

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
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122 Chs


"Okay guys..." Eva said casually as soon as they all got seated. "It's Winter Solstice and we've got a lot of ground to cover. "We know the drill people ..." She took out a plastic bag and handed it to Su Ling before continuing. "Phones , Electronics... Everything goes in the bag."

Sky laughed at first but when she saw Su ling dropping her cell into the bag and she realized it wasn't a joke. 'Wait are you guys For real?"

"Tell me about it." Su ling groaned as she folded her arms . "Just because Few wants us to be ultra Focused , we have to give up everything that might cause a likely distraction." He leaned in before whispering to her. "Between you and me, Eva gets a little cuckoo - If you understand what I mean."

"No kidding." John sighed in exasperation. " We have got to give it everything we've got. I'm serious people. No texts , no calls , no bathroom breaks. Like she says, 'If you can't wear a diaper , hold it in.'

Sky shivered at the thought of what lay ahead of them next.

Soon all was settled and The game master brought the! up to speed about the challenges they would face. As it was Winter Solstice, traditionally a number of spirits, were let loose to roam about the earth and these restless spirits caused chaos wherever they went.

"For this particular game , we're all splitting up into groups according to our strengths and compatibility to the jobs at hand." Eva said before going on with her announcement. "Su Ling and Sky ; You're going to deal with an exorcism , Levi gets to battle a phantom while Obi and I get to explore the sacred grounds of a haunted house ."

"What does a demon have to do with an exorcism?" Su Ling questioned. "Who are they going to cast out? Me?"

"One question I have to ask, is it a ghost or a ghostess? And is she hot?" John quirked an eyebrow. "Just a heads up."

"Did you say H...haunted house ?"

Eva sighed to herself. At this rate , there was almost a 0% per cent chance that anyone of them would make it out alive at this rate. They needed teamwork, wits and strong hearts to defeat their upcoming adversity.

Well a girl could hope.


"I don't know why I still agreed to this." Kyra sighed rubbing her hands together as she and Percival trudged through the snowed in streets. "It damned cold out here."

"Don't worry we're almost there. The house is just around The bend." He retorted disconsolately as he too was shivering in his cloak . It was a very cold Winter Solstice that year , as snow covered the entire earth like a white blank leaving the inhabitants to deal with the freezing aftermath.

"We're here."

"Finally." The demoness rolled her eyes and scanned the building. It was a fairly decent home of middle class. She also noticed that all the shutters were drawn to a close , except one where a dim light of a candle flickered. The door opened slowly and portentously as a tall bald man with queer look and humongous woman stood before them.

"Please come in," She asked nervously, her fingers twitching in fright and anxiety. The Paladin took the lead and entered into the residence and Kyra followed straight behind him , observing their surroundings with all necessary suspicion. The air was heavy as the man departed and the woman led them both up a long winding stairs to the upper rooms of the house as the walked on in silence. On the walls were

At last , they finally stopped in front of a large door that was locked up with chains. The woman opened it up with a black key and the proceeded inside the large chamber. Everything thing seemed to show that they are a pious couple , the crosses, the lit candles and incense that burned slowly into the air .There was a King sized bed right in the centre of the room and around it was a circle of salt. Lying on it was a girl who seemed to be in a near comatose state , as she was lay very still not moving at all. Her hand and feet were bound with long chains as they were cracks and breaks all over the four walks of the room

"Who is she?" Percival said directing her question to the woman standing beside him and weeping.

"Her name is Hera." She explained. "Her mother , my sister died a few years ago and she has been living with my husband and ever since. We have no children so Hera is very much like a daughter to us. But now the devil has taken ahold of her. She might be gone forever .' The woman bowed her head mournfully and muttered some quick prayers.

Kyra now curious , began advancing towards the bed wanting to get a closer look at the pale girl , oblivious to the circle of Salt around the wooden floorboards as the woman went on. "We have had to chain her down to prevent any further incidents and ever since then she has been like this."

He nodded thoughtfully before adding . "Is there anything else we may need to know?"

"Yes." She answered as her face grew solemn and distant. "Under no circumstances, should anyone of you break the circle of Salt. If you do..." The woman did not finish her statement as Kyra strapped on the circle. The girl on the bed arose suddenly , and the woman scampered out of the room locking the door shut behind her. The girl's eyes turned to black as her neck broke and cracked into pieces , her head turning upside down, as she went in all fours and leaped at Kyra But was pulled back by the chains that held her.

"What in the hell?" Percival exclaimed moving back and looking at the possessed girl who was bashing her forehead against the wall in an effort to escape from her chains. "What are we supposed to do?"

"You'd better start excorcising Priest." Kyra said and took out her Scythe. "Or I'm left with no choice but to put an end to her."