

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
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122 Chs


"All aboard!!! Leaving the port!" A man in his mid twenties shouted urging the passengers to get on board.

"Pull the anchor lads, Hoist the sails! Clean the guns . Put your back into it swabbies because I Want this ship past Mizzenmast before sundown." The captain shouted. She was wearing a navy blue trench coat lined with golden trimmings with heavy set of boots and men's trousers.

The men obeyed her orders as they ran around loosening and tying ropes ,scrubbing the deck and doing other sorts of things.

"Tommie , anything up there?" She yelled out to the man sitting in the crow's Nest with a spyglass in hand.

"Nothing but Sunny clouds and clear skies Cap'n." Tom replied.

"Arrow?" She turned to another man.

"The sails and Gaff are open and ready to set sail." The man answered saluting her.

"Are we ready to embark on this journey?"

Her question were met with cheers and chants by her merry crew . Nodding in satisfaction the Captain headed towards Fo'c'sle.

"Alright then ..." She said to the man holding the wheel That was to steer the ship. "Mr James , take us away!"

"Aye, Captain Bones " The man grunted a semblance of his response and began leaving port as they began sailing out into the open sea.

"Do you guys really want to go on with this? Remember what happened last time we travelled by sea?" Percival protested.

"Didn't you hear the Captain?" Avyanna rested her hand on the deck."Sunny Clouds and clear Skies. On a beautiful day like this , What could go wrong?"

"It always go wrong ...Eventually ." He sighed.


Captain Bones took out her spyglass and gazed down the horizon. Dark clouds lay ahead of them as she took a deep sigh. "How far till Sirendae?"

"Not too far ahead Captain." Mr James said as he kept his eyes ahead. "Will the ship survive it?"

She squeezed her telescope . "The SOVEREIGN has too. Just Hope that Lady Luck smiles on us James ...Hope we get to the other side alive ."

In order to lighten the spirits of her men who knew not of the fate that awaited them , she called out to the Piper that sat on a chair underneath the stairs leading to the quarter deck. "Give us a song Alan!"

The chubby young man obliged as he began to play a popular sea shanty about their Captain , 'The Legendary Eliza Bones , who had sent over a hundred Pirate ships running and slaughtered any sea creature that blocked her path.

"Don't tell me they're going to sing?" Levi placed his hand over his eyes.

"You bet." Avyanna said. "And its going to be awesome."

Soon all the men took up the song as sang the lyrics gleefully.

"Captain Bones is our hero ,

She keeps the oceans clear...

She shoots and fights and executes ...

the Monsters that we fear.

She stabs and Guts and Sends them off ...

Any Pirate who comes near...

For Sailors live the greatest Lives...

And die the best of deaths!


Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da - Daaaa.


Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da - Daaaa

The men danced with each other as some even had the courage to ask for only two ladies on board to dance. Avyanna and Kyra agreed as they sang and moved lightly to the music . Even Percival couldn't resist tapping his feet to the rhythm.

Captain Bones is our hero ...

She is the greatest one

No one dares to cross her path ...

Or they will all be gone

She is mightest of all...

By thunder , Storm or gall...

Captain Bones is our Hero...

Is A legend number one..."

"Bumpy Rocks up ahead! " Tom cried from the top.

Captain Bones flung into action. Standing on the quarter deck and Extending her telescope , she saw that they had already reached the Cove.

Sharp rocks stood menacingly again at the edges , thick enough to sink a ship.No ship has ever passed through there and came back to tell the tale and that was the only way to get to Mizzenmast. That was what the Captain was afraid of but has measures put in place to counter that.

And she played a crucial role in it.

"What are you doing , Captain?" James shouted out to the Captain, who had now climbed onto the Bow spirit admist the sloshing waves.

"Well Mr James, I have no idea but I'm going to call out directions and you're going to steer the SOVEREIGN exactly as I say."

Mr James nodded because he believed that She knew what she was doing.. "Aye Aye Captain."

"And James ..." She added. "Tell the men they're in for one hell of a ride."

"Yes Captain."

She took out her spyglass. A bunch of jagged rocks lay to the right.

"Turn to Larboard!" She yelled as water drenched her coat.

"Turning to Larboard." James replied as he steered the ship to the left avoiding the obstacle.

They were now approaching fast flowing currents as the Ship moved rapidly. Water splashed on deck as the passengers were all turbulent.

"I think I'm going to be sick ." Percival whined.

"Turn to Starboard!" The captain said as she almost !ist her balance and fell into the gnarly rocks.

"Careful there Bones. This ship still needs a captain."

Eliza grinned. "I could never do nothing of the sort , James. Just one more turn and we'll be out of the danger zone."

Glancing ahead once more through her telescope, she saw that the ship had to pass through two rocks they were very close together. The Ship would be able to fit through but not without damaging the sails,

"Tie up the sail Lads . Turn the rudder and go Full speed ahead ." She ordered as she climbed back on board.

The men climbed up the masts and bound all the Sails as Mr James pressed the Ship forward . Moving on at full speed , the ship tore through the rocks

letting it disassembled into pieces behind them.

Everyone celebrated at their successful passage as the exit wasn't too far away now.

But their troubles only had only begun because underneath those deep , dark waters that the ship sailed on lay the enchanting maidens that would lead them to their deaths.