

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
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122 Chs


Levi dramatically ascended in the air , with flames of fire emerging from his hands. His hair billowed in the wind that came from nowhere thanks to Avyanna's silent incantation and the people shuddered in admiration at such a god.

I have studied the cosmos and aligned the signs given to me by the gods but of you great one , I have never seen. " The High Priest marvelled , trembling with fear before this mighty Lord.

The white haired god spoke with a crystal clear voice and eyes like burning coal.

I am the Great Sage, Equal of the heavens, The Mighty Warrior who single handedly defeated an entire army of Five hundred thousand men, The handsome , some might even say beautiful and I won't argue , Hero to all , I am the all Powerful Levi! Bow down and worship me!" He shouted as lightning struck and fire boomed.

"So Overdramatic." Avyanna rolled her eyes.

The people who were scared of this bowed once more in reverence to this strange new god as Levi slowly descended to the ground.

"I demand a Feast , A Feast in my honour! To celebrate the arrival of your new god." He said speaking directly to the High Priest. The people shouted Levi's praises once more , marvelling at every word he spoke that they were convince were the language of the heavens.

"But Great Sage..." The High Priest stuttered.

"You dare defy me!!! " Levi yelled at him his eyes glowing again. "I shall bring down the wrath of the entire heavens on you and destroy this Empire!"you should be grateful that I chose to show myself to mere mortals like you all.

"No! No! No! Great one.Your wish is my command." The priest said stuttering in pure , undiluted terror. He turned to face the adventurers who were still tied up.

"Continue the sacrifice." He said in his language to the burly guard with the macho chest beside him. This man tied a piece of red cloth around Percival's mouth and pushed him forward , forcing him on his knees, as the High Priest raised his sacrificial dagger to the sky.

The Paladin protested violently but all his words were muffled because he was gagged.

"Levi ! Can't you see thery are going to kill Percival?" Avyanna called out to him.

"Ugh." He groaned as he stared at Percival. "You might have survived this time but the next , it's going to be goodbye Percy."

Levi sighed as he faced the Priest. "As painful as it is to say this, You cannot kill him."

Percival heaved a deep sigh of relief .

"But Great Sage, these are mere mortals who are nothing but dust underneath your feet . They are offerings to you my Lord and a crucial part of the feast. You must be starved of human blood, so as your High Priest, I therefore offer this sacrifice to you. May his soul rest in Mictlan" He rose the dagger.

"I feel bad for Percival." Kyra said solemnly.

" The worst fate a man can be condemned to. Dying without even having a taste of sex. What a tragedy!" Conrad stifled back his tears.

"Are you guys still talking about that?!" Avyanna hollered.

"Your god has spoken and so it shall be . There will be no sacrifices during the Feast of The Great Sage." Levi said in a commanding voice.

"Yes , Mighty One." The high Priest mummured reluctantly as he announced this to the crowd. Everyone cheered as the Warriors returned all of their weapons and released them.

"We have to get outta here . These people are nuts." Percival told Levi.

"Don't pester me . Or I might just change my mind on Mad max over there sending you to Mictlan "Levi sneered referring to the blood obsessed Priest.

"Percival is right. We have to go now while we are still ahead. Lets just find a boat and get out of here. Its giving me creepy vibes. So much evil resides here." Avyanna quivered and Conrad nodded.

"There's nothing wrong with staying here for a few days. They'll treat us like gods ..."

"Eehm ..." Kyra cleared her throat.

"They treat me like a god and they are at my beck and call. All we have to do is keep the con game going and soon we'll be gone. How hard could it be?"

"I have to say , the idea of being relaxing and being pampered appeals to me." Conrad sided with Levi.

"Sure . Switch sides. Take the coward express ." Kyra turned her back against him.

"That's not fair."

Avyanna took a deep breath . "We will stay here for a few days WHILE we also look for a boat that we can use to get out of here. Everyone agree?"


"Definitely not."

"Hell Yeah."







"I win." John cheered .

"Sounds like a plan." Levi grinned and gave the Priestp. "Release the belly dancers!"