

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
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122 Chs


After the last play for the day, discussing their various strategies to be used in order to proceed forward , Obi held Eva's hand and pulled her aside to the Kitchen aisle.

"I need to talk to you ."

"About what ?" She queried looking at him innocently.

"You know..." Obi gave a passive glance at the others who were busy discussing about the Winter Dance. "The whole thing that happened?"

"What happened?"

"Okay." He sighed and gripped her arms. "Cut the B.S , Eva .You know you have to tell them eventually."

"Eventually being the key word." She retorted. "I don't want anyone to know. If I do tell them, they'll all be like 'Oh poor Eva! Are you okay Eva? Is There anything I can do Eva? Hope you don't feel bad Eva'. "

"Oh..." Obi . "I didn't know you felt that way."

"Thank you." She huffed.

"But you still can't keep it a secret. What about John , Your bosom friend?" He raised an eyebrow as he did air quotes.

"Leave John out of this ." Eva said placing a finger against his chest and coming close enough to spark off some weird tensions. "I'm not telling anyone and You did not see anything. If you say otherwise there WILL be consequences."

"Consequences, Seriously?" Obi scoffed dismissing her slight threat. "You're kidding right?"

A devious grin came upon her lips and she shrugged.

"Maybe ...Maybe not."

"What are you guys talking about?" John suddenly asked the two, looking queerly at them.

"You've been whispering for over five minutes." Su ling stared at Obi with questioning eyes.

"It's nothing important." Eva replied vaguely as Obi forced a grin and ran a hand through his hair. "I was just asking him when was the next game and such. Boys and soccer right?"

Su Ling chuckled and continued with what she was doing but John stared at her with suspicious eyes until Eva decided to call quits and head back home.

She was just joking around , Obi thought inwardly as she waved them all good Bye and hastily headed home , not before shooting him a false smile that sent shivers down his spine. Consequences? What consequences could she be talking about? Obi dismissed her threat with a mental shove. Eva would never do anything like that. She was kind , sweet ...

Who was he kidding?!

He was going to shut all the windows and doors in his house and go to bed with mace and a baseball bat .

Just in case.


Something fishy was going on between Eva and Obi , John reckoned in his mind.

And Eva had no interest in sports whatsoever but yet she had asked Obi about their upcoming game. She could have just as easily asked him as he was captain of the Soccer team.


No , It couldn't be.

Or maybe ...

It wasn't possible.

But what if it was...?

The mere thought of it tormented John, as his guts began twisting in knots at the possibility of it being true. 'What if Eva and Obi...they were ...' He gulped not wanting to finish the thought.


It couldn't be possible. She was already with that Australian douche Oliver. But if his assumption was true , That would explain everything . The discreet glances... Conversations which were all a subterfuge , from drawing attention to them , making it a possibility for their relationship to be discovered. He still couldn't believe it. Tobi Brown of all people?! His best friend?!

"He isn't anything special ! " John shouted in anger as he stamped on the accelerator and his speedometer hit 90 as he zoomed across the highway to no particular destination just wanting to blow of steam. "

He could have gotten Eva everything she wanted ; she could have had the world at her feet if she wanted but she chose Obi over him.

Maybe he was just angry because deep down John felt he wasn't good enough. He knew he wasn't good enough because deep down he knew that Eva would never chose him. He was only a good friend ; she saw him as nothing more.

But he wanted them to have something more something special.

Ever since they were kids , he had fallen for her , Head over heels. And he still wanted her. However she didn't see it or didn't want to and John never worked up the courage to tell her how he felt about her so he decided to let it go. Every time he saw her with another guy , It always hurt , like a thousand tiny cuts in his heart but he always had to pretend , be the cool , easygoing friend she always saw him to be. If he couldn't date her , he was willing to settle for bring her best friend.

But now ...

She'd ripped his heart out and hadn't looked back.

John sighed as he gripped the wheel tightly. What she made him go through constantly was worse that hell.

No more waiting. No more hoping that She would suddenly change her mind and want him. He had to get her out of his system if he wanted to stay focused on anything.

He had to let her go.