

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
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122 Chs


Levi felt a wave of frozen air hit his face as he opened the huge doors they had entered when they first came in.

Every where was already snowed in. In the distance bright lights wafted into the sky , illuminating the dark night sky.

It had only been a few hours but it was as if it had been snowing for days.

While other ordinary human wouldn't have dared venture outside with out bundling his or herself in at least Ten coats, the intense Cold had no effect whatsoever on Levi.

He had natural resistance to such trifle things that humans would fall prey to since he was a god ...

Well , a fallen one.

Levi thought back to the series of incident that occurred a thousand millennia ago , ending in his immediate banishment from the Heavens.

In the midst of lies, Self serving manipulators that acclaim themselves gods over men Nirvana was the Truth. Blindingly Clear, unwavering in her opinions no matter the Contradictions. Maybe that was why they connected. They shared the same ideas , opinions and soon they shared much more.

Banished for daring to Love in a Loveless System!

Levi tightened his fists as anger grew in him.He swore violently but stopped all of a sudden. His foot had struck something. Levi squatted and stuck his hand underneath the snow. He dragged it out and Was disgusted by what he saw.

It was a human head savagely ripped off of its body. Her eyes where out of her head hanging on by only threads of tissues.

Her mouth was wide open as of wanting to issue a cry but no sound came.

It was obvious that She died a horrible death.

If he could stumbled on this decapitated head , it would stand to reason that there were more.

Levi moved along sticking his two feet in the snow. He discovered numerous bodies. They all seemed like travellers and some of the equipment he found beside them served as proof .

The trail came to an end. He dusted off the snow and noticed a set of claw marks dug deep into the ground that had been earlier concealed by the snow.

"Claw marks ..." He muttered.

Levi had a premonition that something was off about this Manor. He followed the Marks but then again it stopped only to continue a long distance away.

"It flies!"

Levi made an abrupt turn and headed for the house. He tried to open the doors but they were jammed shut. Lou was the only one that lived in the Manor and it was obvious this was what she had in store for them.He Pulled again but all to no avail. He ran to the nearest Window and Punched his hand through the glass. The shards cut into his flesh as Blood flowed and he climbed in.

He heard mocking laughter echo at his every step as he walked down the hall. He opened The door to Conrad's room and shook him vigorously but the brown haired boy didn't awake.

Levi sighed.

Those Scones!

Lou or whoever it really was had laced the Pastries with a sleeping potion. None of those things affected him. Then an idea struck him .

He moved to Percival's room and knocked on the door and bit back his pride. If he wanted to get everyone out of this trap and the house alive , he needed some assistance.

Percival opened the door and was astonished at sighting Levi.

"Percival ...I need..." Levi groaned .

"Your Help."