

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
122 Chs





"Coming!" Eva yelled. She dropped the novel she was reading on the bed side table and opened up the front door only to see Su Ling standing there looking all red - face.

Eva sighed.

"What's wrong ?"

Su Ling dropped her bag on the couch nearby as Eva led her into her room. It wasn't girlish at all , not like overly decorated walls and flowers and ...Ugh...


It was a simple cyan with a splash of magenta here and there making it look uniformed and neat. Portraits hung from the walls depicting various nature scenes and it made Su ling wonder at the power of a simple camera.

Eva took up her book and continued to read. "So what pissed you off? Another messed up manicure? You couldn't find your purse?

"Aargh!!!!" Su ling groaned. "Its my dad! He just doesn't get me!"

Eva lowered her novel and raised an eyebrow.

"That's a new one." She finally dropped her book and continued. "What happened? Did you tell him about your plan?"

Su Ling scoffed. "I did but of course, he didn't want to hear of it not to talk much of agreeing with me on going for my passion. Instead , he and my mother insist on me studying Neuro surgery " She sighed. "I understand that he wants me to uphold his family legacy but what about me? It's so not fair!"

"There's nothing wrong for a parent wanting to see their child succeed. Maybe they're just doing it in their weird , controlling ... But loving kind of way." Eva shrugged.

"You don't understand." Su ling shook her head.

"Then make me understand." Eva said in a caring tone as she placed her hand on her friend's shoulder.


"This isn't the first time my father has acted in this manner. It occurred years ago... With my Elder brother ... His name was Xiañğ. " She narrated sorrowful. "My father kept pushing him on and on for him to take over his business empire but My brother refused. He had other plans for his life and didn't want to be tied down by boring executive work.

But one day things got really heated.

Luo Hua , the enterprising business manager , was annoyed at his son. Here he was handing him a perfect life in a diamond platter and this boy was refusing?!

"What is wrong with you? Do you want to throw your entire future away for some five minute dream ?!"

" I'd rather spend my life happy that rotting behind a f******g desk in a boring office." The nineteen year old rebelled back at his father.


Xiañğ placed a hand on his stinging cheek as Lou Hua turned red. "How dare you speak to your father that way! You are a disgrace to the Hua family name! Get out and don't ever come back! " shouted demonstrating angrily in his three piece suit .

'Calm down Luo Hua. " Ying said softly holding his arm. "Reason with him. He doesn't understand...."

"I understand fully well ma and I am sick of Baa's overbearing attitude." He grabbed his coat. "I'm going out . I need some air."

Seven year old Su Ling just stood watching it all unfold . She wanted to speak but the words wouldn't come out.

His mother tried to stop him but Luo Hua held her back. " Let him go. Once he's broke for a day he will come back with his tail between his legs. "

Xiañğ was almost out the door when he felt someone tugging on his coat. It was his little sister. He squatted to meet her height. Tears were visible in her eyes and inwardly Xiañğ felt sad it had to come to this.

"Big Brother Xiañğ " Little Su ling cried. "Please don't leave. Baa doesn't mean it. He'll be really sorry later."

"I am pretty sure he does." Xiañğ said. He then smiled and ruffled her hair. " Don't think about it . I promise I'll be back for dinner. You know I can't do without ma's cooking and besides, Big girls don't cry , do they?"

Su ling smiled tearfully and nodded .

Xiañğ grinned and opened his palm linking it with hers as he said that secret mantra.

"Always..." He whispered.

"And beyond." Su ling beamed.

He stood up. "I'll be back before you know it , Su."

But he wasn't.

Su Ling waited up all night for a door to open but never did. She didn't understand what had happened until her ma had slumped down into a chair in years and Baa was wearing a mournful look. There were two officers in their home trying to block her from the entrance. Moving quickly she shoves past them and headed outside. An ambulance with huge flashing lights beckoned her until Su ling got to a white sheet. She was surprised to see her brother, eyes closed. She tapped his shoulder that was uncovered by the white death . "Wake up Xiañğ. Come on inside. It's cold here."

By now Su ling's parents and the officers were outside and Ma couldn't stop bursting into tears afresh .

Two paramedics pulled her away but she kept kicking and screaming into the night.



Eva gasped.

"Su ling...I am so sorry...."

"It wasn't your fault . It was later on that I'd learned that he was a victim of a hit-and-run although the driver was never found. Wednesday is his birthday. He would have been 26 now ." Su ling said and wiped her eyes with the napkin in her bag. "He loved photography. Taking pictures , soaking in the truth , the naturalistic nature and happiness it brought.It was our thing . We would talk for hours over them , laughing and learning.By doing it ...I know it seems strange but its like a part of him is alive through me."

"Did you tell your dad this? The way you actually felt?"

Su ling bowed her head. "No."

"Then try talking to him. He doesn't understand you because you're not letting him.You guys should talk on it . Find a common ground on your terms. He doesn't know this is how you truly feel ."

"Thanks for reaching into the gutter to cheer me up Eva. . I just needed someone to talk to."

"Dont worry. I just want you to know that , no matter what , even if the whole world is against you , I will always be here for you ." Eva grinned and hugged Su Ling tightly.

"Thank you." She whispered in turn.