolf, but he denied it.

"If you don't believe me in the wolf case? then you won't believe the act I found the body" Scott stated, mentally shuddering as he remembered the body

"Really? Did you find the body yourself?" Stiles asked bubbly, almost jumping on Scott to find out more

"Don't even tell me, I'm going to have nightmares for a whole month" Scott spoke with a muffled sigh

"This is the second-best thing to happen in Beacon Hills, second only to the birth of Lydia Martin" Stiles responded with glee as he raised his arm shyly "Hi Lydia"

Lydia who was passing the three just looked at Stiles out of the corner of her eye not interested and looked to his side to where Victor was yawning with sleep

"hi, Victor" Lydia the length with her best smile as she walked up to him trying to get the athlete's attention, "are you going to practice today?"

"Hun? Haa?" Victor looked at Lydia who stopped in front of her with disinterest as he placed his hand on his chin thinking "I think I will"

"I'll see you there" Lydia replied and gave Victor a light kiss on the cheek then walked out of there, ignoring the rest of the world

"dude, what's your trick?" Stiles asked, feeling envious of the attention Lydia was giving Victor

"I don't know my friend" Victor touched Stiles' shoulder consoling him as he smiled and pointed his finger to the other side "is it a natural talent or that"

Stiles looked in the direction Victor's finger was pointing and saw Jackson looking at them angrily, and he flinched a little at the brutal look Jackson was giving them.

"Aren't you afraid of him attacking you?" Stiles asked, worried that his friend might be attacked by Lydia's possibly jealous boyfriend.

"I think it's easier for him to try to kiss me than to hit me" Victor joked, hugging his friend's neck and pulling him to school

'what does he mean'

Stiles was super confused by Victor's words, but shook his head, ignoring it and concentrating on what to do in class and get a good grade.


Victor was bored as he looked at the professor explaining the material.


Victor looked outside the room and saw a girl talking on her cell phone. He sighed when he realized that the girl was very beautiful

'A pen, Hmm?'

He thought as he heard the girl's conversation and touched an extra pen he had in his pocket, but stopped when he looked back to where Scott who was sitting at the back of the room was staring out of the room and seemed to be listening to something.

'his powers are stabilizing! it looks like it will survive the transformation'

Victor, unlike Scott, decided not to listen to the girl's cell phone conversation so as not to invade her privacy and just keep doing his homework without having to worry about anything, as it was quite difficult for him to study something advanced for him since he skipped a grade

yes, Victor spent an entire year travelling with Klaus and Rebekah without studying and another half a year in wolf form.

Victor while writing the lesson saw the girl entering the room along with one of the school coordinators

"This is Alisson Argent, the new student, make her feel at home" The stringer spoke putting himself in front of her and quickly left leaving the girl in front of the class alone

Victor snorted at the sight of the predicament she was left with and just smiled sympathetically before going back to his lesson, which he didn't fucking understand.

The girl passed by Victor without really paying attention to him and sat behind Scott who was looking at her all silly and in an involuntary action gave his pen to her


Victor scoffed, shaking his head before looking outside the room towards the forest, where he was fully able to see with his vampire vision.

There was the girl transformed into a coyote, guarding the blood bags that Victor had placed in a portable freezer in the cave.

He found out about a very good way to use it. She was a loyal puppy that would protect Victor's blood balls in exchange for petting when he went to feed

Victor snorted and then focused on something else in the forest. this time further south of the coyote, where there was a huge monster that looked like a mixture of a dog and a bear running on four legs through the forest and hunting a man

Victor stopped watching when the deformed wolf finally caught the man, and Victor was surprised. the Lycan was powerful, perhaps the most powerful lycan he had ever seen in his life.

'Klaus wasn't lying when he said they had Lycans capable of matching vampires, werewolves and hybrids.'

Yes, Victor had to admit that that particular Lycan would give him trouble if he wasn't careful.


Class ended and Victor decided to let his brother shine in Lacrosse practice and made sure to let Scott play an easy ball.

the way he caught the ball Jackson threw and Scott's magical aura showed Victor that Scott would be a powerful Lycan, a little more powerful than the alpha he'd faced a while ago. Perhaps Lycans are just like vampires in that the individual's power is decided by the fighting spirit and will of the person before being transformed

Yes, that was surprising to Victor when Klaus told him that age doesn't give power to a vampire, but stabilizes it. when he explained how Caroline a newborn vampire easily mastered 5 hybrids in a moment of rage and managed to land some hits on Klaus before being defeated

or how Elijah could almost go head-to-head with Klaus even if the oldest Original was just an Original and Klaus was an Original Hybrid, not to mention Mikael who is the biggest monster Victor has ever had the displeasure to face

'maybe I've only encountered low-quality Lycans before'

Victor then shook his head, trying to forget what happened and went back to practice.


Days passed and Victor spent his time playing Lacrosse and playing with the coyote until something caught his eye. He got a party invite from Lydia by a girl he hooked up with from time to time.

He went to the party and found his brother out of control. He's almost completely transforming in the middle of the party. Until he got hit and ran away.

Victor thought about going after him, but something interested him more, which was the lycan who was talking to Alisson saying he was friends with Scott.

This Lycan was nowhere near the alpha, too weak to be the big wolf. Maybe a little stronger than Scott, who was a newborn. But, there was something in that Lycan something incomplete as if his power was still developing

Victor decided to follow the Lycan.


Victor was amused to see from afar his brother and the other Lycan fighting and his brother easily being defeated

Then, Victor looked across to where he saw two groups of armed men surrounding Scott and the Lycan.

He smiled, making his eyes sparkle and decided to go play


Victor blurred through the forest and appeared behind a group of hunters.

"Hey" Victor yelled from behind the group

"Shit" A hunter yelled scared and turned to see yellow eyes looking at him with interest

"How are you doing?" Victor asked smiling sympathetically as he walked slowly in circles around the hunters.

"Filthy Werewolf" One of the hunters cursed Victor and tried to point the gun at him.

But, before he did anything, Victor had already disappeared from his place.

"what?" The hunter asked in shock as he desperately looked around.

He saw a completely frightening scene when he realized that all of his partners were dead on the floor with no head

"There's no way this thing can be a werewolf," The hunter cried in terror and started to run.

As he desperately ran, sounds of laughter could be heard in the distance

"you think you can run away, hahaha"

"Where are you" The hunter shouted, shitting himself with fear pointing his gun everywhere trying to find his assailant

a movement was seen in a tree near him and...


the shot sounded through the forest, drawing the attention of everything around him

"you missed"

The werewolf's voice hummed in the distance, scaring, even more, the hunter, who could only see speed figures around him.

bang... bang

"Appear cowardly" The hunter who was in panic stopped running and shooting in all directions without aiming

"Oh, that must have hurt... I mean, losing a rib-like that"

The sound came from behind him and The hunter filled his eyes with tears as he felt his rib ache and looked back only to see a boy not much older than a 16-year-old teenager standing in front of a tree holding a piece of bone full of blood

"When?" The hunter cried when he saw his shirt full of blood, "what kind of monster are you?"

He cried hopelessly pointing the gun at the werewolf in front of him who he now doubted was a werewolf.

"I... well... I'm what you call a hunter," Victor said smiling sadistically at the man "I hunt everything that irritates me"


The man tried to point the gun at Victor, but he heard something behind him. He tried to turn away, but it was too late. A coyote had already jumped and bit his throat

"Good girl... now let's leave a message," Victor said as he knelt and caressed the coyote who was melting into his caress while his mouth dripped blood

Victor then got up and went to the body. He lifted the man's body and easily threw him on top of a tree branch leaving him hanging by his leg, causing the blood in his throat to drip onto the ground.

"That's good, very Damon quality" Victor spoke as he stared at his artwork for a second before picking up the coyote in his lap and disappearing in a blur.


Criss Argent was having a bad day, first the two werewolves he hunted ran away. He then heard shots across the forest from the other group of hunters he used to surround the werewolves.

But when he arrived at the scene of the shooting, he only found mutilated bodies and the body of one of the leaders of the other group of hunters trapped by his leg on a branch with his throat ripped out by a bite.

"The alpha killed them" One of the hunters who were with him spoke as he rubbed his head, still feeling the pain of being thrown away by one of the werewolves

"Is he going to transform?" Another hunter asked, worried about the bite on the throat of the hunter trapped in the tree.

This hunter was also very dizzy and seemed to want to hit something as quickly as possible.

"no, that's a warning" Chris spoke with a frustrated sigh "if you get in my way, I'll kill you all"

"How do you know that?" another hunter asked

"My Father uses the same tactic" Criss growled irritated at old memories of when his father forced him to hunt with him "He would shoot down a beta and put it exposed to warn the rest of the pack not to disturb the hunt"

"so we're dealing with an ex hunter?" Another hunter asked now really worried

"I don't think so" Chris spoke thoughtfully while touching the corpse to see if he had any signs "maybe it's just a werewolf experienced in combat, a warrior"

"Is this the alpha?"

"Are you watching this man change?" Criss growled, pointing to the full moon, annoyed at the rookie hunter as he pulled the man's body out of the tree.

"Let's pick up the bodies and get out of here," Criss said taking the body from the tree and turning his back to the rookie hunters "looks like this job is going to be harder than I thought"