
The Adventures(Delusions) Of A Hopeless Otaku

This is the tale of the hopeless otaku Michael on his journey to escape delusion land

Stupid_Lines · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1:A strange place

I'm Michael as the title says I am a hopeless otaku in point of no return.Well enough of my chit-chat and lets procede with the story.

....it was a rainy night when I first arrived on this place, I come here everytime I think of leaving the real world.

Come to think of it, I was just planning to kill myself and ended up here again I might as well check this place out.

Now that I take a look at this place its very gloomy something like that you would see on those horror games.

After hours of walking I found a village, I think its called Demigard or something I dont really care about it.

As I was walking around the alleys I hear a lot of strange noises.Now that I think of it I havent seen any form of life in here its like a ghost town『bruh its a village tho』, Huh what the fuck was that loud noise anyway as I get closer to the end of the alley this place looking more strange.

When I reached the end I was greeted with 2 strange looking old mans that look like pimps but with horns in their head

『isnt it already fucking obvious that they are demons, I thought you were a fucking hopeless but nah ur just some dumb dude』 I heard the strange voice again saying that they are demons and I felt that its also insulting me.

Now I look carefully at them they really look like demons and they doing slave trade,I think.

I look at the slaves that is getting traded and in my surprise its a beautiful beastkin, I currently dont know what race of beastmen it is but it looks like a lion.

『Hey dude here imma give you some serious plot armor and cheat strenght for a little bit,rescue that lion girl and make it your companion』I did as the strange voice told me.

The beastkin is from the white lion tribe but I dont know much of them and everything of this world,btw her name is Ciel.I talked her into becoming one of my companion(harem).Well fuck the bitch cause imma go in a room and confront the strange voice.

...."Hey who the fuck are you and why the fuck I am here???"

『I am [Grid2] basically the author of your story,I say I am the author but I can only add some characters and not really affect your story』"W-w-w-wait a damn minute?This is really a story of me?『You're just a fictional character LOL』meh who cares atleast I can have an harem while you cant even have a girlfriend 『That is true but the girlfriend part bro thats straight up mean』"Well can you atleast tell me what this place is?" 『This place is your mind to be exact its your delusion anyway you will need to get out of this place or you will never to reality or shit but you can [log out] once in a week to go back in the real world』Well thats fair enough ig



Thanks for reading my shitty story I will be uploading the second chapter in 2 days or so and also please collect this book