

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
122 Chs


The Beast fell dead at her feet.

Levi rolled his eyes.

"It was taking too long".He helped her up.A trail of blood ran down from the creature's mouth as Levi had snapped its neck without lifting a finger. He wanted the company to entertain him with their feeble efforts before he cut in.

The other three were badly injured .Bruises and wounds in various places . Avyanna had a huge cut across her arm due to one of the class of the creature tearing into her flesh , Conrad having a sore back from landed on the hard floor and Kyra taking the most hit with blood oozing from a slash on her head from being tossed around ,but thankfully she was alive . Levi , who didn't exert much energy in the fight nor even tried to help ,didn't have a scratch on him .

They all looked at the dead monstrosity.

"Who would have ever believed that such a creature would be out here , lurking about in this cave in this little peaceful village where innocent peasants reside , but together..."Avyanna said trying to build up to a teachable moment when a voice cut in.

"So who's bagging it?"Levi asked, dissing her.

Eva gave John a hard stare and Avyanna turned her back to him for interrupting her .

"Definitely not me."Kyra opted out as she patted Conrad on the back as he was already throwing up in a corner of the cave.

"Then I'll do it. "Levi said and held his breath.He took hold of Avyanna's katana and sliced off the head of the creature and it came to a rolling stop,at the edge of Kyra's feet. She picked it up and shoved it in the bag.

"Wait , so you could have killed this thing like hours ago and you allowed us waste our time." Kyra Said in anger.

Levi shrugged. "So?" it was worth seeing you guys fiddle around

Kyra tossed the bag to him while Avyanna came up by her side.

"You didn't do a fucking thing today , so you're carrying it!!!!!" Avyanna yelled at him as she walked away.

Kyra smiled at Levi as she patted him on the shoulder and pranced away aiding Conrad who was still feeling queasy.


They walked back into the village triumphantly. From hardly open doors and windows, the peasants peeped to have a look at the people who had destroyed their long time enemy which had made them to live in fear . They never believed a day would come that they will be indeed free.

Low Clapping ensued which then blossomed into an uproar of claps , yells and cheers.

The bag landed with a thud on top of a table in which the old man was scribbling on some papers.

"You came back" The man smiled.

"And alive "Levi added.

The old man opened the bag. Out of it rolled Out the severed creature's head which fell to the floor.

"I'll be damned!. You did it ".He exclaimed .

"Eh...Ehem ... Our pay ?" Avyanna nudged Levi .

The old man pointed to a dark corner behind his desk in the sleazy building. It was a brown sack.Avyanna carried it over while Conrad shook it."Yep it's gold".

"Hope it's the 300 ducats ?" Levi raised an eyebrow.

The old man laughed " I Have no reason to cheat you ".

you won't dare Levi said.

"WE'RE RICH!!!!!!!" Avyanna exclaimed.

Levi walked out for fresh air while Conrad followed him with the bag

Avyanna's mind was already far off.

She was already thinking off all the stuff she could buy .Imagining a life of luxury that she could now afford. Once they shared the reward, She could live happily ever after.

But Kyra has one last thing she had to take care off.

"Hey"! She called back to the old man, who was in the process off mummifying the beast to hang it as a artifact for the times to come on the wall .She slammed her hand on the table and looked up sternly at him.

"That thing ... It isn't really killing your people. It only eats livestock. The townspeople are only using it as a means to an end. They can easily get away leaving all their debts and responsibilities behind if other people think they've been killed by some monster and so!e could get pitied on if they'd lost like a few cattle and livestock". Kyra Said. She had noticed that the skulls inside the Cave were not that of humans but animals skulls and bones.

"But how can a beast that only eats animals want to devour an entire village of human people.

The old man smiled mysteriously.

"Secondly " Kyra added "You mentioned your son and the deceased blacksmith daughter disappeared. but they did run away together"

"The town hero couldn't have his only son that was supposed to inherit his legacy get involved with a common black smith daughter .I believe they weren't killed by the creature but eloped and you knew, didn't you?. But to avoid suspicion , you kept it all quiet."

"What makes you thinkl that I didn't know all along? I knew my idiot and ungrateful son left me for that poverty ridden hag,the old man said, he chose that little whore over me and all that I have done to help me.

Avyanna eyes widened in surprise.

How did you control the beast exactly, that's what I can't put my finger on?"Kyra said and why?

Underneath the table , the old man fingered a pistol.

He was actually going to get rid of them after they have finished the job that was his plan.

Just like he did the others that were asking too many questions.

He couldn't risk to be exposed and lose all he worked for.
