

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
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122 Chs


The SOVEREIGN slowly move over the water as a strange calmness had enveloped it. The crew stood at their post watching out for any danger.

"Look!" A man cried.

Lying against the rocks, were many beautiful women with beautiful long tresses.

They were nude , showing their snowy skin and enchanting eyes. They were scattered around the rocks beckoning to men on the ship.

Everyone went to the deck to get a view of this marvelous creatures as some dove into the water and made a display of swimming to the enraptured men

Out of nowhere, a sweet and melodious song filled the air . It was hauntingly beautiful but was ultimately deceptive , dangerous and destructive.It lyrics were sung deeply as if life itself hung in the balance.

🎼"Where the wild roses grow

Does my lover do know,


I've journeyed into the great unknown

Searching for my one true love

Oh, tell me are you my true love?"🎵

La-La-La-La-La-La-La-La 🎶



Now all the women joined in the song , vocalizing in unison all voices perfectly matches still haunting that bewitching tune.

Now trying to get a better look at the pulchritudinous beings , James had left the wheel and now the ship , having no control , swerved uncontrollably as it smashed into the pointed edges of the Cove. This tough impact succeeded in tearing a hole in the ship as the SOVEREIGN was fast taking in water.

"Mr James! Jacob...Alan...Tom... Chui" She shouted but her faithful aide didn't hear her as their mind was beffuddled by the Sirens captivating song.

"Blast it!" Captain Bones cursed as she grabbed the wheel and turned it hard to prevent them from hitting any more rocks. "What! not these creatures now ! And how the I missed it before now?!"

"They're Sirens . And right now we need to get out of here as fast as we can." Avyanna said. The sirens had already swarm closed to the ship as they were luring the men into the water with their sonorous and charming voices. Kyra took some rope and bound the remaining men she was able to grab and tied to the mast. One of the men was mesmerized by the sirens who called on him to join them. His brought out his lips to kiss her when a number of them dragged him down to the depths of the sea. Their pleasing faces and smooth long hair were replaced by repulsive and ugly features and scattered thin strands of hair as their body were marked with gills and scales.

Other men soon started plunging into the river as the sirens drown them all to death.

Avyanna spoke to the Captain. " I and my companion can take care of the Sirens but we need you to get us safely out of here."

Captain Bones nodded as she stuck an old mop in the wheel as a cog to make it stay on course while she climbed up the ropes and released the sails to make the ship sail faster.

So much water had gathered on the deck. As the adventurers tried to stop the sailors from plunging to their death willingly.seeing this the sirens were now aimed on the members of the adventurers society. Singing sweetly to Conrad , they began luring him to dash his self against the pointed boulders. He was following them like a brainless zombie when Kyra pulled him back and tied him up with the other men admist his objections.

Percival was hanging of the ship listening to the evil creatures as he almost drowned when Avyanna grabbed him back and prevented him from drowning.why do they all keep falling for this all the time Avyanna muttered.

Counting all the men that were now safe , Avyanna realized that one more was person was missing.

She sighed.

Levi was standing on the edge. He had taken of his shirt and tossed into the water. Spreading out his arms he grinned idiotically as he shouted to the sea nymphs showing off his abs. "I'm all yours baby."

Avyanna gripped him by his belt and planting her feet to the ground and yanked him back resisting the strong pull of the Killer sirens.

Unluckily, the mop holding the wheel had snapped , and the SOVEREIGN deviated from course making the ship turn sideways. Captain Bones jumped down and grabbed the wheel once more and spun it with all her will. Kyra held in to the mast for her dear life and this abrupt movement made Levi and Avyanna tumble back with him lying on top of her.

"Brave yourselves!!!" Captain Eliza yelled as they ship smashed against a boulder and they made their exit out of that terrifying place. But the worst wasn't over yet The Ship had begun to sink as the men were regaining consciousness.they tried to bail water and of the ship but the water was just too much and as water still kept rushing in even more uncontrollably .

"Abandon Ship!!!" The men cried as they began jumping into the emergency boats made for this type of situation. Captain Bones ran about frantically trying to plug in the hole but it was no use.

The SOVEREIGN was gone.

"Captain , aren't you coming ?" James asked with worry.

Eliza smiled as she took off her Hat and handed it over to her Faithful friend. " It seems I won't be making it to Mizzenmast today.

Mr James refused to accept the Hat knowing what it implied. "No Eliza." He said.

"You must take orders from your Captain!" She said fiercely. "Now tell me James , If you don't survive , who's going to tell the story of 'The Legendary Captain Eliza Bones ' ?" She grinned.

"Aye, Captain but I'm not leaving your side." James said with finality.

"And to you both ..." Bones said to Avyanna and Kyra. "You have my gratitude." She saluted them.

"You can still leave now." Kyra extended her hand but Eliza shook her head.

"A real Captain never leaves her Ship till the end."

Avyanna saluted the Captain as a final gesture before she and the her friends got into the last boat and paddled away.

The Captain and James went down to the Lower deck. She rustled round her private cabin and found a bottle of rum.At least she would get a last drink before going down. Filling two glasses, she handed one over to James who made a final toast.

"To the greatest sailors that have ever lived!"

"I'll drink to that."Bones said and gulped her drink. "It was a pleasure Working with you Mr James Arrow."

"Pleasure's all mine Captain." He smiled as he finished his drink and soon the SOVEREIGN sank to the bottom of the sea but the Legend remained of the Famous Captain Eliza Bones and her Loyal Purser , Mr James Arrow.