

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
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122 Chs


Avyanna took a deep breath and then exhaled. She was about to perform a powerful spell to relive the past , using Leticia's rag doll as a medium. She wasn't exactly sure that it would work but she had to try. If she failed...

She was going to have to try again.

The raven haired girl inscribed a pentagram on the wooden floor and lit red candles at the five corners. Sitting hersekf in the middle , Avyanna got ready to take a leap into the unknown.

"Roll Initiative."


" "

Reality warped in on itself as all Avyanna became enshrouded in total darkness. As she had never Time walked before , her present surroundings were a bit unfamiliar. She roamed about the darkness aimlessly until suddenly she was propelled forward with great force and she closed her eyes, not knowing what to anticipate next.

After what seemed like ages , her eyelids peeked open and she saw a little girl with frizzy blond curls seated on the front steps wearing a dusty old shirt and a corduroy over all as she played in the sand.

Instantly Avyanna knew something was wrong but according to the rules that went along with the spell she had cast , She could not interfere. When one Time Walked , his/her spirit had already left the body on a residual plane known as the present. Given the name, 'Time Walking' , It basically means that the spirit has the circumstance of going through time to a specific point.

But going against the laws of nature always had its drawbacks.

Time Walking could only be performed by Powerful Mages because it was only possible without a physical form ; Meaning that as Avyanna was reliving the past , she was essentially a ghost.

She could not be heard or seen during the time walk and she could not as well partake in any actions that could possible effect the outcome of the order of events.

And ... there was also a limited amount of time allowed before the Specters arrived and her soul was dragged to the nether realm...

There was that.

So in the end with all these downsides , it wasn't really a power ...

More like an inconveniencing risk.

Avyanna saw a cart driving across the snow which was consistent with the track marks she saw earlier. But each time , she wanted to go near to get a closr view of who was approaching , her vision inexplicably grew dim. It was clear that whatever Leticia did see , was so frightening , she had made her mind to forget.

And that made her stay on edge.

The little girl was petrified. Avyanna could feel it. The fear was paralytic , wanting to cry out but the words were instantly lost. She followed Leticia as she ran into the house and locked the door before running up to her little bedroom , holding her little rag doll, muttering words of comfort to calm her racing heart.

"What?' Avyanna wondered as she stood in the doorway looking down at the shivering lass "Could it be to cause this much terror?"

A chill ran down her spine as her words hung in her throat. An evil energy appeared behind her and For a moment Avyanna thought it was focused on her which should be impossible.

Then it passed through her and dragged the screaming child from underneath the bed and pulled her down the stairs. The limp doll fell from the child's hands as it helped at the highest pitch and she covered her ears. Avyanna bounded after them to get a glimpse at the creature's face in order to know what it was but it had vanished , or that was what she thought.

Out of thin air , it materialized and gripped her hand with an iron grip that refused to let go. Its eyes were hollows and it bore a shaggy sinister appearance. It's terrifying shriek and sharps lawlike hands could sent chills down Avyanna spine

Because Avyanna had dwelt too much in a time that wasn't hers , the Specters , Wraithlike guardians of the Time walk began to swarm around her , their screeching voices screaming in her ears as a warning for her to leave. One by one they laid the claws of death upon her and Avyanna felt her soul being ripped out of her body which hurt like sheer hell.

"Now how are you going to escape from this one?" John queried.

Eva gave a smug smile and rolled the die.


" "

Avyanna arose panting harshly as she tried to catch her breath. She was able to escaped from having her eternal soul dragged to the nether realm but just barely.

It was supposed to be impossible. No being could be able to perceive a mage as they timewalked.

She staggered to her feet and saw that the candles had been blown out and the Windows slammed shot. Holding her aching wrist in her other hand , Avyanna observed the mark of crow burned into her skin when he had a hold on her.

With this monster lurking in the shadows cast by the cheers of Yuletide , Avyanna knew mayhem was soon to follow.