

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
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122 Chs


The members of the Adventurer Society began chatting as they cleaned up.

"So how did it go?" John winked as Eva smiled , arranging the materials they had used in playing their game,

Obi just sighed. "I made a complete fool of myself as your advice completely backfired ."

"It couldn't be that bad." Sky shrugged.

Su ling snickered and then burst into an uncontrollable laugh "Not only did he use the wrong pickup lines , He was flirting with her and his zipper was down the entire time... Its like , how clueless can you get?"

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Obi replied sarcastically as he slumped into a chair. "She probably hates me. Forever , I'll be that pevertious weirdo next door that tried to flirt with her and tripped over his shoelaces .... Aargh!!!" He groaned.

"On the brighter side , At least you won't be the creepy guy that stalks her every day of her life."Sky added

"I warned you Not to take any advice coming from a person who has a phobia towards healthy relationships. " Eva said plainly.

"I am not against healthy relationships, all I said is that your 'boyfriend' " John spoke using air quotes " Is an unreasonable, self absorbed dickhead !"

"Says the guy that can't stay with a girl for more than 26hours." Eva retorted.

"Give a man his space alright?" John snapped . "Who are you , my mom?"

"Fight , Fight , Fight, Fight ..." Su ling cheered from the sidelines.

"Why would you want them to fight?" Sky asked bewildered.

"Duh , cos talking is so boring. I prefer when things escalate and fists get involved! Its like a live reality show! " She replied .

"Guys!" Obi said in a weird high pitched voice that caught everyone's attention.

"What's wrong with his voice?" Eva queried.

"Its probably puberty." John shook his head.

Obi continued pointing to John and Eva"Whatever issues you two lovebirds have got deal with them later. I'm in a crisis here!".

"I'm not ...He's not ..." Eva stammered. "Just forget it ."

Su ling placed her hand on his shoulder. "Like I told you before. What every girl wants is a real boy. Not one with a yacht or a beach house or a Summer house or a lake house or a Mansion or a private jet or an ocean cruiser...

"Okay , I get the picture." Obi said.

"What I mean is that you've still got a shot. Just be yourself and trust me, she'll fall head over heels for you cos the truth is Money don't matter... [so they say]What really does is the heart." Su ling smiled at her friend. "So go get her."

Obi grinned and nodded. Setting towards home, his head swelled with pride as the other four watched him from afar .

"Do you really think he can do it?" Sky said softly arms folded.

"Nah."John waved it off.

"Nope." Eva said and headed out .

"What of you Su Ling , don't you believe in him, After that speech and everything?"

"Yeah...No. But I wish him the best of luck." She shrugged her shoulders and went in the direction of her car while Sky stood on watching.


Obi checked himself one last time as as he saw Blaire tidying up her yard.

This time...

He was going to be real and give it another shot .

"Hello again."He called out and she do?ked her eyes. Ignoring him , she was about to walk past him but Obi stopped her.

"Wait Blaire , just...hear me out , will you?"

Blaire sighed but nodded. " What is it Tobi?!"

"For starters, I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I have never done this before and I just really wanted to impress you. And second, I Apologize for ...

"Coming off as a grade A perv?" She offered.

"Yeah that. If you don't want to talk to me anymore , I totally understand. I'd better be leaving " Obi ended. He pushed his hands into his pockets shyly and began walking away when hesitating for a moment , Blaire called out to him.

"Tobi ...Wait!"

Obi spun round.

She ran up to him. and smiled sweetly. "I'm going down the street to get some groceries ...Would you like to accompany me?"

"I would like nothing more." Obi nodded as she grasped his hand and they walked into the sunset. Right now time didn't matter , it was just that moment ...

He and she...

Him and her...

And that's all that mattered.